
36. Game

I think Killian has a plan to make me divorce him out of pure spite, because he has been pressing all of my buttons without actually doing anything! Truly, he was not doing right now. He was sitting across from me, paying attention to his stupid phone, sitting in that stupid ass car seat while we were driven to the airport.

There was a stupid ass song playing and nothing felt right. My clothes felt uncomfortable, my shoes felt too big, the perfume in the car was suffocating and I wanted to crawl right out of my own skin and run away from him! He was doing this to me! I knew it! He was doing it on purpose!

What he was doing though, was a total mystery. But I felt odd in his presence. There was an uncomfortable itch I could simply not scratch. A horrible craving that could not be satisfied by nothing but his attention. Any sort of attention. Would he pay attention to me if I clawed his chest? Or would his eyes still be pinned to the damn phone?!

My thighs press together once more, tryin
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