
53. Mistake

My feet stop right at the edge of the dock and my heart is hammering its way out of my chest as I stare at the water. It’s too dark to see anything underneath the reflection of the moon and the stars and all the waves. With my heart frenzied, with my mind in shambless, I kneel on the dock and bend forward to see a little better, trying to get a glimpse of the white haired idiot -

From underneath the water, Killian emerges with a smirk on his face. His hands grab on the dock and he pushes himself up, to a closer level to my face, and his wet nose brushes against mine.

Oh! The urge to slap him right now is so big, I’m not even sure how I control myself right now. One thing is certain. A wave of relief crashes over me and I let out a loud sobby sigh as I fall on my ass and cover my face with both my hands when I understand how big of a fool I was.

He KNEW what he was doing! He knew how to swim and this was not the first time he was doing it! Then why did I get so anxious all of a sudde
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