
54. Apology (18+)

“You fucking lunatic!” I scream through my sobs, fighting to get away from him, but as soon as he loosens his grip on me I panic even more, because I’m still in the water with no idea how to swim to the shore.

“Madelaine!” Killian insists and he grabs my waist a little tighter, to give me some support. “I have got you, Madelaine! My feet are touching the damn bottom!” He insists and stomps his legs a little to prove it to me that he is well anchored into the sand while he holds me.

With tears in my eyes, I stare at him with skepticism. There was no way he - no! Frustration fills me up and I suddenly want to claw his eyes out. He had me fooled! He had me thinking I was going to die! The damn fear I felt compares to nothing I have ever experienced and I want nothing more but to pay him back right now -

“I hate you!” I spit at him and his expression harshens.

My heart sinks, but I said what I said and I could not take it back. With a steady grip on me, the man lifts me up and sets me on
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