
Alpha's unwanted mute mate
Alpha's unwanted mute mate
Author: Elisheva

Chapter 1

Mira POV

The booming voice of the Alpha, my father, jolted me awake. Startled and frightened, I sat upright on my mattress, shivering in pain from his previous night’s brutal beatings. My heart raced as I forced myself to stand, wincing from the deep ache in my body. Though hiding in the closet seemed tempting, past experiences warned me that it might provoke further ire from him.

With trembling legs, I walked across the room to where he sat with my mother, the Luna. But before I could reach them, my father stood up suddenly and landed a hot slap on my left cheek. The searing pain radiated through my face as I instinctively held my hand to soothe the stinging sensation, tears welling up in my eyes.

“Where’s our breakfast? Do we have to beg you, the house help, to cook and clean? Is that too much to ask?” He bellowed from his seat, his voice filled with contempt. “Are you deaf, huh? We know you’re mute, but has that also affected your hearing?” His furious words echoed in the room as he rubbed his forehead in anger.

Frozen in fear, I stood still, unable to speak a word. Desperate for support or any sign of empathy, I turned my gaze towards my mother. All I saw was anger and disgust etched on her face. At that moment, I knew deep down that I was truly alone.

As if confirming my fears, she spoke up with venom in her voice. “Are you still standing there? You’re worthless. You know how to do nothing!” Mother yelled as she grasped my arm tightly, her sharp nails digging into my skin.

She yanked me out of the room, causing me to stumble as I struggled to keep up with her quick pace. Weak and dizzy from the beatings, I felt the world spinning around me. Finally, we entered the kitchen, and the pungent smell of burnt food and grease assaulted my nose. The floor was a mess of spilt food and drinks, a chaotic display of their contempt for me.

With an abrupt shove, she released her grip on my arm, and I tumbled to the floor. Her face clenched with anger and disgust, she pointed at the mess. “Clean this up, and then make us breakfast,” she hissed through gritted teeth before turning to leave the kitchen.

I bent down, trying to push back the tears as I picked up the empty cans and takeout plates scattered across the floor. As I worked, I heard a whisper. At first, fear gripped me, thinking she had returned to continue her assault. But when I turned towards the doorway, there she stood, silently watching my every move.

“In my past life, I must have offended the moon goddess enough that she punished me with a child like you,” she said quietly, her words dripping with malice as tears streamed down my cheeks. “Just take a good look at yourself. You are mute and an abomination to the werewolf race! Not worthy of being called my daughter. You’re a disgrace to our lineage and to this pack,” her voice filled with anger as she unleashed her verbal assault. “I curse the day you were born.”

With those painful words still ringing in my ears, she turned her back on me and left. Although it wasn’t the first time I had heard such hateful words from her, each time they cut deeper into my soul. Was it truly my fault that I was born this way? Was being mute a sin? After all, it was the Moon Goddess herself who created me like this. None of this was my doing.

I tried to find my voice, to yell back and defend myself. I wanted to tell her that if anyone had a bone to pick, it should be with the god-damned Moon Goddess herself. She should at least accept me for who I am, not blame me for things beyond my control. But the words remained trapped within me, causing frustration to well up inside, along with my tears.

As I continued cleaning the kitchen, I forced myself to push through the pain and fatigue. After what felt like an eternity, I finished and dragged my weary feet back to my room. Today was my eighteenth birthday, a day that held significance beyond just ageing another year. It was the day of the mating ceremony, where I would finally find my fated mate. The thought of this day had always been a beacon of hope in my darkest moments.

Throughout my life, I had always been alone, isolated even from my twin brother, Aiden. He was always praised and compared to me. Aiden was their perfect little alpha, while I was deemed the unwanted omega child - the one who could do no right. From breaking mother’s favorite mirror to countless other incidents, I was blamed for it all.

Being an Omega gave them the validation they needed to mistreat and judge me for things I couldn’t control. And the beatings from my father only added to the despair. Yet, even as I endured the abuse, a small glimmer of hope remained within me, the hope of finding my fated mate, who would accept me for who I am.

People from various packs will be attending the mating ceremony today. The anticipation made me feel giddy, almost wanting to jump around in happiness. My eyes fixed on the clock, counting down the minutes and seconds until midnight.

 Finally, as the clock struck twelve, I rushed to take a quick shower and pulled out the clothes I had prepared for this momentous occasion. They may not be elegant, but they would have to suffice. Determination settled on my face as I fixed a smile, ready to face whatever awaited me on this day of destiny.

I decided not to go anywhere near my family because I plan to enjoy today with my mate.

The great hall where people are already in attendance. My eyes widened at the number of people gathered to grace the occasion. When I entered the vicinity, all eyes darted to me immediately.

 I sighed as they threw disdainful looks my way. Yeah, I was known as the useless mute, who doesn’t stay in a place; hated and disregarded by all, but I didn’t care because everything was going to change today.

I ignored their stares and watched how the mating ceremony was being done. I smiled as I watched wolves sniff their mates out and with time; I started to get nervous. I had numerous questions going on in my head; questions like how long would it take for me to get mine? And if I do, will he accept me?

I anxiously waited for something to happen, but nothing did. I started panicking, and my heart began to race. What on earth was going on? I told myself to be patient, to wait just a little longer. But as seconds turned to minutes, and minutes to hours, still nothing happened.

I wait for hours, watching others find their fated mates. The goddess wouldn’t be cruel as to deny me my only deepest wish, right?

It was almost morning, and everyone was leaving, their eyes shining with happiness as they left with their fated mates to their various packs.

Then it dawns on me that I am truly alone. I think of the shame awaiting me at the pack house without my mate to see my parents. I had hoped with all my heart that I wouldn’t be going back to my abusive pack, the mockery of the other pack members, and the emptiness of living without a mate. I felt a wave of pain as my heart ached in sorrow. I resigned to date and stood to leave.

Just as I am about to stand up and leave, I notice a strange aura surrounding me, sending a creepy feeling down my spine.

 Not wanting to be caught up in whatever that was, I immediately stood up to leave when I heard “mate” said in unison by male werewolves who were gathering around me. Their fangs are bared, and their eyes are pitch black. Fear grips me from where I stand, frozen in place.

 I knew I was a stealer wolf, but then, these men can’t be my fated mates. They’re just blinded by my stealer scent, because it’s impossible to have more than one fated mate.

I wonder what is going on as they start to advance toward me. I turn to run, but their hands hold me, keeping me captive.

“What the hell is going on here?” An authoritative voice, deep and commanding, echoes through the hall. The room falls silent as everyone turns to look at him, bowing our heads in submission to the Alpha’s command. At that moment, my inner wolf surges up within me and whispers “Mate”.

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