


Althea Garcia Hela Silvermoon

My heart started to beat faster upon hearing her name. Thump. Thump. Thump.

“The daughter of a goddess. A goddess herself.”

Why does she seem so familiar? Did I used to know her? I want to know more. “Tell me more.” I command again. I know I was being rude, but I craved information. My empty brain needed much more than this. My heart needed more to calm down. I needed more.

“There’s nothing more to it.” Matt says, his jaws clenched tightly as he was holding back some unknow emotions. They all were. The other two looked down. “All you need to know is that she’s no more. That’s it.”

He dismissed my curiosity with that. Even though, I craved more, I couldn’t defy this authority that he was projecting right now. I wasn’t strong to fight back for the information that I needed. But I will. One day.

“Are you hungry?” Matt asks void of previous emotions on his face. My stomach grumbled at that and he gave me a small smile. His grey eyes went fog
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