

  Asher pov

“Whats the problem” i asked, first she appears to a meeting with a onesies, and a messed up hair, now she has successfully wrecked the mood,what was i thinking, bringing her here, or inviting her to a meeting, shes a mess, just around me.

     Looking back at how the past few days have been, all she does is fall, stutter or break something,  had thought  it was a clumsy nature around strangers, but here she is, being all nice and cheerful around everyone but me …


      “ no..nothing”

     she stutters again, pinching my nose in grave frustration, i need a new assistant, this time i would do the interview, i would assess each of their communication skills, their stamina, and social skill, i would have known that sending anna to do this, would turn out to be the silliest thing.

 That's what I get for sending the silliest child of the family an errand, first time in a lifetime


    Staring at her, she had her fingers wrapped around  the arms of the drafting chair, her feet held upward by her toe, she wants to leave, she’s sweaty, what’s really going through her mind?, why does she feel  so uncomfortable around me, is she scared of me?… 


  “ why are you acting so scared, does anything scare you here?” Looking around the office, it had the best color blend, is she afraid of anything, or maybe an allergy? 

     “ Nothing” her lips pressed on a hard line as she wraps her fingers firmly around the chair’s arm, “do you want to pee?” 

   “ no, Yes!”

      She yells jolting from her seat, “ wait” she halts just immediately, looking at her wrist, curled up in a hard ball, this must be abnormal, for every reason, her eyes were almost teary now, there definitely is something  off here, a step forward and she takes a slight step backward.

   I could feel the tension between us, as she takes in frequent gulps, “ i mean no harm rose” in a slow and calming tone. I raised my hand up, a  slight gasp escaped her lips as she stared at my hands, 

    She hold her bottom lip gently by her teeth, as she batted her eyelashes, her wimpy gesture makes my heart flutter, how can she be so terrified of absolutely nothing, yet manages to keep me so calm, when i should be pissed, havn’t been this puzzled in such a short time frame.

     Following the line of sight , she's staring at my hands. Is she afraid that I might hit her ? , bringing my hands down, she dawdles backward, “ is there anything on my hands?” 

   “You had burns on your hands, where are they?”

     Her question makes my heart skip, did she notice it, “ there, are no burns” i replied rather hurrield, as i cleared my throat to stop my  palpitating heart beat  , “ there's no burns on ,my hands” stretching my hands so she gets a better view, " no bruise" 

   She doesn't say anything, just stares,  she must have been so certain she saw burn, “this afternoon,  burns on your hand when I came in" she stutters pointing shakenly at my hands.

   " oh, those burns' ' scratching  the back of my head nervously,  there's no convincing her  if she's so certain, " they were as a result of my allergies" I lied,  "allergies?", 

 " yes my allergies" 

   She eyes me once more,  " ok" 


    “ but that doesn't answer my question rose, why are you so terrified, mostly when you are close to me” 

   “ nothing, i came to tell you something

  " speak,  rose?’

     “ I am tired I want to sleep ” 

    First time saying something, freewill it had to be a permission to leave?, " You can leave, if you want to," I said, closing my eyes as frustration dug deeper in my mind. She's like a nut shell, a metal nut shell.


     Taking my phone i dial Noa,   "please help me pick her up, she's coming down”

  “ fuck you wanker"

 " try not to die,mostly now"

  With a sly grin I end the call, as a hush of warm air escapes my nose. Working with her isn't as easy as Anna predicted, I really  don't know why, and how it all happens, but Rose isn't for a job like this,she has… 

   But what's so odd about me, she's free around noa, and jose, there nothing out of the blue about them, just regular guys she sees everyday, taking my phone I scrolls down my gallery, what's so special about Noa that makes him a friendly 

   Standing up i walk towards the glass wall, my reflection watches me, as i rack my mind with my phone in my hand, what am i not getting right, what could possibly be the reason Rosalie wouldn't  just act right, my eyes darted on every curve  of my deem reflection , should I go blond?, no, my face is not bad for an average guy, what does noa or jose have that i don’t .

Looking back at my phone, like a lightning strike, it all comes back to me, the solution I have been looking for all along  

     Now I get it.


   It’s 5am. Rose should be close to the office by now, our clients are seated. I had sent her a message an hour ago, which was delivered and read,yet she gave no reply, but I am certain she would be here anytime from now, besides I need records, and some translation written down.

     Looking back at my watch it's 30 minutes past 5, my meetings are meant to be thirty  minutes earlier, where could she be? Taking my phone? I text noa, “ where are you?”

 “ he replies with a middle finger and an eggplant ” he's just as frivolous as a five year old, learning a curse word for the first time 

    Jose enters, with a brief smile and an apologetic squint as he locates a seat our eyes lock with each other, as he froze is utter dismay, "ash" fazed,  he scoffs before finding a seat, turmoil settles in my heart, haven't felt this anxious since 4th grade.

   what if she doesn't show up, she should,but what if she's still terrified even after my change, jose is fazed, at least it has an effect on him, its all I could think of at the moment, 

   " asher, can we commence now?, we are complete"

   " no, my assistant is yet to arrive"

Never have I waited for a Client to attend a meeting if its past our appointed time, talk more of a worker, " just a few more minutes, you can chat amongst yourselves" standing up I walk out of the office, as they murmured amongst themselves for obvious reasons.

     Walking back to the office, well that's what I get for trying something new, with a long Disappointing smile, I said " we can commence now"

   “ uhm here!, i hear a familiar voice,  approaching  the meeting room, then a  familiar gasp, looking back at rose, she's dressed in a white body  dress, i haven't seen her in a dress, it hugs her body so nicely,  her hair was let loose nicely on her shoulder, same with her dangling silver earrings. 

    Her tablet was guarded on her chest by her arms as she stood,staring at me, she's shocked as well. “ Take a seat rose, we have been waiting, I said making the first move.

    She takes out a seat, then stares at jose for excruciatingly long seconds, she should be staring at me, I am the one with  the obvious change,  " well we could start now…"

    soon enough the meeting comes to an end, just like the marketing world, we have the people, they have the product,

   “ all your demands would be met haun, as always all changes will be made abruptly now that I am here, and sorry for the misconduct in the distribution of your goods,it  would be amended now, have a nice flight back home.

     We all shaked on it, while a rose nodded from a distance, she was oddly composed, attentive,  giving little feedback, and making quick research. We haven't seen this reproductive side either, how many shades of mystery are locked under this clumsy skin.

   With a few nods and shakes the room was back to three members “ workers would be trippin in anytime soon, do you need a ride home or you want to stay in the office?” jose said, his eyes back at rose, trying to send a message.

     “ i  and rose would stay for a while, to see how efficient the worker are" 

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