
~99 ~

Ava's POV


I went to sleep that night but couldn't sleep. I felt more restless than at peace. I kept having this inner pull tugging at me to get up and follow the humming coming from a distance.

I wonder if Logan could hear it too but he was already fast asleep and waking him up could be insensitive on my part.

I lay still while trying to focus on other things but it got even worst.

When I couldn't shut it out anymore. I carefully untangled myself from Logan's grip and grabbed his shirt and slipped it on. 

I glanced at his direction one more time and found that he was still sleeping before cracking the door open and slipping into the passage way.

The moment I made it outside in the open, I felt the pull getting stronger and tugging me in the direction of the surrounding forest and without giving it much thought, I went in its direction, my lips parting on its own to join in the humming coming from the near distance.

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