
Chapter Twenty Six

Something crunches beneath my feet and I let out a terrified sound that has Drew coming towards me.

"What was that?" He asks me.

"There is something near my feet. ," I tell him.

"Okay. Don't move. Let me check." He says and I follow his instructions and stay still,

He bends down and picks something up. What is that? A ring?

"It's just a stupid ring." Drew says, and he is about to toss it away when it hits me.

"Wait! " I say and take that ring back.

"Why?" He asks me.

"See. This is the same ring that Maurel had on her." I tell him.

"So?" He says, without any clue.

"The ring that she got today. It means that she is nearby." I explain.

"Yeah. I didn't know it was hers." He says as we continue walking, me behind him. Then suddenly he stops walking and I end up hitting his back.

"Ouch." I exclaim and rub my head.

"Stay quiet. Okay?" He whispers and slowly turns.

"What is i-? " I can barely complete my sentence before he picks me up and runs. In vampire speed. I think I might throw up. I can
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