
Four Years Ago - III

“What do you mean?” he asked, hoping against hope that he had misconstrued her words. She took a breath as if preparing herself to say more. Her eyes held fear and doubt.   

“I can’t marry you. I love someone else,” she disclosed with hesitation. Dante was thrown off by her confession at first but as he made sense of her confession, he couldn't help but feel hurt.

Maya explained further with tears streaming down her cheeks, “My dad forced me into the agreement. I never wanted this from the beginning. I am sorry if I’ve hurt you but I..I can’t do this. I love someone else and he would kill himself if I married you,” she implored with him, hopeless. She believed they were not a good match anyway. They were completely opposite like the two poles. His cold demeanor could never go with her bubbly, chirpy nature. He was a workaholic and she wanted to explore the world. Whereas he clearly lacked emotions, she was an emotional fool. She didn't want to marry a statue. 

A solemn expression took over Dante’s features.

“Does your parents know?” he questioned. She nodded.

“But they don’t approve of him because he is not rich like us,” she explained, hastily wiping away .

“Perhaps, he is right,” Dante stated. She shook her head.

“They are wrong. He is a nice man and loves me,” she insisted like a child. Her affection for another man was only making him hurt more.

“Would he be able to take care of you?” he asked. Hope flared in her eyes as she nodded.

“Yes. He has just landed a job. He will take care of me and I’ll be happy with him,” asserting that, she joined her hands in front of him and implored, “please..please… I beg you, reject me..tell my dad you can’t marry me..he won’t listen to me, please.”

Dante felt as if someone had ripped his heart right out of his chest. It was torture to watch the woman he had come to love confess her love for someone else.  

“I’ll talk to your dad,” he replied a moment later. He wouldn’t marry her against her will. He wanted her whole- not just her body. He carved her heart and affection too. But too bad, her affection wasn't meant for him. 

A grateful smile blossomed on her lips. The same lips he had yearned to savor for so long. The same smile he had craved to see on her lips for him. 

“Thank you..I’ll forever be grateful to you,” she looked relieved, as if a boulder had been lifted off her chest. He was a boulder for her.

“Leave now,” Dante stated coldly, not interested in her thank-you speech. The discussion was done. He will call her dad and cancel their wedding. Her smile wilted.

“I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. That wasn’t my intention. I know I should have told you earlier but I was scared of the consequences,” she explained, hoping he would understand her reason. Her dad could be very strict when the time requires. 

“What made you confess now? Ain’t you scared anymore?” he questioned. His voice was icy just like his countenance. She shook her head. 

“Not anymore. This marriage would ruin three lives. It’s better to make efforts now than regret later,” she answered.

“Hope you don’t regret this decision,” Dante stated.

“I won’t,” she replied with a confident smile. Her faith in her lover pricked at his heart. Jealousy seared underneath his skin.  

Of course, she had a boyfriend. Now all her nervousness and reluctance made sense. She kept her distance because she never intended to come close. She never was willing to give him a chance. 

He didn't ask her boyfriend's name even though a part of him burned with curiosity. He wanted to know what he possessed that he didn't. He wielded unmatchable power all over the world, his name is celebrated everywhere, and yet he lost to a college-going punk when it came to winning over the woman he had loved with all his heart.  

As he watched her walk away, a hollow ache filled his chest. The bouquet in his hand- an innocent confession of his love- slipped through his fingers and landed on the floor with a soft thud. The flowers had lost their lush as if the news had hurt them too. As she disappeared behind the door, he turned around and stomped over the flowers on his way. The soft flowers crushed like his heart. Their petals tore apart. 

He called off the wedding on the same night, taking all the responsibility. Mr.Diaz begged him to change his mind but Dante had already given her words to Maya. When Mr. Diaz failed to persuade him, he assailed Dante with a slew of curses. Dante listened to all of them without flinching. He was met with lots of criticism from within and outside his family but he endured them all. Only one person knew about his pain. Carlos. He had heard everything that night.

After some days, Mr. Diaz showed up at his door and asked for his forgiveness. He disclosed to him that Maya had eloped with her lover, leaving an apology letter behind. In the letter, she also explained Dante’s sacrifice and how he helped her by putting his own reputation at stake.

If only she knew she was running away from her destiny.  


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