
Four Years Ago- II

Their wedding was fixed a day later, set for next month. They went on three dates in total after that. On their first date, he gifted her a million-dollar designer watch in a silent pledge to give all his time to her. Of course, he didn’t verbalize his intent and hoped she would understand his unspoken promise. On their second date, he gifted her a private jet so she wouldn’t have to depend on her parents to go wherever she wanted and on their third, he had gifted her a red diamond rose, symbolizing eternal love. His every gift held a meaning.

However, these dates couldn’t bring them much close as he had hoped. The girl kept to herself at most and Dante who already found it difficult to socialize was even more discouraged by her reserved nature. They would barely talk on their dates. The conversation was limited to her college and his work life. However, the more they met, the further his feelings deepened for her. She had an air of innocence around her, untouched by malice or arrogance. If he was anything like his friend, Carlos, he would have taken her to his bed on their first date only and fuck her until her womb was full of his cum. He had no intention of using protection with her. He will take her raw and hard. As wild as his fantasies were, his reality wasn’t that thrilling. Three dates already and they hadn’t even shared a kiss.    

Taking the bouquet, he slipped into his car and drove towards her place. Today he was going to talk. Tomorrow was their wedding and he wanted her to be comfortable and sure on their special day. He would let her know that he might talk less but he was a great listener and would happily spend his life listening to her. He would strive to be the best husband for her and give his best to their relationship. If she allowed him, they’ll make love all night long and then some in the morning.    

He was disappointed to know she wasn’t home. Mr. Diaz insisted him to come in but Dante politely refused as he had a lot on his hands today. He had pushed them aside only for her.

Dante would have never imagined that someday he would be this excited for his wedding.

“You are excited like a woman,” Carlos commented, his lips curved into a teasing smirk. Dante rolled his eyes.

“Did you brief the pilot on everything,” Dante enquired, taking a sip of his wine.

“Yeah. He is all set for your “world tour,” Carlos drawled out the last part only to irritate his friend.

A gentle smile touched his lips. He was going to take her on a world tour after their wedding. The idea had clicked him after she had disclosed that she likes traveling. He will take her to all the beautiful places in the world. She’ll experience every good thing that life has to offer.        

“Your eyes are shining like those cartoon girls when they are in love. Should I take it as a hint?” Carlos remarked, watching him with a newfound intrigue. They were in his study.  

“Shut up,” Dante dismissed his question.

“I tell you I am going to tell her that…” a firm knock interrupted their conversation. The door was opened and a woman in her late 50s poked her head in through the gap. Her eyes found Dante. 

“Ms. Diaz is downstairs asking for you,” the maid informed. Dante was surprised to hear that.

“I’ll be there in a minute,” he told the maid before getting to his feet.

“Seems she can’t wait too,” Carlos said in a teasing tone. Dante was too focused on fixing his appearance to react to his comment. After fixing his hair and adjusting his jacket, he looked over at his friend for his review.

“Do I look good?” he asked. Carlos rolled his eyes.

“You always look good and I hate you for this,” Carlos responded. Dante, grabbed the bouquet he had bought for her and shot out of his study. He hurried down the stairs without watching to meet her.

Their eyes met and he felt a familiar jolting sensation coursing through his veins. He had hidden the bouquet behind his back.  

“Hi,” she breathed out, looking nervous.

“Hi, take a seat,” Dante nodded towards the couch.

“No,” she shook her head. She was wringing her hands together and there was a certain hesitation in her body language. She looked stressed out.  

“What happened?” he questioned, eager to relieve her of her stress. Maya held his gaze. Her eyes were glossy.

“I don’t know how to say this…… but…but….I can’t go ahead with it,” she stated, as a droplet of tear trickled down her cheek. Dante was stunned.

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