
Babysitting My Ex-Fiance's Son- Taming My Cold CEO
Babysitting My Ex-Fiance's Son- Taming My Cold CEO
Author: BlueDreams

Four Years Ago


Dante had a suspicion that he was being overcharged for the flowers but he wasn’t entirely sure. After all, it was the first time he had ever bought a bouquet in his life. However, he let his doubts slide for these flowers were meant for someone precious. The blood-red blooms brimming the bouquet he clenched, overflowed with charm and youth- just like his fiancée, Maya Diaz.

His love.

The first time he had seen her was in their engagement announcement and to say he was entranced would be an understatement. Attired in a coral gown, she had appeared before him like a divine dream, captivating his heart in an instant. The fabric clung to her body like a second skin, accentuating her delicate curves. It was love at first sight. Just a first glance at her, and he knew he wanted her and only her to be his life partner. He vividly remembered their first encounter, as her dad introduced her to him. She stood in front of him with her gaze downcast, her brown curls cascading down her dainty shoulders, framing her stunning heart-shaped face. She dared to raise her vibrant blue eyes only after her dad prompted her to tell him her name. Those magnificent eyes! His heart had skipped a beat upon seeing those stunning pair of eyes. They seemed to have held a universe. An unbidden thought of their kids inheriting them filled his mind.

“Maya Diaz,” she had pronounced in her sweet melodious voice. Her voice a mixture of shyness and nervousness. After introducing herself, the woman quickly dropped her gaze to the ground, her hands fidgeting together. She was nervous.

“Dante Martinez,” Dante extended his hand towards her and patiently waited as she took her time lifting her arm and slipping her hand in his. Her tiny hand wrapped around his large one, sending a delicious shiver down his spine. He gripped her hand tight so that she knew he was going to hold her tight through everything. Dante wasn’t good with words he wasn’t good with talking altogether. He was an introvert, often dubbed as a cold man with no emotions by others. Expressing feelings was something he had always struggled with.    

He promptly withdrew as the girl looked close to fainting. He understood her nervousness, he was too. Her arm fell beside her side.

“She turned 18 last month. I was thinking about setting the wedding date next month. What do you think?” Antonio Diaz, her father suggested. Dante stole a glance at his fiancée to gauge her reaction. She was blank like a. unused canvas. 

10 years of age difference. He was 28- an established business tycoon with countless accomplishments in his feather. She was 18- naïve, inexperienced of the world's ways. The thought had made him uncomfortable when he found out about it from his parents. But now that he was looking at her, he couldn’t bring himself to be bothered by something as trivial as age. There was an allure in her naivety.      

“Only if Ms. Diaz is comfortable,” he responded, keeping his gaze fixated on her. In honesty, he couldn’t wait to get over with the wedding and make her his for a lifetime but he wasn’t going to rush her into something she didn’t want. Her happiness and comfort mattered the most.

“Maya, Mr. Martinez is asking something?” Antonio prompted her.  

Maya raised her gaze and gave her dad a nod of agreement. A grin lit up Antonio’s face.

“I’ll go and share the good news with your dad. After that, we can decide on the date. Mr. Martinez, why don’t you get my daughter a soft drink?” Antonio stated before leaving them alone to search for his dad.

As they were left alone, Dante struggled to strike up a conversation with her. After all, he was a man of few words and had barely taken interest in women until her. It wasn’t that he wasn’t approached by the opposite gender, it's just no one interested him enough to chase them. 

His charm and rugged masculinity had always brought him attention. His broad shoulders and toned muscles, bespoke of his strength and vigor. A physique honed by discipline and determination, he could easily outshine any Hollywood actor. His chiseled jawline and piercing eyes had brought many women to their knees.   

He turned his face towards her and cleared his throat.

“Which drink would you like to have?” he questioned, looking down at her. Even with heels on, she was two heads shorter than him. She was adorable.     

“Anything,” she answered softly, fidgeting with the small diamond ring on her index finger. He decided he was going to gift her a ring adorned with all the expensive stones. She will have the world's most beautiful ring.  

Dante reluctantly tore his eyes away from her and beckoned a waiter. He grasped the watermelon juice from the tray and offered it to his fiance. Maya took it without meeting his eyes. “Thank you,” she murmured. He had responded with a smile which of course she didn’t notice as her attention was fixated on her juice. 

That was the only verbal exchange they had that night. Dante was still in the middle of figuring out how to advance their conversation when she excused herself to join her friends. He did feel a flicker of disappointment but didn’t stop her.

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