
Done deal

I woke up the next morning with high hopes of having a nice day with Mr Bryan.He is such a loving person to be around.

I'd finished dressing when I heard cries and wails from outside.I didn't pay attention to it until it became more louder.

This was when I realized it might actually be coming from this house.I hurried downstairs and outside the house.

The whole family were outside.Jake had his hands on his waist and Mrs Bryan was trying to console Jamie who had a bad way of crying.

Mr Bryan had a letter in his hands.I wonder what was wrong.

Jamie saw me first.She immediately pointed fingers at me.

"Why did you have to come and ruin everything! Everything was good until you brought your badluck here!"

I had no idea what she was talking about.Mr Bryan handed me the letter and something in his eyes said the words I never thought he'd ever say.

He stared at me like he regretted receiving me in his home yesterday.It broke my confidence and strength because I'd looked forward to spending the whole day with him.

Because that is the only way that I can laugh my sorrows out.But it seemed that wouldn't be happening now.

I looked at the letter and I was shocked to discover that the writing was exactly the same as the writing of the sack letter I received from the restaurant.

I read.

It said that Jake has been fired from the company.

A gasped escape my lips.Stephanie would really stop at nothing!

I walked over to Jake but what would I say? I couldn't even bear to stare him in the face because fact remains,I am the cause of this sad misfortune!

"Jake.." I began but two slaps landed right across my face.

I have to admit,it got me in a daze.Mrs Bryan pointed her fingers at me

"I knew you weren't normal! You carry badluck all around you and I wished you could just drop dead and stop disturbing other people's lives!"

I bit my lips in tears.

Never have I ever faced such hatred in my life.Yes, I've endured all the hatred,insults,disgrace and pain from people I never expected them from but a wish of death?

Isn't that extreme?

And Jake was standing there,doing nothing.

Not that I expected him to do something but he's always been there for me and even up till yesterday he made that clear.

If only he knew the deal with Stephanie was the reason for this perhaps he wouldn't act so cold towards me.

Mrs Bryan pulled me roughly by the arm back into the house and Mr Bryan brought a still shock Jake back in.

"Now you will leave this house and never come back here!" she said "I knew there was a good reason for your parents abandoning you!"

My heart squeezed in so much pain.

I turned and ran up the stairs to my room where I broke down and cried.

I knew he was shocked,hurt and angry about this sudden devastating news .He has a family to look after.He would even get married very soon and now he's source of income has been destroyed.

And to think that I had made him spend a lot yesterday at the restaurant.This thought made me realize how ungrateful and selfish I am.

I wiped my tears.

I can give him his job back.I can even place him in a higher position.I smiled as I remembered his dreams.

"I want to live in a very big mansion.I'll be wealthy with you by my side we'll help the less privileged" this was his little dreams back then in the orphanage.

I can make his dreams become reality if I accept Stephanie's deal.I can repay him back for everything he did,for all those times he stood up for me.

She wouldn't stop if I don't agree to it and the last thing I wanted was for more calamity to befall Jake.

"I'm sorry about the way my family reacted." Jake's voice interrupted my thoughts "This came as a shock to them-"

Them? What about him?

"-considering I and Jamie are expecting our first child" he said

My mouth dropped open.I wasn't even listening to anything he had to say.This was the man who said he loves me and cares for me but he's gonna be a father soon.

Not that I expected him to wait forever but it hit me hard to realize that all those years of being together with him left little feelings in my heart for him.

I was both happy and sad at the same time.I am also jealous because I feel like something precious has left me.

And I am now alone.

"I'll look around,see if there's anything worth doing" he was still talking but I was barely listening.

"I hope you can forgive my family" I heard him say and I noticed something was missing in his words.

He wasn't asking me to stay anymore.

If only words can explain how heartbroken I feel right now......

Without waiting for my response,he turned about to leave the room.

"Jake" I stopped him

"Thank you" I said and without much of an emotion on his face he turned and left.

He walked away just like they all do at the end of the day.

Well it doesn't matter,I braced myself up as I gathered my bags,glad that I hadn't unpacked them.

I was on my way downstairs when I saw Jake's room.It was left open and our photograph caught my eyes.

It was really beautiful.A picture of us hugging tightly in a large frame.Another smaller frame caught my eyes.It had a picture of him and Jamie just smiling.

I hurriedly took the larger frame and slipped the picture out of it.I squeezed it into my jean pocket and replaced it with the photo of him and Jamie.

I wish them a happy married life.

They were all there waiting for me.I stopped in front of them, their eyes staring daggers at me.

"What more can I say than thank you?" I began "I know I caused this misfortune and I am deeply sorry.Sorry can't bring it all back,I know but I will restore everything back to you even more than you ever had" I said

"And how will you do that,huh?!" Mrs Bryan stood to her feet "You'd go to another rich man's house and ruin their life?"

"No,Mrs Bryan, certainly not.You don't have to know how I'll do it.You just watch and see"

"Well we don't have time for your talks.Just leave already!" Jamie screamed at me.

I stared at her and forced a smile.Life can be very funny at times.I remember how we met.

I happened to be in the woods late that very night,chasing my kitten that strayed out of the orphanage.Little did I know it was leading me to her.

She was there, hiding behind huge tree.I lost trail of my kitten and asked what a little girl like her would be doing out here at night.

She had replied that the bad men were after her.

I saved her and in the process lost my kitten.

We were running,the bad guys hot on our heels.

I risked my life and took a bullet on my shoulder.Luckily we managed to escape them and arrived at the front of the orphanage.

Jake was worried sick along with the rest of the teachers.

I fell down,soaked in blood.

And that was how,Jamie became a part of the orphanage.

I still have the bullet scar on my left shoulder and isn't it funny that the person I saved was now my greatest enemy?

I smiled at her,maybe she was feeling guilty but I don't care.

"Happy married life" I looked her in the eye "Jamie"

I turned to Jake,he was staring at me and I held his gaze.Tears filled his eyes.

"I'll miss you" I sincerely said before turning and leaving the house.

..and he didn't call me back.I placed my hand on my mouth and pushed back my tears.Maybe it was time I stopped depending on people to save me.

I guess I was just so used to his always appearing whenever I'm in trouble.

I tried to accept the fact that I might never see him again.

Stephanie got what she wanted but at least I was doing the right thing back? I was repaying good for good.

I hadn't arrived at the expressway when I heard a loud horn behind me.I turned.

It was the limousine.

The chauffer stepped out and pulled open the door for me.I looked back at the house I was coming from before I walked into the car.

He took my bags.

Stephanie smiled the moment I sat in.

"Throw those filthy bags away." she ordered the chauffer "She wouldn't be needing them anymore"

"How have you been Diana?" she turned to me

"You will restore Jake into a more reputable job.Make him wealthy...a big house, precisely a mansion" I said "Connect him to people who would make him a billionaire just by one contract"

She stared at me unbelievably.

"Any special reasons?" she chuckled "Childhood sweethearts,huh?"

I kept mute.

She made a call which didn't last up to a minute.

"Done" she dropped her phone.This was the power of the wealthy.All they needed to know is your name and if you're on their bad book, you're finished.

I sighed.My work is done.Now it was just to marry the old man,bear him the child and...and leave.

I suddenly realized that I was going to give my child to these rich couples.No way.I would never leave my child not the way my parents abandoned me!

She tossed me the contract.It was pretty long.I scanned my eyes through the top.

It had the acting session as Stephanie and the freedom to ask for anything I want during the period of this contract.

It also said that immediately after my successful delivery ten billion dollars would be transferred to my account.

IVF wasn't allowed also.She wanted it the natural way.

Well, It's just to get intimate with him and bear his child.I wouldn't get intimate with him more than once,right?

I didn't go through the rules.I grabbed the pen and signed the contract with a palpitating heart.What ever I was going into I pray I would come out of it alive because my instinct didn't go with this at all and it has never been wrong.

But I cant say no,not after she's restored Jake back.She might as well just make a call and turn him back to a pauper.

"You didn't go through the rules,Diana" Stephanie said

"It's not necessary" I snapped

"It is." she snapped back "Immediately after your delivery you will lose the right to your child." she read the first deal

I wanted to protest to it but I remembered Jake and the fact that I'd already signed it.

I decided that I'd give them the child but I'd keep living with them.Perphaps as the child's nanny.But I couldn't tell Stephanie this.At least not now.

"And if you happen to have more than one child you'd still lose all right to them." she said

I turned to her

"I'm sure I won't have more than one" I said

She smiled and shook her head.

"Dont be so sure." she said confidently "You can underestimate Edward on any other thing but not on that"

I almost bursted out laughing.This woman bluffs so much! How can an old man have that much zest and strength?! So old men are into the stuffs too. Maybe she was trying to scare me but I was more nervous than scared.

"Did your husband agree to this shit?" I asked

"Of course." she laughed,why is she so happy? "He's been into lots of women so you're not an exception"

What's there to be happy about when another woman would be getting intimate with your husband?

"I didn't know he's also a whore" I returned calmly

"Most definitely not,Diana." she said as she tucked the contract away into her purse.I could swear I saw her leg move slightly.

"He is every woman's dream" she said "Many would throw themselves at this awesome opportunity I'm giving you!"

I shook my head "I thought you'd be smart to figure out that I'm not among the crowd.I've never been"

She sighed "Whatever you say,lady perfect" she ended the topic

"Now the most important" she coughed "You are not allowed to fall in love with my husband" she said with a stern face

I rolled my eyes.Who would fall in love with an old man?!!

"Are we clear, Stephanie?" she asked and I hated being called her name but I comforted myself because I know I'm nothing like her.

I nodded

"I need a yes not a nod" she said "Are we clear?!"


She smiled "Good.Always bear in mind that there are grave consequences for every rule broken"

She continued "Think of this as me trying to protect you and your innocent heart because Edward can never love anyone."

I listened and I don't know why.It wasn't as if this information is the most important,or was it?

"His past is just as dark as yours if not darker so try your best to stay away."

I turned my face towards the window as the limo began moving.

"Now it's time to meet your new in laws, Stephanie but not first getting the stench of the slums off you" she said.

**What hurts you today;makes you stronger tomorrow**

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