
Worst Welcome

When we arrived,the lights inside the house was on.

"Don't be nervous" he said to me

I breathed in as he pushed open the door.Jamie immediately left the table where the family was and flung her arms around Jake's neck.He hugged her back.

Mr and Mrs Bryan, Jake's foster parents stood up as well.

"You're late,Jake.Hurry,come have dinner" Mrs Bryan said and I smiled behind .

He's lucky to have a caring family.

Jamie was the first to notice me.

"Diana?" she called,almost like what?!

I stepped in

"Good evening, everyone" I greeted warmly

"Who is she?" Mrs Bryan asked

"She's my..." Jake stopped and continued "My childhood friend.She has no where to spend the night."

Mrs Bryan suddenly grabbed him and took into a passage.I was left with the prying and jealous eyes of Jamie.

I told Jake this was a bad idea!

"Come join us" Mr Bryan broke the awkward silence and I was glad.

"Do you eat beef?" he asked as he drew out a chair for me.

I nodded and smiled at the kind gesture with tears threatening to fall out as I watched him fill my plate.

Jamie stood with arms crossed

"So what's your name?" he asked

"Diana" I replied

"Diana what?"

I thought for a while.It wouldn't be right to claim the Valdez family name since I was no longer theirs.

"Just Diana."

* * *

"Why did you bring a woman to the house?! In the presence of Jamie!" Mrs Bryan began

Jake sighed

"Mom,can we not talk about this now?"

"You're hurting Jamie's feelings."

That did it.He hated everytime his mother says this word.How is he hurting her? He was hurting himself by staying away from the one he truly loves just to be with her! Wasn't that enough?

"You spent all your time with that woman while Jamie was waiting for you"

"Mom,Jamie has no reason to feel insecure" he said calmly "If you keep behaving this way you're gonna create unnecessary problems between I and Jamie"

"I'm only looking out for Jamie" Mrs Bryan explained "You both will get married soon"

Jake looked away but she made him face her.

"Look, Jake... Jamie's very fragile.You know she's had no one else in her life ever since she was little"

"Mom,you know what I think?" he was speaking harshly now "Jamie's lucky.She has a home and all she wants.So many kids never found a home and some never got adopted.She should be grateful"

He turned and walked away.He met Jamie at the door with tears in her eyes.She ran.

"Jamie,wait" he shouted but she was already gone.

When he went back to the living room he saw that dad and Diana were having a good time.

He walked up to them

"Dad, you've got to believe me." he interrupted their convo "If you keep putting more food on her plate she'll burst any minute"

I laughed.

but he was right.I was terribly filled but I couldn't say no to this yummy food.

"That's enough,dad." Jake said "It's time to go to bed"

Mr Bryan nodded as he manages to stand on his feet.Jake helped him up the stairs and I was left alone with my thoughts.

What a nice man! The father that I never had.

I heard footsteps approaching me,thinking it was Jake I stood up on my feet and met with the crying face of Jamie.

"I don't know what I've done to you Diana but ever since you stepped into that orphanage and into my life,it has been hell!" she said

"What? What are you talking about,Jamie?"

"Oh,you damn well know what I'm talking about.Stay away from Jake!" she glared at me

"I'm not after him.I know the both of you are engaged so no big deal." I stated

"But he loves you,I know that! And the more you keep staying around him the more he'll keep loving you, let's face reality here!"

"C'mon Jamie,I cannot steal Jake from you.You should have a little faith in him." I replied

"The next I see you with him you will be surprised what I will do!" she stormed.

Did she just threaten me?

"Pft!" I scoffed

Jake came down minutes later and took me up to the guest room.It wasnt cleaned so we cleaned it together.

I might as well add his mother in the cleaning,because she came in every five minutes to give him a glass of water.

I understood though.

The room was all set after a thorough cleaning and I thankee Jake for his help.

"You don't need to thank me,Diana.I'll always be there for you"

I smiled "Goodnight"

"Goodnight" he replied as he switched off the light.

"Jake?" I stopped him as he was about to close the door

"Please tell your mother not to keep peeping at me? I'm not a witch I can assure her,I won't fly away with any of her jewelries." I joked.

He laughed and winked at me "Go to sleep,Diana.Your stomach needs it"

* * *

Jake met Jamie crying at the corner of their bedroom.

He sighed.Do men ever rest?!

He walked up to her and sat down beside her.

"Jamie" he whispered in the dark.

She raised her face to meet his.He wiped her tears.

"You were with her all those while right?" she sniffed "I have been waiting for you for hours to share a good news with you only to find out you were with her"

Jake knew better than to reply so he just kept holding her.

She stared at him "You're going to become a father,Jake" she smiled through her tears "I'm pregnant"

Jake was shocked for a moment and then he smiled warmly as he drew her close and kissed her forehead.

"Oh Jamie." he hugged her "That's the most wonderful thing you've ever told me"

He wiped her tears again and placed his hand on her belly.He held her gaze.

"There's no reason for you to feel insecure,Jamie." he spoke gently "This is proof that I'll be with you forever"

She shook her head as she opened her mouth to say something.Her lips trembled

"Seeing her reminds me of the fact that you will never love me"

"You have me,Jamie.I think that's the most important" he said

"That's the worst." she stared at him "It's like you're doing me a favor"

Jake stood up.

"It's better than not having me at all"

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