

As I gradually emerged from the depths of sleep, I felt a gentle haze enveloping my senses, a lingering residue of the excitement we had shared the night before. It had been an entire month since our last intimate encounter, and as I lay there in bed, basking in the soft glow of dawn, memories of our passionate moments flooded my mind, filling me with both joy and a tinge of longing.

Yet, intertwined with those memories was a subtle discomfort, a reminder of the fervor with which we had expressed our love. It was a physical sensation, a testament to the intensity of our lovemaking, leaving a delicate imprint on my body. As I attempted to shift my weight and rise from the bed, I found myself still cocooned in a veil of sleepiness, my limbs heavy with fatigue. But then, as if in response to my unspoken need, I felt the familiar warmth of my husband's embrace encircling me, drawing me back into his comforting presence.

In that moment, his hug became a sanctuary, a source of solace that e
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