
Chapter 3

A few days ago, In the aftermath of that eventful day when Lydia accompanied Ace to the monthly gathering; an intake of rogues and members from other packs, which were to be admitted to their pack,

she found herself grappling with a mixture of shock and apprehension. Ace had discovered his mate amidst the crowd, but he hadn't caught a glimpse of her face.

His grip on her waist suddenly tightened, and she winced. His gaze rested on the back of a figure, among the rogues who had applied for intake.

"What's wrong Ace?" Lydia didn't know who exactly Ace was looking at, but she felt something was different.

"It's nothing. Nothing serious," Ace said, as he forcefully withdrew his gaze. He ran his hands through his hair, "My mate is here."

"What? Which one…"

He hadn't seen her face, so he couldn't tell.

It was a moment that had taken her completely by surprise, but despite the shock, Ace held onto the promise he made to her.

" You have absolutely nothing to be worried about. We would have a choice in this matter. I will get married to you, regardless of it" He assured and pulled her in for a kiss.

Lydia couldn't deny the uncertainty that lingered within her. Though Ace had assured her that they would choose each other.

The words offered a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos that had unfolded. Lydia mustered the courage to ask him when he would reject his mate, Alyssa and for a fleeting moment, silence hung in the air.

Finally, Ace broke the silence, his voice tinged with uncertainty. He revealed that the decision would come after his return from the upcoming conference, but until then, she would have to wait patiently. Little did she know that waiting would bring about unexpected challenges.

Days turned into weeks, and Ace's absence left a void that was difficult to ignore. It was during this time that Alpha Larole; Ace's father, sought her out. She sensed the weight of his presence as he delivered a request that sent her thoughts spiraling. Alpha Larole asked her to accept Alyssa, Ace's mate as a maid to their family!

"That's outrageous, never will I watch Ace's mate move in here. Alpha, mate bond is unbreakable. He already chose me and announced me as his mate before the public. What would the people say? What if he falls in love with her? What then will I do?" She cried out

Lydia's immediate objection was met with an explanation that left her stunned. Alpha Larole believed that only Alyssa possessed qualities that made her the ideal person to bear the strongest and most talented heir to Ace's lineage. Furthermore, she was his mate. He also emphasized that the child would be unaware of his true mother's identity.

Lydia broke down.

Confusion and frustration flooded her thoughts.

Her voice trembled as she dared to question the Alpha's proposition. What if Ace wasn't willing to proceed with this arrangement? Would it all be in vain?

Although a part of her was hoping for a sliver of hope that Ace would not agree to such an arrangement. The Alpha's response was unexpected yet somewhat reassuring. He assured her that he would not force Ace into anything. It was a decision that rested in both their hands.

Reluctantly, she accepted the Alpha's proposition. It felt like the only choice, as much as it crushed her to make it. She knew deep down that denying Ace the chance to pass on his lineage would only sow seeds of resentment within him. She loved Ace way too much that she was scared to lose him, with his mate in the picture.

It was a choice she made with a heavy heart, hoping against hope that their tangled fates would find some semblance of resolution within the next six months.

The second time she laid eyes on Alyssa, her initial resentment towards her began to waver. As she laid eyes on her, she couldn't help but be captivated by her undeniable beauty. Her features held a certain allure, and her green eyes seemed to shimmer with a depth she had not anticipated. It was mesmerizing.

At that moment, conflicting emotions surged within Lydia—admiration intertwined with guilt and longing.

She wondered about the things that would go on in Ace's mind the day he would set his eyes on Alyssa. Would he be lost in them just as she almost was? Definitely! He would gaze into her dazzling eyes and who knew what else would happen after that? She panicked.

She knew she had to get rid of this woman who was her boyfriend's mate. Mate bond she heard was fate, and if the partners weren't allowed to be together they would both die lonely. The moon goddess had assigned everyone their mate, except her. She didn't have a mate. She was only lucky to be Ace's girlfriend. Which was why she wanted to get married to him, so no one would know. It was a shame, but she was skilled at acting. Besides, they were the perfect couple. Everyone wanted to be like them. Ace didn't make her feel as though they weren't fated to be with each other. He loved her unconditionally and made her feel whole, so it was hard for anyone to know they weren't mates.

Unable to bear the conflicting emotions, she approached Alyssa. She concealed her pain and jealousy and then put on the facade of a powerful woman to make Alyssa fear her yet Alyssa remained unfazed. Luckily enough, she knew Alyssa's weak spot and it was who she loved the most, Ethan. Her only family.

She felt intimidated by Alyssa's presence. She was nothing compared to her. Alyssa was strong and daring but she was nothing but a weakling.

Despite agreeing to let Alyssa work as a maid for six months, she made her wear a blindfold. In an attempt to foreclose Ace from any sort of connection, he and Alyssa might share. When Alyssa refused, she threatened her with death and threatened to make Ethan's life miserable. Without a choice, Alyssa gave in.

After all, if Ace didn't see what she was like, he wouldn't be interested in her, Lydia thought. Who would look twice at a maid in a shabby gown and blindfolded?

Little did she know that the resolution she sought would come at a cost she never anticipated—an unforeseen twist that would turn her world upside down and leave her questioning if the ending she desired was worth the sacrifices she would have to make.

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