
Chapter 4

It had only been days since Alyssa started working in Alpha Larole's mansion but it felt like ages. She had gotten so many bruises as a result of trying to navigate her way around the house and do the chores in a blindfold before her brain grasped the mental map of the house. Her wolf had become her companion, aiding her in memorizing everything that would get her hurt.

Alpha Larole had also been fulfilling his promises to her bit by bit, ensuring she and her brother were safe and also well-fed. Except for Lydia's nonchalant behavior and constant fusses, everything else was good. The rest of the household seemed to like her or so, she thought. But they were nice to her.

Alyssa hummed as she went about the day's work. she detested cleaning but what could she do? And today was the day she got to clean Ace's office. Of all days, today! It was also the day Ace was to return.

The household was busy. Everyone was doing their thing, trying to make sure all was in order before his arrival. According to them, he was a man who loved orderliness. Lydia had left early that morning for some touch-ups. Alyssa couldn't help but wonder about the sort of treatment Lydia would receive when mated to Ace. She wasn't even mated to him yet and the pampering was excess. Was that what it felt like to be Luna?

She sighed. A part of her tried to envision herself as Luna. What would she seem like? she laughed at the thought of it. What a dreamer she was, that couldn't happen even in her wildest imagination. It just wasn't possible. A rogue-like her couldn't be mated to an Alpha, the moon goddess always matched the dainty women with the strong Alphas. For someone like her, it was impossible. She was too tough to be any Alpha's mate and her status was below that rank. Far below.

She continued to clean Ace's office. She knew she shouldn't be there, Alpha Larole had told her to stay away from Ace's things but Lydia had instructed her to clean it up before he arrived. According to the rules, disrespecting Luna was equal to disrespecting the Alpha, so there was nothing she could do than clean it up.

The sound of unfamiliar footsteps reverberated through the room, slicing through the heavy air. Alyssa's heart skipped a beat as her eyes widened in anticipation, underneath the blindfold obscuring her vision.

Her wolf, sensing the presence of her mate, unleashed a soulful howl within her mind. It was a symphony of recognition, tinged with a blend of excitement and apprehension. Her mate? In Alpha Larole's house? Her heart pounded in her chest threatening to burst out. She didn't understand the feeling but it was exciting and frightening.

In an unsteady voice, she asked, "Who…who is there?"

In that swift moment, strong pairs of hands gripped her arms and pushed her against the wall, pinning her there like a hunter would do his prey. She panted, squinting her eyes to see who it was. She could hardly see his face but he felt so tall. The way he towered over her scared her.

"Who are you? How did you find me?" She almost whispered.

Ace glared at the petite woman he had pinned to the wall. "It's you," he growled.

The sound of his voice almost made Alyssa melt. At that moment, she had never been so grateful she had her blindfold on, else he would have seen the things his voice did to her.

"What do you mean it's me? Who are you?" She almost purred, trying to steady her wolf.


Alyssa almost died. Her eyes widened. Ace was her mate? She wanted to die. It was impossible. In that fleeting moment, her mind pieced together the puzzle that had haunted her every waking moment. The reason behind Alpha Larole's contract became clear, a revelation that sent a surge of conflicting emotions coursing through her veins. Alpha Larole knew all along and all he wanted was for her to just make a baby and leave? She felt betrayed.

As Alyssa reached out instinctively, hoping to touch Ace, his grip tightened around her arm, making her wince from the bruises she had from earlier. Confusion washed over her as his hand found its way to her throat, his touch threatening to choke the very breath from her lungs.

Caught between the undeniable allure of Ace's presence and the fear of his volatile anger, Alyssa's mind swirled with a maelstrom of emotions. She could feel every inch of him pressed against her, could feel the hardness of his chest against her breasts. It was as though their bodies had aligned.

The heat of their connection mingled with the chill of uncertainty, disrupting her ability to think straight. All she wanted was to feel his lips against hers, for his hands to roam her body. She wanted his touch. She wanted him with a passion that erupted from deep within. Her wolf wanted to surrender to his every touch. She wanted him to whisper in her ears everything he wanted to do to her.

"Why are you in my house?" He asked in his husky voice that seemed to grow deeper the more he spoke.

Though every fiber of her yearned to surrender to the intoxicating connection of their mating bond, Alyssa couldn't be quiet. Not when he was threatening to snuff out her life. Her voice, trembling yet resolute, reached his ears.

"I'm a maid here. I was hired by your father, please let me go"

Ace couldn't believe his ears. His father had hired his mate as a maid in his house. The height of the disrespect provoked him.

As the pressure around her throat eased, Alyssa crumpled to the floor, her bruised body aching. The echoes of Ace's departing footsteps reverberated through the silence, leaving her to confront her confused thoughts.

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