
Chapter 5

Ace's mind raced, urging him to seek out his father and demand answers. What the heck was happening? Why was she here? He couldn't fathom why his father had brought Alyssa to their home, questioning whether his father truly remained oblivious to her true identity as his mate.

Frustrated and overwhelmed by the intense desire she had ignited within him, Ace stormed to his room in a rush, desperate for a cold shower. He feared that if he didn't cool off, he would lose all control and rush downstairs to embrace her in his arms.

But the blindfold though. Why was she blindfolded? he wondered. Did she think their home was a circus? He chuckled and then stopped. Why did he find her intriguing? He didn't expect her to have that much effect on him, it was exciting. Adrenaline rush! With Lydia, he had this feeling whenever they were behind closed doors. But this girl. She was something. Something he couldn't define.

His mind was a whirlwind of emotions as he stepped into the shower and let the cold water run down his skin. He ran his fingers through his dark, glossy and silky hair. The cold water did little to quell the fire that raged within him, he felt himself getting hard. It was more like a passion had ignited within him.

He closed his eyes, distracting himself as he let his thoughts drift back to the day he first sensed Alyssa's presence. It was as if fate itself had intervened, bringing her into his life when he least expected it. It was as though his wolf was trying to reach out to hers, but he had fought against the magnetic pull. Forced himself not to search for her face in the crowd and not give in to his wolf.

He had made a promise to Lydia, vowing to reject Alyssa without a second thought. And so, he had used the conference as a means of dodging the topic and to stand on his word. But as much as he had tried to block Alyssa out, her image kept haunting his thoughts. Although he had stood firm in his decision to reject her, his heart couldn't deny the strange connection that seemed to grow stronger whenever he thought about her.

His wolf was lonely and was seeking unity with its partner.

In six months he would be mated, and he loved Lydia so much he didn't want to betray her. Not like he had the heart anyway. She was his girlfriend and he knew how much of a crybaby she was. She was the emotional type and he would never want to be the reason she would have an emotional breakdown.

He stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist and leaned against the bathroom sink. Gripping the edges of the sink tightly, he tried to make sense of the sudden chaos that had begun in his life. How could it be now when he was about to be mated, that she decided to show up? All these years when he had a choice where was she? Why didn't she come? All these questions he wanted to yell at her but as a practicing Alpha it was better he kept his emotions in check. It was better if Lydia didn't know his mate was a maid in his house!

Everything was fine until the moment when he walked in and saw Alyssa in his house, blindfolded and vulnerable. It was a sight that destroyed his self-control, pushing him to the very edge of his restraint. Her scent and the essence of her being overwhelmed his senses, threatening to unleash the primal instincts he fought so hard to keep at bay.

How much he wanted to pull her in his arms and peel the cloth off her face, just to see what she looked like. How much he wanted to delve his hands into her hair and feel its texture. How much he wanted to bury his face in her neck and trail kisses to her lips. And the way her breasts rose and fell, triggered by her unsteady breaths when he had grabbed her neck. Her skin had felt so soft to his touch, so soft he didn't want to let go…

But instead…he released her from his grip, his heart torn between the desire to protect her and the need to distance himself. Ace knew she was hurt from the impact of the hard ground, but he couldn't bring himself to stay. He feared that if he did, he would succumb to the undeniable chemistry their wolves shared.

But then he felt so alone in it all. He couldn't shake the feeling that settled deep within him towards Alyssa. Why was she so distant? Did she truly not feel the same intensity coursing through his veins? Did she not know they were mates? It seemed like she didn't feel any bond between them.

The way she had so badly wanted to sprint from him when he had pinned her to the wall. A mixture of longing and confusion swirled within his heart, threatening to tear him apart. That wasn't how mate bond was or was he just overthinking things? Or was it different for everyone? He had just known his mate so he couldn't tell. He should probably talk to his father about it, or not. He wasn't sure yet.

He shouldn't be feeling bad but the fact she didn't seem to have as much hunger for him as he did her, made him feel awkward. As Ace stood in front of the mirror, his wolf reflection seemed unfamiliar, as if the wolf staring back at him was torn between two worlds.

The world he had known, filled with obligations and commitments, and the world that Alyssa had unexpectedly brought crashing into his existence. The collision of these worlds disrupted him, one that demanded a solution, even if it meant losing his mate forever.

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