
Chapter 78

Mummy is Auntie Kathy and Else going to be here today?"my son asks excitedly,

"Yes baby, she will here soon,she just arrived at the airport"I tell him while I button his shirt.

I met Kathy in Poland last year during a vacation with my son. She invited me for coffee and we talked about things that happened in the past. She now owns a restaurant in Poland after divorcing her Arabian husband. She is married to a doctor she meet on a dating site in Poland and they a daughter and one on it way. She told me she saw what happened on the news and she was sorry for being greedy. I forgave her and we picked things up from where we left off.

Today we are celebrating Franco's 4th birthday and he wants everyone to be there. Invited a few of my employees and friends from my previous firm.

My mom, Giovanni and Enzo came in yesterday, Giovanni is in college so he can't stay long, Carlos couldn't make it because he has a match today but he still sends his gift.

"Mummy will daddy be here"he asks sadl
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