
Between Two Worlds
Between Two Worlds
Author: JamJam30

Chapter 1: Echoes of a Forgotten Love


Who would’ve thought that “us against the world” would quickly turn into “me against the world, and against the memory you have now lost”?

It will be the biggest lie of mine if I say that none of this affects me, that I have faith in our love and that you will remember me in no time. But I would just keep on pretending, not until the negativity inside me melt away.

By the time I was walking straight into your room, hospital corridors echoed with the hurried footsteps of anxious visitors and the hushed whispers of worried families. Amongst them, is me, and my heavy heart filled with anticipation.

I stood outside the room 214, I could feel my handshake as I reached for the door handle. It’s funny how I rehearsed this moment a thousand times in mind, but nothing could prepare me for what really is waiting for me at the other side.

With a deep breath, I pushed the door open and stepped into his room. The figure of a man lying on the hospital bed, whose features softened by the glow of the afternoon sunlight that coming through the window, quickly caught me gaze.

It’s Alex.

For a moment, I could feel like the time seemed to stand still. I wanted to rush to his side, hold him close and tell him everything I had been longing to say, but for some reason, I hesitated.

Before I could even gather my thoughts, a voice broke the silence, it was sharp and cutting.

“Isabella,” The sound of his mother’s voice. “What are you doing here?”

My heart sank as I turned to face her. “I….I just wanted to see him,” I replied.

Her eyes narrowed, her lips started curling into a scornful smile. “You know what? As I come to think of it, I’ve realized that I have a lot to tell you. Let’s have a quick talk outside.”

We went to the nearest café, and sat somewhere at the corner. She spent a few minutes glaring at me, and I could see her smirk sometimes.

“Why did you always have to try appearing near my son?” She wondered. “Do you need money to compensate you? If that’s the case, then tell me how much you need? I’m so tired of seeing you here over and over.”

Those sharp words from gives me pain. Seems like she’s trying to make me look as if I’m only after his son’s wealth.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t need any of your money, ma’am. I told you, I’m here to see him.”

"So, now that you've seen him. Are you going to disappear now? If that’s the case, then that would be good. Just leave before you cause any more trouble." She coldly responded.

She was right about to stand up, but I stopped her with my confession, “I’m pregnant.”

I thought that would make her curious or even feel at least a bit of concern, but then it’s a complete different, “And now? Are you saying that it’s my son’s child?” I could even hear her chuckle after spilling those unbelievably rude words.

“Who knows? Maybe you slept with other man while my son’s lying on that bed? Or maybe worst, you’re cheating on him even before he got into that accident?” She stares into my eyes the whole time she speaks those words. I was also staring at her, and I’m trying so hard not to let my tears fall down, as I don’t want her to think that I’m being dramatic for her to pity me.

“I’ve never cheated on him. Not even thought about it.” I responded to her.

The sarcastic smile on her face fades away after that, replacing it with a glare, and a seemed to be hatred kind of reaction. “You know what? We never know how did he catch into that accident, there’s nothing wrong with his car and he’s a good driver. Unless, maybe, he happens to know something that would make him lose his control.”

“I don’t understand what you were trying to say, ma’am.”

“I’m saying that you are the reason why he fell into coma, and won’t remember anything anymore.” She almost shouted. I could see her face getting red as she touched her forehead. At that time, I was devastated, surprised and felt as if my heart and brain doesn’t function anymore.

She took a deep breath before continuing, “Anyway, since you have already got what you want. Don’t you dare show your face to him anymore. He’s going to get married to someone our family knew, as soon as he feels better. So, get lost.”

Alex’s mother left after that. Not even minding what I just told her, that I’m carrying her grandchild. But what did I expect, though? His family never liked me. I can still remember the day he set us all up to meet and know each other well, but his mother would only ask about our financial status, influence, what parents does and so on.

Whenever I find it hard to speak, Alex would save me and talk on my behalf. He would only spill the truth, and is never ashamed of me. Despite being mocked by his mother, instead of having negative thoughts, his actions and words of affirmation made me forget all of it.

Simply, all my worries would melt when he’s there.

The day he got an accident, I was planning to tell him the news of my pregnancy. It was also a huge puzzle to me as to why of all times and why of all people it has to happen to him? What’s worst is that he couldn’t remember me anymore. Since he already lost his memories of me, nothing in the world is on my side anymore.

I tried to go back to the room where he’s currently staying, not to cause a scene, but to see him once again before I leave. I could feel my tears falling down my face as see him acting really different. He used to be lively, but now, he couldn’t even flash at least a slight smile on his face.

While staring at him, Alex almost caught my gaze, or maybe he really did? But what’s the point of it if he can’t even remember me, if I can’t even approach him to introduce myself once again?

With a heavy heart, I decided to leave, I could hear my footsteps echoing in the empty hallway.

At that moment, I still couldn't shake the feeling of longing that gripped my heart. Alex may not remember me now, but I refused to give up hope. I would find a way to make him remember me again.

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