
Chapter 4: Unforeseen Encounters


Coming back here after years of staying in the US makes me feel as if I’m an alien returning to my hometown after transforming into a human. Yes, that’s how uncomfortable I am right now. I’m not sure whether it’s about the experiences I had, or if it's because I've already become accustomed to living as a completely new person.

After my dad got sick, he pleaded with me to come home and take over the company. It’s the second time I’ve had to give up the life I want for others' sake, and I’m not sure why I’m even doing this.

“Son, are you really going to stay at your old condo? Why don’t you just live here with us?” My mom, once again, asked me. She has been like this ever since I told her about my decision. “What if that woman comes back?”

“Can you please stop talking about her? I am so tired of this issue,” I responded, trying to keep my cool. “I need to use that place before I sell it. Or maybe give it to Leo.”

“Do you mean that?” She asked.

I nodded and walked near her to give her a kiss before heading out of the house.

Honestly, I’m not planning to sell it. Even if Leo, my younger brother, wanted it so much that he would give up his favorite sports car just to get my place, I wouldn’t be giving it to him. That place means a lot to me, and no matter how good or bad the memories it has, I wouldn’t give that up. For the sake of mom’s peace, I utter those words, even if I don’t mean it.

On my way to the HQ, I got caught at the stoplight. I normally don’t look around whenever I’m in the car since it would make me dizzy, but I felt like moving my head. I looked somewhere on my right side, and what I saw surprised me.

It’s Bella.

Small world, isn’t it? How come I’m seeing her on my first day of work?

And she’s with... “Is that the man she replaced me with?” I wondered to myself.

At that moment, the stoplight’s time seemed to slow down as I watched them talk and laugh with each other. It made me go back to the pain I felt back in the US when I discovered that she cheated on me with another guy, even had their baby, which caused me to go through that accident.

I honestly don’t fully remember what happened before the accident, but that’s what my family told me, along with showing me evidence.

How could she smile like that after what she did to me?

I still couldn’t erase her smiling face from before. I’m now at the HQ and can’t even focus on the meeting because of that. But since I could easily catch up to them, me being out of mind wasn’t that obvious.

“What about today's news?” I asked.

They were looking at each other, which seemed like they were looking for a representative to talk about what was going on.

“What?” I seriously asked once again.

One of them finally spoke up before I could cause a scene. “Ms. Ann had an emergency and couldn’t make it today, sir. We were looking for her replacement.”

“Exactly, what kind of replacement are you going to get for the next couple of hours remaining before the segment?” I asked them, gently touching my head. “Call her and ask her to be here quickly. If she doesn't show up, then replace her permanently.”

Before I left the room, I told them, “Make sure you find a capable replacement or else you’ll all be affected.”

This is actually none of my business and shouldn’t be worrying myself, but since I’m known to be a perfectionist when it comes to work, I wouldn’t let this kind of incident pass. A few hours had passed, and no one is giving me any updates on what was happening, so I went to the live location to see what’s going on.

“Sir,” one of the staff greeted me.

“I see that you’ve found a replacement,” I uttered.

“Yes, sir. She’s newly transferred from one of the branch offices.”

I couldn’t get a good look at her face since she’s facing a different direction.

“Newly transferred?” I repeated as I slowly walk somewhere towards the front.

“Actually, the HQ has been requesting her for a very long time, but she just accepted the offer yesterday. Her name is...”

Before the staff could even finish, the woman turned around and faced everyone. I could now clearly see her face and couldn’t believe my eyes.


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