
Chapter Five

Sinjin, pacing the length of his hotel room, checked his wristwatch every five minutes, wondering where his date was. The party had started ten minutes ago, and he found it funny that he wasn't there, considering it was thrown in his honor.

He was going to receive the “Entrepreneur of the Year” award and didn't want to attend the event alone, so he hired an escort. He regretted not suggesting to Adella to hire a professional escort from one of those agencies instead of choosing her friend. He hoped her friend didn't look too bad, as it would be a waste of both their time.

Just as he retrieved his phone from his pocket to call Williams, the doorbell rang, and he heaved a sigh. Stowing his phone, he walked over to the door and swung it open, ready to rake Williams over the coals for being late. However, it wasn't Williams who was at the door.

Before him stood a stunning woman with emerald green eyes, donning an equally striking sleeveless emerald green lace maxi dress. The sweetheart neckline revealed a hint of cleavage. Her jet-black hair was elegantly styled in a loose bun, with tendrils framing her heart-shaped face.

"Hello." She muttered softly. "I'm sorry I'm late."

"It's... No problem." He said. "Uh... Please come in."

As she walked past him into the suite, a sudden breeze carried the scent of roses to his nostrils, prompting him to inhale deeply and slowly exhale. Feeling a bit awkward, he closed the door and cleared his throat silently. While she inspected the suite, he took the opportunity to observe her. It was odd, but she seemed oddly familiar, and her voice resonated with a hint of recognition.

"Are you Sande Archer?" He inquired.

"Yes, sir," She replied, turning to face him. "Um... Adella mentioned you needed an escort tonight and recommended me. I hope I meet your expectations, sir."

"You will," He assured her with a smile. "And please, call me Sinjin."

"I couldn't possibly do that. How about Mr. Santillan?" She suggested.

"Sinjin. I insist," He insisted.

"Um... Very well... Sinjin," She acquiesced, a blush coloring her cheeks. "Nice name you've got."

"Likewise," He reciprocated. "Shall we go?" He offered, extending his arm to her.

She approached and looped her arm around his, and once again, he caught a whiff of roses. Tonight was shaping up to be quite pleasant, he thought happily as they walked out of the suite.


"Ladies and gentlemen, I am deeply honored and humbled to receive this prestigious Entrepreneur of the year award. This recognition is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of every employee in my company. 

Together, we have embraced challenges, pushed boundaries, and upheld our commitment to excellence. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our valued clients, whose trust and support have been instrumental in our success. 

This award not only celebrates our achievements but also inspires us to continue striving for greatness. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this incredible journey. This award belongs to each and every one of you. Thank you."

Eds had been so engrossed in listening to Sinjin's words that she was taken aback when the crowd erupted into applause. Shaking her head to clear the fog in her brain, she realized she'd heard about the young billionaire's charm, but experiencing it firsthand was another matter entirely.

His lopsided grin quickened her heartbeat as he conversed with one of the men on stage, and it raced even faster as he descended from the stage, making his way back to their table.

"That was a lovely speech," She remarked as he settled into his chair.

"Thank you," He responded. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Yes, thank you. The food is delicious."

"Would you like another round of that?" He inquired.

"God, no," She chuckled. "I'm full."

Their conversation was interrupted by several well-wishers who came to congratulate him, and she had the opportunity to meet his parents. His mother promptly ignored her after the introduction, while his father was more cordial, though still focusing primarily on his son.

"Santillan, your son never really told us how he got cured of his paralysis," A man with a pot belly and a young woman hanging on his arm approached their table. "Was it all a lie?"

"Let's not do this here, Goldstein," Sinjin's father intervened. "Maybe some other time."

"Why not?" His voice resonated, drawing attention. "He wasted ten years of my daughter's life when she could've found someone better. I demand answers."

"You've got it all wrong, sir," Sinjin clarified in a cold voice. "I never wasted ten years of your daughter's life because she was never really my girlfriend. She had been cheating on me with Lucas Middleton, all the while taking me for a fool."

"Luke and I didn't start dating until two years ago," The young woman, whom Eds finally recognized as the famous actress Mallucia Goldstein, spat. "We were both faithful to you."

"Anyway, like I told you two days ago, I don't care," Sinjin declared, rising to his feet and glancing down at Eds. "Would you like to leave, sweetheart?"

"Um... Yes," Eds nodded, also rising to her feet. "It was nice meeting you all."

After handing his father his award, Sinjin took her hand and guided her away from the party, aware of all eyes on them, likely speculating if she was his new love interest. They waited for his car outside the hotel, and when it arrived, he opened the passenger door for her. 

She entered the car, and he closed the door behind her. As she watched, he rounded the hood, settled in behind the wheel, fastened his seatbelt, and started the car, but instead of driving off, he remained stationary.

"I'm sorry about that," He apologized. "I'll understand if you wish to go home."

She wanted to leave, but having been there for only an hour, she feared he wouldn't pay her the full amount for her service. "It's fine," She replied.

"How do you feel about a drive to the beach?" He asked.

"Great," She smiled.

He put the car in Drive and sped off like a bat out of hell. The car ride to the beach was silent, and even as they made their way down to the water, settling on the sand thirty feet away from the ocean, they remained quiet.

"No moon or stars," She muttered, gazing up at the sky.

Sinjin followed her gaze, realizing she was right. The sky appeared dull and unhappy, mirroring his own mood.

"Do you think it will rain tonight?" She asked out of the blue.

"I don't think so," He replied. "Why do you ask?"

"The weather forecast on my phone says it's likely to rain tonight," She answered. "I don't like being out when it's raining."

"Allergy?" He inquired.

"No. I just..." She sighed, shaking her head.

"You don't have to tell me," He assured her with a smile. "I understand." Rising to his feet, he dusted off his pants. "I'll take you home."

"I'm probably just worried for nothing. It might not rain," She said.

As if on cue, thunder rumbled in the distance, and lightning briefly illuminated the sky before disappearing. Sinjin chuckled softly.

"Let's go," He said, helping her to her feet. "You'll get home before the rain starts."

"You promise?" She asked playfully.

Before he could respond, the rain started drizzling, prompting him to grab her hand, and together they made a mad dash back to his car, laughing uncontrollably.

"I guess not," He replied as he drove towards the badlands of Elderstone. "But I have an umbrella."

"Hmm, good enough for me." She smiled.

He managed to get her back to Dapplewood before the rain intensified into an actual storm. Retrieving an umbrella from the backseat, he handed it to her.

"Thank you for tonight," He said, pulling out a check from his pocket and passing it to her. "Your payment."

Eds hesitated for a moment before accepting the check and carefully securing it into her clutch purse. She felt a pang of guilt for lying about her name, but she believed it was for the best. Hopefully, this would be the second and final time they'd meet.

"I had a great time." She said, "Goodnight... Sinjin."

"Goodnight Sande."

A lump formed in her throat as she opened the door, opened the umbrella before stepping out of the car. She waved goodbye and shut the door behind her. She had requested to be dropped off at Sande's apartment because she couldn't wait to see her boys, even though she knew they'd likely be asleep by now.

"Sande!" He called out.

She whirled around in surprise as a hand tapped her shoulder, her eyes widening as she stared at him, wondering what he wanted. The rain had soaked his hair, causing it to plaster to his skull, and his tuxedo was getting even wetter, yet he still looked stunning.

"I want to see you again. Can I see you again?" He inquired.

"Um... I don't know," She replied, looking uncertain.

"If you change your mind..." He fished out his wallet from his pocket and extracted a card, which he handed to her. "My numbers are on the card; personal and office numbers. Call me."

"We'll see," She said, noncommittal.

"I'll wait for your call," He told her as he waved and hurried back to his car.

She watched his car until it disappeared from view before turning and walking home, clutching the card in her hand. She briefly entertained the wish to be someone different but quickly banished the thought from her mind.

If she were asked if she wanted to change the past, she wasn't sure she would because she loved her sons. They were her world, and she would do everything the same again if it meant having them in her life.

"You don't belong in that world, Eds. He's out of your league," She thought to herself.

Unbeknownst to her, someone had been watching their interaction from the shadows. Once she disappeared into the apartment building, he vanished into the night.

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