
Chapter Four

"Sir, you have a visitor." His secretary, Adella Simmons, announced. 

"Who is it?" Sinjin wasn't up for visitors. He'd not been in the mood to talk to anyone for over a week and they'd given him his space. He figured the time for peace and quiet was over and either his mother or father was here to get some information out of him by force.

He hadn't told anyone about his physical therapy, preferring it to be a surprise on his birthday. After vacationing at his family's European island resort until he recovered, he returned home. Despite outwardly maintaining the facade of being injured, he secretly exercised his legs in the privacy of his home and underwent a medical examination to ensure he could father a child of his own.

Upon receiving positive test results, he became even more resolved to propose to Mallucia, unaware of her hidden agenda. He had been merely a pawn in her and Lucas's scheme, leveraging his name for their own gains in their acting careers, a fact they conveniently overlooked.

It wasn't entirely their fault. He and Mallucia had been friends long before they started dating, and she hadn't explicitly expressed romantic interest until he made a move in high school. Lucas became part of their circle in freshman year. 

In hindsight, he had ignored the subtle interactions between Lucas and Mallucia because of his own feelings for her. Although she seemed reluctant when he confessed, he didn't think much of it when she agreed to be his girlfriend.

Realizing he was the one who disrupted their dynamic, he couldn't blame them. Everything that occurred on Saturday stemmed from his actions, not theirs.

"Sir?" Adella Simmons's uncertain voice crackled through the intercom when he remained silent. "It's your father, sir."

"Let him in," He sighed, resigned to facing the impending interrogation. "Is my date confirmed for Friday?" He inquired as the door swung open, revealing his father's entrance into the office.

"Yes, sir. You have nothing to worry about, sir," Adella reassured him, a hint of amusement lacing her voice.

"Thank you," He acknowledged before rising from his seat to greet his father. "Dad," He said, extending his hand as they exchanged a handshake. "What a surprise."

"It's not a surprise, and you know it, son," His father chided. "This conversation is long overdue, don't you think?"

"Can I get you anything, dad? Coffee, water, or wine?" He offered.

"I'm good," Brendan waved off the offer as he made his way to the sofa. "What date were you asking about? You hired an escort?"

"Yes," Sinjin confirmed. "You look surprised."

"Of course, I'm surprised. Your mother has this list of eligible females who'd be perfect for you since your relationship with Mallucia didn't work out. She wants me to talk you into dating Serena Winthrop's daughter, Marsha." Brendan said.

"I'm not interested," He asserted firmly. "All these ladies born in our circle are more trouble than they're worth. If I'm going to date or marry someone, it'll be someone who's totally out of my league."

"Meaning?" His father inquired.

"Meaning... If I like my date on Friday, I'll make her a proposal she won't refuse," Sinjin declared confidently. "I mean, who in their right mind would refuse to marry me?"

"Someone already did," His father reminded him.

"Mallucia doesn't count," Sinjin snapped. "She was a terrible mistake."

"Don't rush into anything because you're angry," Brendan advised. "We won't pressure you to take a wife if you're not ready."

"Mom has been pressuring me since I turned twenty. I think she thinks we're still in the 18th century or something," He rolled his eyes.

"Your mother will never forgive you if you bring home a rascal," Brendan informed him. "She won't accept anyone outside of our social circle. For your peace of mind, marry someone she wants."

"I think I'm old enough to make my own decisions, dad," Sinjin protested. "Come to think of it, you didn't come here to question me about my date, did you?"

"No," Brendan shook his head. "I want to know why you didn't tell us that you fully recovered. We're your family. We went through all the heartaches together when you had that accident, and you didn't think to include us when you started walking again?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise," Sinjin shrugged.

"And it was. It was a surprise that left the whole world thinking that you'd been lying about being paralyzed for over a decade," Brendan's eyes narrowed. "Was it all a lie?"

Sinjin sighed deeply, saying nothing. He rose to his feet and walked over to stare out of the windows. His father should have known better than to suspect him of falsifying his medical records. After all, his father had been present when he woke up from his coma after two weeks, and witnessed his panic upon realizing he couldn't move his legs.

His father had been the one to talk him out of the dark thoughts plaguing his mind at the time. All he could think about was that a man who couldn't use his legs was worthless, despite knowing stories of people born without limbs who thrived. 

Now, the same man doubted his son because of rumors about his recovery. Well, he had nothing to say to his father or the world; they could think whatever they wanted about him. He didn't give a damn.

"St John!" Brendan growled, his voice laden with disbelief. "Was it all a lie?"

"Yes, it was all a lie!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air and turning to confront his father. "I faked being paralyzed for ten years because I wanted to play a prank on you guys. What do you take me for?!"

"Son..." Brendan sighed, attempting to calm the tense situation.

"Oh, please forget it," He snapped, his patience wearing thin. "I have a meeting to attend. Don't be here when I get back." Grabbing a file and his phone from the table, he stormed out of his office. 


Sinjin sat at the far end of the bar, nursing his drink, when someone slipped into the chair next to him. He slanted a glance at the person and groaned upon realizing who it was. She had been calling nonstop since last week, and he had rejected all of her calls, just as she had publicly rejected and humiliated him.

"I thought I'd find you here, and here you are," She remarked with a smile.

"What do you want?" He questioned in a cold voice. "Come to finish what you started?"

"No," Mallucia sighed. "I need you to forgive me for hurting you, Sin. It wasn't my intention."

Sinjin barked out a laugh. "Seriously? You could have fooled me," he muttered. "Oh wait, you already did."

"I just—"

"I don't care, Mallucia," He cut her off, shaking his head. "You found happiness with Luke, and I'm really happy for both of you. Now, can you leave?"

"It's unlike you to sound this bitter, Sin," She stated.

"You're fucking kidding me," He turned halfway in his seat to stare at her in disbelief. "Don't flatter yourself, Mallucia Goldstein. Just because I fancied myself in love with someone like you doesn't give you the right to assume that you know me."

"Someone like me? What are you talking about?" She frowned.

"All that glitters is not gold, Mal. If your fans were to find out exactly who you really are, they wouldn't love you as much as they do," he informed her. "You, my dear, are fake."

"Just because I turned you down doesn't give you the right to insult me," She hissed. "I came here to apologize..."

"I don't need your apology," He interjected rudely. "Save it for someone who cares to listen."

"You're destined to be alone for the rest of your pathetic life, Sinjin Santillan," She stated as she got to her feet. "I pity the woman who'll fall into your trap."

"She'll be one lucky woman," He shot her a smug smirk. "I promise you."

"Bastard," Mallucia spat and stormed off.

"Good riddance to bad rubbish," He shook his head and signaled the bartender.


Two days later 

"The salon treatment was enough, Sande. Bringing me here to a spa is too much," Eds protested as she lay on the bed beside her friend. Their aestheticians had just stepped out of the room, and Eds was really feeling the effect of the work done on her.

"I don't mind. I need you to look like an angel for Mr. Santillan, Eds," Sande reiterated. "You'll thank me later when he can't get enough of you."

"I really don't want him to get enough of me. One evening is enough for me," Eds muttered. "I'm not as young as I used to be, remember?"

"Oh, hush," Sande shushed her. "You're still young."

"You'll watch over my boys, right?" Eds asked to be sure.

"You have absolutely nothing to worry about. Just enjoy yourself for tonight," Sande assured her.

"I'll try," Eds thought.

Exactly at six in the evening, a black car pulled up in front of Eds, who was seated on the bench under the shade at the bus stop. Her heart leaped to her throat as the driver's door swung open, and a man in a black suit emerged. He shut the door and walked around the hood to meet her.

"Miss Archer?" The man asked.

"Uh... Yes." Eds nodded, getting to her feet. "You are?"

"I'm Williams. Mr Santillan sent me to get you. You'll meet him at the hotel." Williams informed her.

"Okay." She nodded.

Williams went to open the back door for her, and after a brief moment of hesitation, she got into the car. The door was shut behind her, and she closed her eyes as Williams reversed and drove her away from her sons. She knew they'd be safe with Sande, but she couldn't help worrying.

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