
Chapter Three

Miracle or Deceit: Paralyzed Billionaire Sinjin Santillan Walks Out of His Party After His Girlfriend Rejects Him.

"In an astonishing turn of events at the extravagant birthday celebration of billionaire mogul Sinjin Santillan, attendees were left stunned as Santillan, who has been paralyzed from the waist down for years, reportedly rose from his wheelchair and walked out of the party after a public rejection by his girlfriend.

The opulent affair, held at the Santillan family estate, was attended by high-profile guests from the business, entertainment, and political spheres. The event was meant to mark Santillan's 31st birthday and was anticipated to be a lavish affair befitting his status as one of the wealthiest individuals in the country.

However, the evening took an unexpected turn when Santillan's girlfriend, Mallucia Goldstein aka the nation's fairy, reportedly declined a marriage proposal from the billionaire in front of the gathered guests. Witnesses described the scene as tense, with murmurs spreading through the crowd as Santillan's heartfelt gesture was rebuffed.

In a moment of sheer disbelief, Santillan, who had been confined to a wheelchair for over a decade following a tragic accident, suddenly stood up and walked out of the party, leaving attendees speechless and questioning the nature of the miraculous event.

Speculation has since been rife, with some attributing Santillan's sudden ability to walk to divine intervention or a medical breakthrough, while others remain skeptical, suggesting that it may have been an elaborate hoax orchestrated for dramatic effect.

Medical experts have expressed skepticism regarding the possibility of spontaneous recovery from paralysis, emphasizing the need for further investigation into the circumstances surrounding Santillan's purported ability to walk.

As news of the extraordinary incident spreads, opinions are divided, with many eagerly awaiting an official statement from Santillan himself or his representatives to shed light on the miraculous or potentially deceptive nature of his sudden mobility."


Sande Archer remarked sarcastically after the reporter finished speaking and she reduced the volume of the TV, "Would you look at that? I knew that guy in the wheelchair was a liar. It was all just a ploy to get sympathy from people. I mean, how could someone who'd been paralyzed for years suddenly walk out of his own party with his two perfectly working legs?" 

Edselyn Moore chuckled, shaking her head. It was all she'd been hearing for over a week now. Every news channel was still talking about the billionaire's miraculous recovery, and the man in question was silent, refusing to give a statement regarding the issue.

It was really none of her business if the man had lied about being paralyzed or not. All she was worried about was the fact that Taron and his men hadn't bothered her since that night. She'd seen one of Taron's men, Diggle, and he'd pretended as if he didn't know her.

She didn't want to imagine that the handsome stranger from that night had paid off her debt, leaving her debt-free. Although, that would be very nice of him, and she'd only have to worry about paying him back, but she didn't even know his name or who he was.

A voice in her head reminded her, "You refused to let him tell you, remember?"

"Earth to, Eds," Sande snapped her fingers in front of Edselyn's face. "What are you thinking about?"

"The usual," Eds sighed. "Taron is suspiciously silent after hounding me for weeks about his money."

"Maybe the stranger paid off your debt," Sande said.

"I doubt it," Eds shook her head. "He must be planning something even more sinister. He threatened to hurt Troy and Tristan. I don't want anything to happen to my boys, Sande."

"I don't want to sound like a bitch, but you should have accepted the stranger's help, Eds. It wasn't like he would have asked for something in return," Sande stated.

"You don't know that."

"Did he look like someone who would need six hundred thousand dollars returned in a month's time?" Sande inquired.

"Well, he looked and sounded like he wouldn't miss the money," Eds looked sheepish when Sande groaned. "He was very... worried about me. He was a stranger and he was worried about someone he'd never met before."

"Well, some people are born kind and they don't really mind caring for strangers." Sande said. "You should have accepted his offer and worshipped at his feet."

Edselyn, who had always prided herself on her independence, was raised by her aunt, a strict woman who believed in tough love. Her parents died when she was young, and her aunt instilled in her the belief that she should not rely on anyone to survive.

Unfortunately for her, she had made an error in placing her trust in her childhood best friend and her ex-boyfriend. All that trust had brought her was a crash and burn experience, leading her to vow never to be that naive again.

Sande continued speaking as if the conversation hadn't paused, "Although I can't blame the man for miraculously walking out of his own party. His girlfriend of ten years dumped him for his best friend because she couldn't imagine living the rest of her life with a supposedly paralyzed man. I wonder what she'll do now."

Eds interjected, "Nothing. She shouldn't do anything because going back on her words would make her look stupid and indecisive. She chose to leave him for his best friend, so she should stay with his best friend."

"Rich people and their problems," Sande shook her head. "Sometimes I don't want to be in their shoes."

Eds mused that she wouldn't mind having such problems. She'd have nothing else to worry about except pondering what color of bag or shoes would complement her outfit. Perhaps even then, she wouldn't fret over it. With those kinds of resources at her disposal, she could sleep soundly, knowing her sons would be well cared for.

"What a life that would be." She thought sadly. "Definitely a good life."

She couldn't even fathom reaching a point where she could comfortably hold just one job—one that would cover most of her bills and leave her with some extra cash. With only a high school diploma, she lacked the opportunity for higher education because her aunt couldn't afford to send her to college. 

The little money she had saved for college was used to care for her sick aunt. After her aunt's illness, she abandoned the idea of college and focused on her wedding plans, which ultimately fell through, leaving her the subject of ridicule in her small town. With no other option, she had to flee.

Currently, her reality consisted of juggling four jobs to make ends meet: cleaning houses, waitressing/singing at a club on weekends, part-time work at a convenience store, and lastly, occasionally serving as a maid in a hotel in the upscale Elderstone area. 

Some might argue she was spreading herself too thin, but those critics didn't have two growing boys to care for, bills to pay, groceries and clothing to purchase, and debts to settle.

"I have a job for you," Sande informed her, adding, "If you're interested."

Curious but wary of appearing desperate, she asked, "What kind of job?"

"I know you said you'll never do that escort thing again, and it's understandable, but it could be beneficial for you," Sande suggested.

"I'm not interested," Eds replied firmly. The last time she had engaged in that line of work, it had ended disastrously for her. The client had become aggressive, demanding sex despite it not being part of the agreement. 

She had left with a black eye, a dislocated shoulder, and no payment. To her sons, she had concocted a story about being in an accident. Fortunately, her sons had believed her story, and she had never considered pursuing that type of work again.

"Even if the pay is only half of the debt you owe Taron?" Sande arched a brow.

"Seriously? Three hundred grand?" Her eyes widened briefly before narrowing suspiciously. "You're kidding. Who would pay someone three hundred grand just to play a role for a few hours?"

"So, you know Adella, right?" Sande inquired.

"Adella Simmons? She's not exactly fond of me," Eds replied.

"She's just envious of you," Sande chuckled. "She works at Midas Corporation."

"Owned by Sinjin Santillan, correct?" Eds confirmed.

"The one and only," Sande rolled her eyes. "Well, you know Adella is his secretary, right?"


"She told me that her boss needs an escort for a party he's been invited to. His mother wants him to attend with one of the ladies from their social circle, but he's tired of them and prefers someone from our side," Sande explained. "To cut the long story short, Adella suggested me to her boss, but while I'd normally jump at the chance, I really don't want to go."

"Because of Lex?" Eds smiled.

Sande revealed, "I think he's the one, and I'm afraid of ruining it. After finally mustering my courage, I confessed everything to him. Though he was initially upset, he assured me he wasn't bothered." Sande giggled, exclaiming, "Can you believe it?"

Eds, noting Sande's unusual behavior, chuckled and replied, "You're giggling and you never giggle, so I can believe it."

Sande, eager to know Eds' decision, asked, "So, are you in?"

Eds, realizing she had little choice, inquired about the party's details, "When's the party?" Knowing she truly had no alternative, she understood that if she managed to gather half of the money to settle with Taron, he would cease bothering her, at least temporarily.

"It's on Friday, at 7 pm, in the ballroom of Silver Stars Hotel. Mr. Santillan's driver will pick me up at the bus stop." Sande informed her.

Eds hesitated, considering her work schedule, "Friday? That's my double shift at Shiney's Pub. I can't afford to miss the tips." Exhausted and defeated, Eds sighed, her shoulders slumping, "I don't know. Missing another weekend at Shiney's might cost me my job this time."

Sande dismissed the idea of relying on Shiney's for such a sum, saying, "You won't get three hundred grand there in one night." She proposed a solution, "Look, you can pay Taron 250 and keep fifty thousand for yourself." 

Eds expressed concern, "I don't have a dress." 

Sande assured her, "I'll take care of it." 

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Eds embraced Sande, saying, "I really don't know what I'd have done without you in my life, Sande. Thank you so much." 

Sande replied warmly, "What are sisters for? Come Friday morning, you and I are going to the salon." 

Eds voiced her financial worries, but Sande reassured her, "Don't worry about anything. All you need to do is to look extremely beautiful on Friday. Knock the billionaire on his ass." Sande winked at her, adding, "I have faith in you."

"I'll try my best," Eds said, taking a deep breath. She hoped that dear Mr. Santillan would behave like the perfect gentleman on Friday. Considering he had been confined to a wheelchair for years, she didn't expect him to be physically imposing. 

Nevertheless, Eds harbored a worry that she might come to regret her decision. Yet, she reminded herself that she was doing this for her boys, regardless.

Love Egbejale

Hello guys, it's me again, with a new book! Hope you're all doing well? If you're yet to check out this book, please do so and you won't be disappointed! Don't forget to vote and comment if you like it. Thanks.

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