
Chapter 90 - It's not delusion, it's hope

"Summer honey please calm down." Anthony tried to console Summer as she cried. "Don't ask me to calm down, my best friend is in a coma because of us." I can't say that I haven't thought the same way, if it weren't for me Alice would have never entered Autumn's life, she would have never been in danger, Leo would still be alive and probably with her. All of this would have been avoided only if I never walked into that cafe that day in order to buy it. But then again I would have stayed that cold-hearted baster I was until she warmed my heart again. Summer wouldn't have met Anthony and be so happy with him. The truth about my mother would have never come out.

"Summer you guys aren't responsible for what happened. Alice is. And soon enough she will be caught and held responsible for her actions." Anthony was right, placing the blame on us won't bring us any good. There is only one responsible and she will pay for it, I'll make sure of it.

"Anthony why don't you take her home to rest, I

Autumn is finally awake, but not everything sounds like good news. Stay tuned to see what happens next.

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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
B Chawell
please don't take this down the path that she falls for this Adam guy , when she has no memory.
goodnovel comment avatar
Ugh I worried this would happen.
goodnovel comment avatar
Oh no!!!!! Please let him get her back

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