
48: Bow and Kneel

"I still can't believe this."

Kiel guided Talia to slowly walk down the stairs. Plian was waiting for them in the kitchen for they are going to take their dinner. They were both smiling, assuming gratefulness. "This is our first day here," Kiel uttered and gripped on Talia's hand. "Good morning, sweetheart."

"You know what?" Talia squinted her eyes on him. "You have been calling me with different endearments and it is kind of doubtful."

Kiel let out a small laugh before of her sarcasm. "That just means you are my everything and you are enough."

She just shakes her head and headed to the kitchen. They greeted Plian who is already sitting on the main chair and is looking at them like they are a students who came to the school late. "It is already eight," Plian.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Talia smiled apologetically. Plian has nothing to do with her anymore since she looked really sorry. When Talia has no work, she used to wake up from her bed late and instead of taking breakfast, she just proceed to lunch. That is her cycle when she start a day lazily.

They started to eat just like what expected. Plian cooked food that seems like taste of the two. They ate quite too much because the food is just good and great. They did not even have much time to talk because they enjoyed the meal of the morning.

"Well," Talia caressed her stomach. "That is just good. Thank you for the food, Plian."

The old woman just nodded her head. She was about to leave the house when she remembered something. Plian tilted her head towards the two. "You should update Zanea's, do not make them worry. And I will go here at four to check on your wounds."

Talia beamed. "Copy, Plian."

When Plian left, Kiel and Talia stared at each other and shrugged their shoulders in chorus. Since they did not know what should they do to enjoy themselves, they went out to roam around. They has not totally seen the whole place yet because they arrived there at evening. They used the back door to see the area and they could not stop their amazement.

They are in a huge yard and it was all covered with grasses. They were like in a village of green and all they can see is a healthy place. There are small houses, well, when you look outside, the house is like a small village but when you go inside, you can see the same size of the house of Vionna. Plain road amid and in every side, there are plants and houses apart.

"This place..." Talia uttered while they are still roaming their eyes around. "This is like heaven. I would like to stay here forever."

Kiel reached for her hand and smiled. "You can, Talia. We can. I see that you love greens and plants could make you at peace."

She looked at him and tiptoed to give him a kiss on his cheeks. "Yeah, nature is a part of me, big part. Let me tell you a story, well, after this, you and Margo will go with me to Cage. So, let us take our time."

"Yeah, sure. I am listening."

They both sat on the grass, the peaceful view in front of them, including the road. They did not see anyone, though. Talia let out a small sigh first and played with Kiel's long and pretty fingers.

"When my sister left, I was just alone all day long. I have no anyone to talk to, even my parents because you know, I was mad at them for letting her leave - to live with my aunt. I did not know what to do that time, that situation," Talia started. The pain and loneliness is evident in her voice, showing to Kiel her emotions she felt in the situation she is story telling about. "I went outside our house and hide under the huge tree."

Kiel was just staring at her while she is looking down at his fingers, focused to talking. All he could do is to admire her - she is perfect, a goddess. She has the beauty, the brain, the attitude, and everything. For him, she is perfect. That is when you are in love, they say. You will love for what they are, you will see their imperfections perfect more than anything else. Everything they do is perfect to you, fine, and you are always willing to understand.

"And I have watched a movie when I was a kid, it was about a kid talking to a tree. Funny I believe in that, that maybe, I could talk to them too because I have none to do so," she continued. "And I did. Call me crazy but it really made me feel better. Like the tree help me carry my burdens. And the plants joined the tree, I also talk to the flowers, and yeah, grasses. That is why I love nature so much."

Kiel nodded his head multiple times, his interest has waken up because of Talia's story. "Good thing they did not talk to you back."

"Yeah, I was also thankful. I would freak out if they did."

Kiel put a smile on his lips and kissed Talia's forehead. "I wish I was there when you need somebody, my love. That maybe -"

"Hush," Talia cut him off. "I am grateful that you are here now. That situation just made me stronger, well, if I am. I just believe that I really am but yeah, I look like I am not. You can say that I am too weak -"

"You are strong," he said. "You are the strongest woman I ever met, Talia. Keep that in mind."

"Really?" she laughed in sarcasm. "Hmm, what about Margo? Your mother? You cousins?"

Kiel stopped for a moment before he let out a swallow chortle. "There are many other different terms of strength, baby."

"What terms do I belong, then?" she gave him a different look and smirks.

"Everything," he answered. "You are stronger than anyone, at least, for me and for everyone. You are the one who keep me going. I was on the verge of surrendering myself but because of you, you kept me going, alive."

"Oh, no way. We are not going to talk about that abduction again," she shakes her head and diverted her look away from him. "It just makes me remember what I did."

Kiel went silent for a second. "It is not like you are running away from it because you should not. You did nothing, okay? I hope I did not brought the key of that."

Talia reached for his cheeks and smiled. "It is fine, it was just me who can not forgive myself."

"You are too good. I am willing to bow down my head to you, my princess."

"Princess you say?" she chortled and slightly punched his arm. "You are like Eman."

"You really are a princess," Kiel said in monotone yet serious. "I will give my everything to you. I will bend down my knees and serve you."

"That is why I love you," she whispers. "Marry me..."

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