
47: The Will

"Who should be killed first?"

With heart racing fast and hands shaking, Talia shakes her head. "I said, I volunteer. Go kill me. Just let go of Kiel."

"Kill me instead," Kiel said with his jaw clenched. He can not just let Talia get killed by these men especially Cage who killed her parents. "Let go of her, and take me."

Cage laughed out loud because of their decisions. "Sweet," he uttered and plated with the sharpness of his knife. He then kicked Kiel's stomach, making him groan. Talia closed her eyes tightly while her tears were forming pool in her eyes. "Love is weakness, lovebirds," he said and tilted his head towards his men. "Go get that girl."

The pets followed and get Talia. Kiel tried to get off while Talia is gulping. "Where are you taking her?!" yelled Kiel, still trying to get rid of the rope but another man kicked his stomach, making him cough blood. Talia looked at Kiel with her tears now flowing down her cheeks. She plant a small smile on her lips and looked away inwardly. "Talia!"

Cage hissed. "She is pretty, dude. Let us share with her, hmm?"

Kiel looked at Cage with anger. "Go to hell!"

"Is not it fun?" Cage grinned teasingly that just made Kiel to be more angry. Who would not get angry, right? Their life is already unpredictable because of the current situation they are in. Kiel cannot afford losing Talia her whole life and her to suffer pain.

Cage left the room with no one. He tried to cut the rope behind him but he just can not. Yet, a gunshot stopped him from what he is doing. His eyes widened while looking at the door. He is curious about that noise. About who is killed

His chest went up and down as the gun shot continues. "Surrender now! There is no way out, stupid! I will kill you!"

Kiel's heartbeats almost stopped when he heard Margo's voice from outside. He gulped up tried to yell but something seems like blocking his throat. He stammered while tears started to slid down his cheeks. He does not know what to react.

They are here.

Margo is here with the cops. The Ramirez family is included. They have already planned about this but Kiel did not agree. He does not want them to be in danger for saving him, not knowing that Talia will be included inside the room too. He did not expect them to come and he thought it was already his last. Him and Talia's last.

The door opened harshly and Margo welcomed Kiel's sight. Margo quickly ran towards Kiel and cut the tie that was in his hands and foot. Margo hugged him tightly and gasped. "I told you, brother. I will get here."

Kiel sighed and tapped his back. "What about Talia?" he asked, roaming his eyes around. The door was open so he sees what is going on outside. Cops were already arresting them while he does not see any sign of Talia outside. "And that Cage."

"Talia is with Hera, while Cage, well, he escaped. But Hanz were already after him," Margo answered and guided Kiel to get outside the room. "This men will rot in hell, I will make sure of that."

While other men were arrested, the cops were already putting them inside the car, Kiel sat in a huge root of a tree. He looked for Talia but again, he did not see him. "Where the hell is she? I have to see her," he said to Margo that is playing with her gun.

"Maybe she run after Cage," she said and handed Kiel another gun. "Go find her. I got them."

He nodded his head and groaned when he stood up and he felt his legs in pain. He forced himself to walk and run in the woods to find Talia and Cage. He could heard someone's footsteps, running fast and that sound is what he followed.

"Run, dude, but I will still catch you!" Kiel heard Hanz laughed while running and is holding his gun using his right hand. When he saw where Hanz is heading to, he went to opposite area to trap Cage.

Cage on the other hand was running as fast as he could to get away from four people that is chasing him. He was afraid yet thrilled at the same time. He sucked from running away but there is nothing he could do because if he will stop, he will get killed. Well, Ramirez has their best shot.

Smirk form on Kiel's lips when Cage stopped in front of him. Cage tried to run on another side but Xavier came, and in the right side, it was Hanz and in the other side facing Kiel, there is Talia. All of them were pointing their guns to Cage and that made him terrified.

"Nowhere to run, huh?" Talia said, smirking. She walked towards Cage while he was stepping backwards. But he is totally screwed, trapped with the people he caused harm. "Well, good to see you here."

Cage gulped hard like there is a huge thing blocking on his throat. He forced himself to laugh so it would not be so obvious that he is afraid. "It's my pleasure, Hernandez."

"It should be," she said. "I am happy to finally meet my parents' killer."

Hanz hissed. "Look who is afraid of this little girl," he teases Cage.

"Little girl you say?" said Kiel.

"Let's get over this," said Xavier. "So, who's kill would it be?"

"This man killed my fiancée," Kiel admitted. "But this would not be my kill."

"Mine, then?" Hanz raised his right arm. "This man killed my pet and I want revenge."

"No, it will be Talia's," Xavier uttered, making them all to look at Talia. Talia shakes her head on the other hand and put her gun down. She was not planning to kill anyone right now, today, forever. She does not kill.

"Can't kill?" Cage has the guts to chuckle. "Come in, get over it. If you want to kill me, then do it now. Not unless you can't kill because you think, you are innocent."

Talia did not say a word and let Cage to continue his last word before he dies.

"No one is innocent, Talia. You are a killer, a murderer – ah, fuck!" Cage cursed when suddenly, Talia shut him in his knees. Everyone was not expecting that in Talia's first attempt, she will get the shot right. Well, no one expected her to get a shot.

"Nice, baby." Kiel winked at her while she just rolled her eyes. Hanz and Xavier chuckled because Cage looked in pain and he fell down on the ground. He groaned loud and held his knees where the shot is there.

"You are wrong with that, Cage," Talia said and started to walk slowly towards him. "I am not a killer, I am not a murderer. I am not like you."

"You think so?" Cage just would not back out. He looked at Talia and showed her a different look. "Now you are being someone you does not want to be."

Talia stopped right in front of him. "Well, I am a stranger to myself."

Talia pointed the gun to his head, making him to back out. His heart started to race while trying to look for an area where he could escape. But when he would, he cannot because he is already trapped. He cannot get away from them.

"I'm sorry," Talia said before he shot him on his another leg. Cage groaned loudly and cursed again and again. "You rot in hell, Cage. You killed my parents and you are to kill us."

Cage groaned. "Why would not you kill me already?"

"I am not a killer," Talia simply said and threw the gun in the ground. She turned her back against them and started to walk away. The rest was stunned for a moment before Hanz and Xavier get Cage so he would not tend to escape. Kiel then followed Talia.

"Hey," Kiel greeted and dropped his arms over her shoulders. Talia looked up at him and forced a little smile. "You did good," he added. "That made me love you more."

"Really?" Talia sighed and looked at the way they are heading. They were going out to see the main ground where Margo were waiting for them. "I just shoot him, Kiel. Two shot and I am so sorry for that."

"I know what you feel, this is your first time and you should not hold guns again," he said. "You are dangerous as hell, baby. If you are sorry, then forgive yourself."

She chuckled in disbelief and looked down at her foot. "How? I can't... I can't do that as easy as you said it. It is hard to forgive yourself, Kiel."

"It is easy to forgive anyone but yourself is not? You are too selfless," Kiel uttered. "You are too good, Talia. If you want forgiveness, I forgive you – we forgive you and you should do the same for yourself."

She just smiled and him and tapped his shoulders twice. "It will take time."


"We all fine?" Margo asked while they were inside her car. She was driving while Talia was on the passenger's seat, the other three – Hanz, Kiel and Xavier was on the backseat. "Come on, that Cage was already sent to the prison. What is the matter you guys?"

"Just give Talia silence," Kiel answered Margo, making her shut in realization.

"I'm sorry, I did not know." She remembered that Talia was he one who shot both of Cage's legs and she know how sorry she is because her heart is so pure and soft. She does not even have the heart to hurt someone but because of the pain Cage gave to her - to them, she was able to shoot him at least. She did not sent him to death because she wants him to suffer to rot in jail.

Talia let out a heavy sigh and looked down at her fingers. Tears started to flow down her cheeks, making them to worry of Talia. "I wish I never did that," she muttered in the air but enough for them to hear it.

"That's fine," said Margo. "That's fine, Tali. You did what you should. I am not saying that shooting him is right but we all understand your pain and agony. You just have to let your pain out so you did that. Don't be too sorry, Talia. Regrets could kill."

She shakes her head multiple times. "I would never forgive myself..."

"You have to," Xavier interfered. "You cannot live with regret, Talia. You are a good guy and I am proud of you."

"You guys stop sugarcoating me. You know what I did is wrong," she hissed and wiped her tears away. Kiel tried to reach for her but she stopped him. "I will go to Cage tomorrow, can you help me about that, Margo?"

"Why?" Kiel asked but Talia did not mind her. "Talia, it is too risky. I will go with you."

"Nah, Margo is fine," she insisted and looked at Margo that is just focused on driving. "Right?"

"Yeah, fine," Margo said like giving herself up to Talia. "I wounded your neck so I might make it up with you with this."

She smiled. "Good. Thank you."

They were silent for the rest minutes the car stopped in front of the mansion. They all went out but stopped when they realize that Talia did not fix herself yet to get inside.

"Hey," Kiel called him. She looked at him and shakes her head. "Why? You don't want to get inside? I can bring you to yours –"

"No, I can. But can I borrow your car, Margo?"

"Talia," Margo chuckled. "You serious? Let Kiel be with you."

She bit her lower lip and nodded her head twice. "All right. But I am not going to the mansion. Vionna gave me an address of her house where I can live for the meantime."

"Oh," Margo's mouth formed an "o" in realization. She remembered the time she called her before she got abducted. "Okay. Kiel is going with you and update us when you got there."

They just nodded their heads to each other before Kiel went to the driver's seat. He held Talia's hands first before he started the engine. "Am I crazy to think you hate me? I mean, yes, you should but –"

"I am not hating you," Talia cut him off. "I am just too occupied, Kiel. I am sorry big time for that shot. It affected my being."

"Hey, it is fine. If you really can not forgive yourself, then I and Margo will go with you and ask for Cage's forgiveness. Just let me be with you, okay? Don't avoid me."

"Yeah, copy that, sir," Talia saluted. They both chuckled. Talia gave him the address that Vionna gave to her and it was just half hour away from the Ramirez's mansion. When Talia checked her phone, she clicks her tongue. She has lots of missed calls from the Zanea's, excluding Ysiah and Vionna. Well, what would she expect from Ysiah but nothing? That man is something she should stop her annoyance to.

"Alright, we are here." Kiel stopped the engine and looked outside. The house is more on a small and simple yet elegant and decent. The lights were mixed white and yellow and it is making the place classical. There is not much neighbors, there are some but miles away.

"Beautiful," Talia commented. They both went out of the car and headed inside. They turned another light and smiled. There is a second floor. The house is made of bamboos, strong bamboos that is hard to ruin. And it was varnished and is well set.

"This is so good," Kiel said with a smile plastering on his lips. They were both roaming their eyes around and they did not notice the old woman standing in the kitchen area.

"Who are you?" the old woman asked in a hoarse voice, afraid. Talia and Kiel looked at her and smiled.

"Good evening. I am Talia and this is Kiel."

The woman stopped. "Talia? Vionna's granddaughter? And this is... your boyfriend?"

Talia smiled, nodding. "Yes. And you are? I guess you are my granny's friend." 

"Yes, I am Plian and I take care of this house when Vionna will not get around. I was expecting you lately, hours has passed. And you two look so mess," she scanned the both of them and gulped when she saw blood stains in their shirt. And also, they were both wounded. "Where did you get that? You should take a bath. Here is the restroom. I will get a med kit to mend your wounds."

The old woman seemed to panic. They just shrugged their shoulders and went inside the restroom just like what Plian said. They both wore their skirts off and grinned to each other. They have the same thoughts and they are thrilled about it.

Talia jumped over Kiel and they both started to kiss each other. They then groaned as they felt the small pain from their wound but they would care less because all they want in the current time is the same, to take each other. Talia round up her legs around Kiel's waist while Kiel on the other hand encircled his arms around her.

They both kissed each other passionately. Kiel sucked his tongue inside her mouth, he then chocked her so she would open her mouth wider. They continued what they are doing until they heard a knock from outside. They both stopped and pant.

"The towels are here, I get it ready. Once you are done, call me so I can take care of your wounds," Plian said before she leave. The couple chuckled and shakes their head. Talia get off from Kiel and went to the shower.

"You still up?" Kiel asked and hugged her from behind. Talia arched her neck when Kiel started to kiss her there. She chuckled and moaned teasingly.

"I am tired," she said but Kiel did not mind her remarks. "But if you want, I can."

He went away from her and hissed. "I don't want you to tire yourself. Come on, let's take a bath and get our wounds clean."

While they are cleaning themselves, they can't stop from touching each other. Their desires can't stop them, even if they are both exhausted.

"I thought I would lose you," Kiel whispered while kissing her cheeks. "I thought that would be the last time I will see you, Talia. Thank you for living."

Talia beamed while she felt her heart melting, flattered. She also thought the same. She thought she would lose him the time Cage pointed the knife on his neck, when they hurt him. When they dragged her off away from him. She thought they would lose each other but they just thought. Everything is unexpected and we should use ourselves to that. We should not expect anything, bad or good.

"Thank you also for living," Talia whispered back. "Thank you to your family, though. They came."

"They will always when you don't have anyone to run to," Kiel said. "I am grateful to have them. They are perfect and for it to be more perfect, I suggest you to add on our family. I mean, we are already family, right? But you know, I... I want to marry you."

Talia stopped from what she is doing and looked at Kiel with a disbelief look. He simply smiled and shrugged his shoulders like what he said is nothing compared to Talia's reaction. "You meant that?" she asked with a shaky voice and reached for his hands. "Really, Kiel?"

Kiel just hissed. "I am not used to joking anyway."

Talia rolled her eyes and washed herself. "Yeah like you did not just invite me to marry you. Sorry, I was just surprised."

"Why being sorry?" he raised his left eyebrow. "I mean, I meant that, Talia. I do. It was just that I thought you hate the thought. That you don't want to marry me -" he was cut off when Talia pressed her lips against his. They both closed their eyes as they felt their softness.

"I want to," she whispered and held his nape. "I want to marry you, Kiel. I badly want to."

Kiel bit her lower lip, making her moan. "But?"

"What do you mean but?"

"There is a but," Kiel said and let go of her lips. They both panted and pressed their forehead together. "What is it? I will listen."

She sighed. "We may not be ready yet. Getting married is hard, Kiel."

"But we have each other."

"Yeah, I know. Maybe I am not yet ready. But that does not mean I don't love you -"

"Hey." Kiel cupped her face when he saw her panicking. "I know, okay? I understand. You don't have to explain yourself. I will always understand, Talia. Just please, don't think like I am in rush of marrying you. I will always wait for you."

"Thank you, thank you for understanding."

After they took a bath, they went outside and took their towels. They did not saw Plian around. Just like what she said, she will come when they call her once they are done and are ready. They just went to their room and good thing there are clothes in the closet - which Plian prepared lately when Vionna informed her that her grandchildren will be there in an hour. It was just that they came late since Cage became a hindrance of Talia's way.

"Am I staying here?" Kiel asked, curious and sat at the edge of the bed. "Plian just expect you and I did not -"

"I can talk to her," Talia said while wearing her clothes. She just wear a simple jacket and a pajama. "I can not live here without anyone by my side. Maybe live with me here?"

Kiel stared at her for a moment before he nods his head. "Aye aye, caption. It will be my pleasure."

Talia went near him and hover down to give him a little kiss. After they prepared themselves, they called Plian but they did not know where she is. They roamed the whole house but she was not there.

"Plian?" Talia called for the nth time. That is when the old woman opened the front door.

"I'm sorry, I just light up the candles outside. I did not hear your call since I am away. Anyway, are you ready? In the couch. I will take care of your wounds," she said and headed to the living room. They did not think for a second and simply followed her. They sat on the couch and let Plian to mend their wounds. "Where did you get these?" she asked in monotone while busy in Talia's wound. Talia was the one who is more wounded so she took her first. Kiel was just watching what she is doing to Talia.

Talia and Kiel looked at each other, doubting if should they tell her the truth. Plian looked to the both of them and let out a small chuckle afterward.

"It's okay if you can't tell me," she said with a smile. She continued to mend Talia's. After five minutes, Talia talked.

"Someone catches us," Talia started. No one dared to interfere and just let Talia to explain what really happened. "They planned to kill us, I and Kiel - that is why we got here late. But please, do not tell my family about this."

Plian stopped and looked at her with creased brows. "You will hide this from them? You two got almost killed. Where are they now? Are they -"

"Arrested already," Kiel said. "We will make sure that they will rot in jail."

"Who are they anyway?" Plian hissed and continued to what she is doing she just stopped minutes ago.

"The boss is the person who killed my parents," Talia said. "My parents I used to love. The first parents I knew that loved me well." 

"You deserve justice," Plian said. "But Zanea also loved you, Talia."

She smiled bitterly. "Sorry, I can't feel it."

"How do you say? They give you everything they can and they protect you at all cost. Trist and Ysmael are a good parents. Are they treating you bad? Sorry, I didn't know that."

Talia disagreed. "No, don't be. It was just that something is off. The love they are showing is not enough. Or maybe, I can't be contented."

"The time will come."

"Yes, I hope it will."

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