
46: The Demons

"What the hell happened?"

Axel freaked out when he heard the news, that Talia and Kiel just broke up. He went up from his bed with his eyes widened, then he looked at Talia with disbelief. They stopped him from standing but he is just so stubborn to listen.

"Axel, you have nothing to –"

"No, Talia. Why? Did he broke up with you or it is you?" Axel asked, sounding so hurt. He was in the verge of crying himself out and that made them worry more. "I can't believe –"

"Let's talk about this when you are fine –"

"I am fine, okay? I will be more fine when I know the reason behind your break up," said Axel and hissed. "Look, don't treat me like a baby here. I am fine and I just want to know the truth."

Talia looked around. Inside the room, there is Trist and Ysmael in the couch. Eman beside Talia and Ysiah leaning against the wall and is staring at them like nothing, it was like he has another world that he does not have to care with the current event.

"Let's talk about this at home," she said in conviction. "Take care of yourself. I will just go and have fresh air."

No one stopped nor followed Talia when she get out of the room, leaving them from behind. She walked through the hallway while stopping her tears from falling. As she went out of the hospital building, she crossed the road and went inside a café. She ordered and waited for it to get served in her table.

"Hey," someone appeared and greeted Talia, waving his hands in front of her face so she would get back to her senses. Hanz sat in front of her and smiled like he is fine. "How are you, Tali baby?"

She rolled her eyes. "Tali baby? What is that?"

Hanz chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. "You are a baby? Anyway, I am asking how are you. Wait, you look... did you just cry?"

"I did not!" she refused to tell him the truth. "I am juts fine, Hanz. Not until you appeared."

"You are so mean," Hanz said and held his chest, acting like he was hurt to what Talia told him. "I just saw you while I am with someone. I planned to get here since you look lonely."

"With someone?"

Hanz grinned and tapped her hands that is on top of the table. "None of your business, my Talitali. Let's just say that I have bunches of lovers."

Talia chuckled. "So, how are you? – Oh, thanks." Her ordered arrive, actually, their order. They nodded their head to the staff first before they continued to talk to each other. Hanz talks casually while Talia was planting a bitter smile on her lip. Who would be happy when after your break up, you will see his brother?

"I've heard," Hanz said later on after he put down his phone. "Is it true? Hmm, kind of unbelievable."

"You talking about?" Talia raised a brow, she could not define what he is referring to. But when Hanz looked at her with a meaningful look, she sighed and shook her head. She then let out a biter laugh. "Yes, we are over. I have nothing to do with it anymore. He decided and I was angry."

Hanz leaned against his seat and they both sipped on their cup. "You believe him?"

"Not really, but that is what he wanted. Maybe he has more else reason. That maybe, he do not want me anymore. That he realized that I sucked and I am no worth loving," she said in pain.

"Whoa," Hanz back off. "That was..." he paused and shakes his head. "Who would not love you, Talia? Really, huh?"

She looked down at the cup of her coffee while feeling solitary. She feel so lonely. Even when Hanz is there to talk o her and make her feel better, he does not help. Talia wants more, she wants the man who could tame her waves.

"Well How do we love ourselves? It is hard to accept the real you. I just wish there is a perfect life, for me, for us. How do we ease the pain? How do we endure it? I can't. I just can't. I am tired."

Hanz did not know what he would say because he sensed that Talia was ready to shed tears. He just reached for her hands and tapped, trying to make her feel that she is not lonely and he is still there for her. That no matter what happens, there is someone who would not leave you from behind at all cost.


"Mind telling me about it?" Axel could not stop from asking Talia what really happened between her and Kiel. He was deadly curious and he cannot bear with it longer. He wants the truth because he could see Talia's pain.

Talia chuckled and caress his hair. They were in the garden area, juts the two of them. Axel wants to be with his sister privately and garden is the perfect place for them. Talia did not answer him directly and just plant a smile on her lip.

"I know it hurts but we are just here for you," Axel added and caressed her back. Talia did not say a word and just hugged Axel tightly. She hide herself in his chest and sobbed silently. "Hush, it's fine."

"It broke me," Talia started and gasped. "He used me. He loved me because I am a Zanea. What should I do, Axel? How can I get through this pain?"

Axel closed his eyes tightly and hugged her more tight. "If that is really true, then you should move on from him. Get through him, Talia. Or maybe, if you can not yet, confront him and ask him again."

"How to face him?" she shook her head and wiped her tears out. She let go of Axel and looked away, now feeling shame for a bit. "I will later. Thank you."

After minutes of Talia and Axel talking, she went inside her room and stared at her phone that is just placed in her table. She bit her lower lip while her hands are shaking, feeling so nervous with the thought that she will call him to confront him and ask for the truth.

She reached the phone with her hands that could not calm. When she finally hold it, she shut her eyes tightly and heaved a deep sigh. She went to her contacts and looked for Kiel's number. When she finally sees it, she felt weak and all of a sudden, she let go of the phone, making it fall to the floor. Good thing it did not break and she could get it again to call him.

"Should I?" she asked herself, terrified. "No, I should not. He said that he is using me and it should be over already! I should not! Put the phone down, Tal. Put it..." she told herself while gripping on her phone. By watching her saying those words, you can call her crazy. She is trying so hard to keep herself away from the phone to stop from calling him.

But something is forcing her to call Kiel. It was like her heart is urging her to call Kiel and talk to him so they could make things clear. That everything might not be over yet, that there is still a chance. That maybe, Kiel is just lying to her which is true.

It took Talia four rings for Kiel to answer the call. She was already planning to put the phone down because Kiel might not wanting to talk to her but he answered the call before she could stop herself the ring.

"Hey," Kiel said from the other line, voice were hoarse. It is evident that he was surprised Talia called him. "Talia?"

"H-Hey," Talia greeted back in her broken voice. "Kiel..."

From lying on the bed, Kiel get up and looked up the ceiling to stop himself from tearing up, again. "You called, why?"

Talia feel weak. She sat at the edge of the bed and sighed. She covered her mouth so Kiel would not hear her crying but she can not just stop her sobs from letting out. "Kiel..." she uttered and gasped. "A-Are you really serious about it? T-That you are just using me? That... because I am a Zanea, you loved me?"

"Talia..." Kiel can not find a word to utter. "I'm sorry."

"I want answer," she said and bit her lower lip. "Yes or no, Kiel. That is what I need..."

"Look, Talia –"

"Yes or no?" Talia repeated, now slowly getting broken into pieces. "I want an answer, okay? You just cannot apologize and make me realize things! I just want to hear yes or no from you! Is it that hard?"

"Tal –"

"Is it true?! Yes or no?!"

"Tal –"

"Yes or no?!"

"No, okay?!" Kiel roared. "I am lying! I am not telling the truth because I know, you will not let me go! Just... let's just get over it."

She closed her eyes while struggling to breathe. Her tears keeps on flowing down her cheeks and the answer from Kiel just made her more broken. Kiel sacrificed... He will do anything for Talia. "Kiel..."

"Talia, I have no time for this. I have to go."

"W-Where are you going?" she asked, panting. "Kiel, where are you going?!"

"To your haven," he muttered and hang up. Talia called him for multiple times and tried to call him again but he was not answering anymore. She yelled his name and threw the phone in the wall, the piece of her broken phone mess up her room and she does not care. She just feel the pain in her chest and she cannot focus to anything else.


"You have not eaten yet for already three days. Are you planning to kill yourself, Talia?"

Trist was knocking on the door while holding a tray of food. She is right. Talia has not been eating for already days and she should not starve herself. Talia on the other hand was just closing her eyes, leaning against the headboard and is listening to Trist's provokes to her.

"Talia, I am begging you. Open the door and eat this," Trist said, pleading. But Talia still does not listen. She heard her but she will not do such a thing. She just want to be alone.

"Mom, please," she uttered with her weak system. "I am not hungry..."

"You are, Talia. You have not eat yet for already days! Your stomach is empty! Come on, open the door. I promise to let you have silence but please, eat first..."

Talia sighed and did not mind Trist.

"I know how it hurts, Talia. But please, Kiel would not like it when he will know that you don't eat? That you are killing yourself?"

Just by hearing his name, Talia bit her lower lip as another tear threatened to get out of her eyes. She covered her face using her pillow and covered her ears using bot of her hands. She does not want to hear anything from her especially about the man she loves.

"Kiel would not like this, okay?"

"Mom, please, don't bring him up..."

"Alright, alright. I am sorry. Just take this food, please? I will leave it in the door."

Talia just heard the footsteps of her mother away from her room. Since she does not want to hurt herself and disobey her mother, she forced herself to get up and slowly walked near the door, Without eating for a day, she is getting weak. She even has nothing to drink. Her stomach has nothing in three days and that is so bad for her.

She just took the food and cleaned herself up. She just could not lock herself inside her room and do nothing but to cry and mourn/ She has to get up and do something that will keep her busy and away from pain. That is the way to overcome the pain, to stop from thinking of it and move on. That is the best option.

"Whoa, welcome back!" Eman welcomed with his arms open wide. He hugged Talia while she just chuckled. "I miss you, princess."

"Miss you too," she said and tapped his back. "It is nice to be back. I am sorry for hiding myself through the wall."

"Hey, it's fine," Eman said and guided her to go to the dining table. Their family was already there, ready to take their dinner. They did not even expect Talia to come out and joined them.

"I'm sorry," she said apologetically, feeling embarrassed. "I did not mean to –"

"It's all right," said Vionna. "We understand you, Talia. Come and join us."

"Well, except me," Ysiah said, disagreeing to Vionna. "You are such a cry baby, Talia. Why cry for –"

"Again, Ysiah?" Trist provoked and gritted her teeth. "Are not you sick of it? You always ruin the dinner."

"No, I am not. It was Talia. When she came here, everything is a mess –"

"You are actually making the mess," said Eman and smiled sarcastically.

"We are in front of the food," said Vionna and roamed her eyes around her family. "Don't be a disgrace, Ysiah. You always make things to mess up."

"Me again?" Ysiah fired and chuckled, angry one. "It has always been me! She was the one who always brought the mess! If she did not come, then we are fine! When she did not came back, our family is better! We are sort of a perfect family, but she ruined it all."

Talia looked down at her fingers, did not know what to say or should she say anything. She just want to disappear in front of them.

"Ysiah," Ysmael called him. "We can make everything more perfect with your eldest sister. You just have to cooperate, son. Talia has not ruin anything –"

"Yeah, defending her again and again. You know what? You sucked -" Ysiah stopped from talking when Talia stood up. She kept her head down, she could not meet their eyes out of shame. "What now? You realized that you does not suit here? That you are nothing?"

Talia nodded her head and looked up Ysiah. "I never wish to be here, Ysiah. To be in this position," she started. "I never meant to ruin anything that is perfect. But if I really have ruined your family, I am sorry."

"You should," Ysiah said with his jaw clenched.

"I just want to live normally," Talia said in monotone and shakes her head inwardly. "I am sorry if I interfered. I am sorry for everything –"

"Talia –" Trist called her but Talia did not listen. Their family members was just watching them and no one dared to interfere other than the mother.

"I am just weighty in the shoulder to carry," she continued and forced a smile. "Again, I apologize for everything."

After that, she bowed her head and went off of the dining table. She run towards her room while holding her tears back. She locked herself again inside and packed her things. She heard Axel knocking on the door of her room but she did not open it.

Even in her phone, Eman and her parents were calling her. But none of them she answered. She does not want to worry them much so she will never answer their call and she decided to just leave because of the impact of what Ysiah said. That their family was perfect not until she came.

Ysiah is somehow right, their family even before is perfect. But when Talia came, Ysiah changed and he became more grumpy and all he could do is to hurt Talia's feelings and tell her harsh words that he does not know that is already killing her.

Talia called Margo and good thing she answered the call quickly. "Hey, Tal! I miss you –"

"Can you fetch me here?" Talia asked before Margo could complete her sentence. Margo stopped for a moment before she could grasp what Talia said.

"H-Huh? Why?"

"I am leaving. Margo. I... I don't know where to go. C-Can you help me? I need you. I don't want here anymore..."

Margo sighed. "Where are you? I will get you out of there."

Talia told her their address. Since it is just almost hour for Margo to arrive, Talia prepared herself. It is already midnight and almost everyone are asleep. She sneaked out, slowly opened the doors and walking out of the mansion.

"Where are you going?" She almost jumped in shock when a voice appeared from her back. It was Vionna watching her to leave. "Talia," she called when she did not answer her.

Talia lifted her weight and faced Vionna with her begging eyes. "I don't want here anymore, Granny. I want to leave... Please?"

Vionna stared at her for a moment and looked down at the floor, then back to her. "Is there a place you can go?" she asked, making Talia to shake her head.

"None, actually," she answered. "But I can ask for help."

"I have a small house where I can lend you. Here." Vionna handed her a paper where the address of the house she is referring is written. Talia smiled and accepted it. She hugged her granny tightly and kissed her cheeks.

"Goodbye, Granny, Thank you for helping me," she whispered with a smile plastering on her lip. "I love you."

"Take care, Talia. I will visit you there," she whispered back and caressed her back. "I love you, my princess."

Talia smiled at her for the last time before she turned her back against Vionna. She left the mansion and waited for Margo near the huge tree. She smiled bitterly when she remembered a memory of her and Kiel in past days in the same area. She never thought that that would be their last sex together.

Talia waited for a minute before a car stopped in front of her. She smiled and went inside the car. She was about to call Margo when suddenly, someone covered her mouth with a hankie that has a poison that can make a person to sleep and lost consciousness for hours.

Before darkness swallow Talia, she clearly saw the face of the man driving. It was Zed... Her best friend.


With a sunlight hitting her face and dry tears in her cheeks, Talia opened her eyes and with sleepy eyes, she roamed her eyes around. She did not recognize the place where she is and when she was about to get up, she felt a grip on her hands from her back. That is when she realized that her hands is being roped from her back while she is sitting on a chair. Then, she was about to move her foot but it is also being roped.

She gasped and she started panting. When she heard someone groaned beside her, she tilted her head towards the area. That is when her eyes dilated upon seeing Kiel with her, also being tied up. Kiel was groaning and is also to wake up.

"Kiel..." Talia muttered his name while nervousness gushed through her system. Kiel looked at her when he heard the call of his name and he was also surprised to see Talia.

"Talia..." he uttered back and a tear fell down his cheeks. "What are you doing here? You should have been in your house."

Talia shakes her head, tearing up. She looked away from Kiel and bit her lower lip. "Why are you here? Is this all about the enemy? I saw Zed..."

Kiel heaved a deep sigh. "Yes."

"I thought they are already over us? You said you paid them. You said that their fight over us is already over," Talia said in disbelief. "You lied to me, did not you?"

"I'm sorry."

Talia scoffs. "You also lied to me about using me as a Zanea."

"I have to," he simply said. "They won't stop from chasing us."

She chuckled sarcastically. "You think lying to me will be a solution? Tell me, you love me, right? You are just lying out it."

Kiel bit his lower lip and looked up at the ruined roof. The place is whole of a mess. 

"I love you, always," he said, voice were broken.

Talia's tears flowed more. "I thought you never love me."

"I always do," Kiel uttered and smiled, painful one. They did not have time to talk more because the door of the room opened and five men entered with guns in their hands. Two of them went in front of them while the three stood in the door, securing.

"What are you doing?" Talia asked when she saw the man get a knife from his pocket and pointed it on Kiel's neck. "Hey, what are you doing?!"

Someone came to Talia to cover her mouth with a fabric. That is when Kiel groaned. "Don't hurt her," he said. "You can get me, just don't her."

"Lovers, huh?" the man that is holding a knife grinned and squinted his eyes to the both of them. "Sweet Alexandro," he teases and pointed the knife more on his neck.

"Don't hurt him!" Talia exclaimed. "What do you want?!"

"Well." The boss that is holding the knife on Kiel's neck grinned more. "I want your head cut off."

Talia gulped. Kiel glared at the man with her jaw clenched. "I told you, you can get me just not her. We had a deal."

Their boss laughed like an idiot. "And you believe? You are so fool, Ramirez. That is really it when you are in love. They say, until death, the lovers will meet on the other side."

"And so?" Talia raised her left eyebrow. "Are you jealous that no one love you?"

The boss tilted his head to Talia. "What an acting brave girl."

"I am not a girl," she said. "You can tell me what you really want and we will give it to you."

"Your head cut," he repeated. "Now, give me your heads."

Kiel chuckled. "You want more, Cage. If you want money, I can give you our wealth."

The boss gritted his teeth and slapped Kiel's face in anger. Talia yelled to Cage but he did not give a damn. He also slapped Talia, making the side of her lips covered with blood and their head tilt to their other sides.

"I said, don't hurt her!" Kiel yelled in anger. "Punish me when you want, just let her go!"

"No," Talia hissed and licked the side of her lips. "Hey, Cage. You can kill me. You want that, right? Then go on. You should have ever since –"

"What are you saying, Talia?" Kiel exclaimed. "You are not doing that!"

Cage chuckled and played with the sharpness of the knife. "Sacrifice, sacrifice. Who should I kill first?"

"I volunteer," said Talia and looked at him with her system being weak. Her sight is already turning around because of the appeal of the slap Cage gave to her.

"No, not her. I volunteer," Kiel interfered. Men inside the room laughed because of the two, sacrificing each other. "You want us dead but you can go double with me."

Cage hummed as a tease before he walked in front of them, back and forth. "How lovely, lovebirds. Remember that love can not save the world, even yourselves."

Talia chuckled, making them to look at her. "So, that is why you are dead, huh? Your heart is covered with darkness and you will forever bury yourself in death because no one loves you, even yourself."

"You know nothing," Cage fired and pointed the knife on her neck. Kiel was about to stop him when two men punched his stomach. Talia yelled but they did not mind her. "You are making everything easy, Talia. Ready to meet your parents on the other side?"

Talia stopped when she heard that. She looked at Cage with her eyes widened. "Y-You killed them..." she uttered, then Cage laughed.

"And you will be the next meeting them," he said with a grin. Talia can see demon in his eyes and raging anger. She gritted her teeth.

"Go kill yourself," she whispered, showing to him her demons.

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