
Chapter 84 Chapter Eighty Four

Again, I woke up with a the worst of splitting headaches there could be... exaggerated that a but too much, but yes, it hurt. I slightly winced as I turned to my side. I could make out a pole, a blue curtain, white walls and I could already tell that I was in a hospital. Memories of what happened and obviously landed me in a hospital assailed me.

Who brought me here? I wondered but I continued putting the right name on the things I could see; a beeping computer, another blue curtain, more white walls, walk a-

"Oh my God, Sydney!"

I suddenly felt arms on my arm. I squeezed my eyes shut, my head ached as I turned to face the direction that the voice had come from.

It was Grace. I managed a smile but my smile fell the moment I noticed her swollen, red rimmed eyes and watery smile and the dark circles under her eyes. Grace never had dark circles or swollen eyes. No matter how long or late she worked, she always had a way to make them look non-existent.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I ask
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