


"You've done it again, haven't you?"

I turn quickly to find the blonde lady from earlier. She has a smug smile on her face.

Amid all the chaos, I cannot help but ask,

"What are you talking about?"

She raises an eyebrow and angles her head forward,

"Look at him. I have never, ever seen Mason this way. Go on, look at him."

I turn slowly, fixing my wide-eyed stare at the scene that continues to unfold before me. Mason's suit is no where in sight. The security men surround him, hands outstretched in a bid to calm him down.

Light flashes everywhere, signifying that the cameramen are indeed doing their jobs. God, this is a mess. Those horrible pictures will be all over social media tommorow.

But all those aren't really what catches my attention. My gaze finds Mason once again, and I'm momentarily transfixed by what I see.

His eyes spark a luminous, dangerous fire. Darkness rolls off him in waves. I have never seen him look so…furious. My heart drops to the bottom of my shoes. Shit! I d
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