
Chapter 6

As the morning sun filtered through the windows of her quaint little shop, Estella bustled about arranging her shelves, her hands deftly arranging jars and vials of freshly crafted pills.

The peaceful rhythm of her work was interrupted by the creak of the door swinging open. Turning to greet the newcomer, Estella’s warm smile faltered slightly as she laid eyes on the unfamiliar man standing before her.

Nevertheless, she greeted him kindly, her voice gentle as she welcomed him into her store. The man returned her smile, his demeanor friendly as he introduced himself as Brett Marrock, the village chief's son.

Recognition dawned on Estella’s face as she realized who he was, and she greeted him once again.

“Welcome to my shop, Mr. Marrock.”

Brett’s gaze swept across the shelves of Estella’s store, his eye searching for a particular sight. Not finding what he sought, he turned to Estella with a curious expression. “Where’s your son?” he inquired, his tone casual yet filled with genuine interest.

Estella furrowed her brow in confusion at the unexpected question. Nevertheless, she replied with a gentle smile. “Devon’s at home for now. He might drop by later during lunch.” She paused, curiosity tugging at her, and added, “Why do you ask?”

Brett’s lips cured into a playful smile as he shook his head. “I saw him at my welcoming party,” he explained, his voice tinged with fondness. “He’s quite the charmer, your son.”

Estella’s smile widened at the compliment, her heart swelling with pride at the mention of Devon.

Realizing she had to address his reason for visiting, Estella refocused her attention on Brett and inquired, “So, what medicine can I assist you with today?”

Brett’s eyes flitted around the quaint interior of Estella’s shop, his mind preoccupied with the memory of the unexpected encounter with Devon that night. The image of his swollen knees lingered, proof of the surprising strength the young boy possessed.

Clearing his throat, Brett turned his attention back to Estella and posed his inquiry. “Do you happen to have something for swollen knees?” he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of discomfort as he recalled the soreness from Devon’s unexpected kick.

Estella nodded her head. With a soft smile, she made her way to a shelf near the counter, retrieving a small wooden box from the array of remedies. “This cream is just what you need,” she explained, handing the box to Brett.

“Apply it once a day to the swollen area, and your knees will be back to normal in no time.”

Brett accepted the medicine and paid for the medicine that Estella handed him.

He lingered at the threshold of Estella’s shop for a couple of minutes, a thoughtful expression crossing his features as he mulled over his next words. Sensing that he had something more to say, Estella paused in her work, glancing up at him with curiosity.

“You know,” Brett began, his voice tinged with admiration, “your skills in medicine are truly remarkable. If it weren’t for the immortality pill created by the Erylis family, I would dare say your abilities rival theirs.”

Estella’s brow furrowed slightly at his mention of an immortality pill, her interest piqued. “What do you mean by an immortality pill?" she inquired, her tone laced with curiosity.

A knowing smile graced Brett’s lips as he leaned in as if sharing a secret. “Well, rumor has it,” he explained, “the Erylis family has developed a pill capable of extending a person’s strength threefold. It’s said to be quite a boom for the Vesper Pack.”

Estella’s grip tightened imperceptibly at the mention of the pill, her mind racing with questions. “But how do you know about it?” she pressed a note of caution in her voice.

Brett’s smile widened into a smirk as he revealed, “I’ve recently joined the Vesper Pack myself.”

As Brett’s figure disappeared from view, Estella was left alone in the quiet confines of her shop. The weight of his words lingered in the air, a bitter taste settling on her tongue as her emotions threatened to overwhelm her.

With trembling hands, she reached up to wipe away the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. But it wasn’t just sadness that consumed her, it was a potent mix of anger and frustration.

How could they claim ownership of the immortality pill, a creation she had poured her heart and soul into? It was her life’s work. And yet, they dared to steal credit for it after abandoning and ruining her life?

Estella’s anger surged like a raging storm, her fists clenching so tightly that her nails dug into her flesh, drawing blood. How could they take something so precious from her?

Estella’s gaze bore into her own reflection, her eyes ablaze with fury.

“You’ve not only shattered my dreams and ruined my life but also stolen what was rightfully mine,” Estella declared, her voice dripping with contempt. The reflection stared back at her, a silent witness to her rage.

“How dare you,” Estella spat, her fists clenched at her sides. The mirror remained impassive, reflecting her anger with unyielding clarity. “I will reclaim what is rightfully mine.”

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