
Chapter 5

In the depths of the night, a sleek black wolf dashed through the forest, its movements swift and silent. As it approached a looming castle nestled amidst the trees, the moonlight glinted off the dark stones, casting an ethereal glow. The castle stood tall and imposing, its architecture ancient and majestic, yet shrouded in an air of mystery.

Inside, the halls echoed with a haunting silence, broken only by the sound of the wolf’s footsteps as it transformed into a human form. Now a man of imposing stature, the figure moved with a grace that belied his predatory nature.

Stopping before a grand wooden door, the man’s hand gripped the handle, and with a slow, deliberate movement, he pushed it open.

Inside the dimly lit room, a figure sat upon a throne-like chair, his presence commanding and imposing. His features were chiseled and handsome, yet there was a coldness to his demeanor that sent shivers down the spine.

“I have returned, Lord Ariston,” said the man who entered the room with a respectful voice.

The man with ruby eyes regarded the newcomer with a steely gaze as he entered. “What news do you bring, Hyde?”

Hyde moved closer to Ariston, his expression serious as he delivered his report. “My Lord,” he began, “the alpha of the Vesper Pack is making plans to unveil an immortality pill to the public. It is rumored to have been developed by the Erylis family, with assistance from a woman named Margaret Rae.”

Ariston’s eyes narrowed at the mention of the Erylis family. “Estella Erylis?” he questioned sharply.

Hyde shook his head in response. “No, my lord. Estella Erylis disappeared after the scandal four years ago, so I believe that the immortality pill is not her creation. The Erylis family also claims that she is deceased.”

Ariston absorbed this information with a calculating gaze. “Discover the nature of this immortality pill and its effects,” he commanded, his voice dripping with authority.

Hyde nodded solemnly, acknowledging Ariston’s command.

As he turned to leave, a sudden memory struck him, causing him to pause mid-step. “My Lord,” he began tentatively, “there is something I found out on my journey back.”

Ariston regarded him with a stoic expression, silently urging him to continue.

Taking a deep breath, Hyde forged ahead. “I encountered a child in a village,” he explained, his voice tinged with uncertainty. “This child… he possessed eyes strikingly similar to yours, my lord. They were a vivid shade of ruby red.”

Ariston’s demeanor remained impassive as he listened intently. “And?” he prompted, his tone betraying no emotion.

Hyde hesitated, acutely aware of the gravity of his words. “This child,” he continued cautiously, “bore a striking resemblance to you in your childhood, my lord. I couldn’t help but wonder if he might be… a relative of yours, or even your own child.”

A chill seemed to descend upon the room as Ariston’s crimson gaze bore into Hyde, his expression unreadable.

Sensing his error, Hyde quickly bowed and offered his apologies. “My apologies for my nonsense, my lord. I shall take my leave now.”

Hyde wasted no time in exiting the room, eager to escape the icy atmosphere that permeated within. His heart raced with trepidation, and beads of sweat dotted his forehead as he finally stepped beyond the threshold.

A heavy sigh of relief escaped his lips as he felt the weight of Ariston’s presence lift from his shoulders, if only temporarily.

Hugo noticed his brother’s pale complexion as Hyde emerged from the alpha’s office. Concern etched his features as he approached Hyde, his brow furrowed with worry.

“What happened in there?” Hugo inquired, his voice laced with concern.

Hyde took a moment to compose himself, exhaling deeply before responding, “It went alright, Hugo. I got some valuable intel on the Vesper Pack and reported it to the alpha.”

Hugo nodded slowly and asked, “Then, why are you pale if it went well?”

Hyde heaved another deep breath before he answered, “I saw a child with ruby-colored eyes in a village.”

Hugo’s eyes widened as he leaned in closer, his eyes hinting with curiosity. “A child with ruby-colored eyes?” Hugo echoed, his voice trembling slightly.

“That’s… unusual. Are you sure you saw it right?”

Hyde nodded vigorously, his unease evident in his gestures. “Yes, I’m certain. The resemblance was uncanny, and the child’s eyes… they were unmistakably ruby-colored. Just like our alpha’s.”

Hugo’s mind raced with possibilities, his thoughts swirling in confusion. “But how could that be possible?” he murmured, more to himself than to Hyde. “Does Lord Ariston have a child?” he asked, turning back to his brother for answers.

“That’s impossible though. Lord Ariston hasn’t had any women for the past few years,” Hyde answered.

Hugo’s brows furrowed in contemplation as he absorbed Hyde’s words. “You’re right,” he agreed, his voice tinged with relief. “It doesn’t make sense for Lord Ariston to have a child if he’s never been seen with a woman before.”

Hyde nodded in confirmation. “Exactly,” he replied, a hint of uncertainty still lingering in his voice. “Perhaps the child is just a distant relative, bearing a striking resemblance to our alpha by mere coincidence.”

Hugo nodded, his expression thoughtful. “That must be it,” he concluded, though a lingering sense of unease gnawed at the back of his mind.

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