
Chapter 4

As Estella stepped out into the cool night air, her heart pounded with fear and worry about her missing son. Her usually gentle features were now etched with lines of concern, and her hands trembled slightly as she scanned the area for any sign of Devon.


Every passing moment felt like an eternity as she called out his name, her voice tinged with desperation. Her mind raced with all the worst-case scenarios, imagining all the dangers that could befall Devon in his vulnerable state.

With each step she took, Estella’s senses were heightened, her eyes darting from shadow to shadow, searching for any trace of Devon’s presence. She was acutely aware of the fading effects of the medicine, knowing that time was running out to conceal Devon’s true nature. And so, she had to find him before anyone else.


Devon is currently at the depth of the forest. Earlier, he sat quietly in the chair, his eyes scanning the area around him as he waited for Elena to return from the bathroom. The chatter and laughter of the party faded into the background as his gaze drifted toward the dark expanse of the forest behind the village chief’s house.

Suddenly, a flash of movement caught his attention, and Devon’s eyes narrowed as he saw a shadow disappear into the depths of the forest. The figure had eyes that glowed a bright red, similar to his own.

Curiosity sparked within him, and without hesitation, Devon rose from his seat and began to follow the mysterious figure into the forest. His steps were swift and determined, his mind focused on finding the red-eyed shadow.

As he ventured deeper into the forest, the dense canopy overhead cast eerie shadows that danced around him. Devon’s heart pounded in his chest, a mixture of excitement and apprehension coursing through him as he searched for any sign of the elusive figure.

'Where did that go?'

But despite his best efforts, the shadow seemed to vanish without a trace, leaving Devon standing alone in the silent forest.

As Devon prepared to turn back, a prickling sensation crawled up his spine, alerting him to a presence nearby. Instinctively, he stiffened, his senses sharpening as he scanned the area for any sign of danger. His bubbly demeanor vanished, replaced by a steely resolve and a cold, calculated gaze.

Hidden among the shadows, Devon’s sharp eyes caught sight of a figure lurking in the darkness, observing him with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. Without hesitation, he tensed, his body coiled like a spring ready to strike, and his expression hardened with a coldness that belied his usual warm demeanor.

If Estella were to witness her son at that moment, she would hardly recognize him. The gentle, innocent boy she knew had been replaced by a cold and aggressive presence, his defenses raised against any potential threat.

This was a side of himself that he kept hidden, and it was something that he would not let his mother know about.

With a chilling edge to his voice, Devon called out into the darkness, “Show yourself. I know you’re there. Why did you follow me?”

Moments later, a low chuckle echoed through the trees, and a figure stepped into view. It was Brett Marrock, the village chief’s son, wearing a playful grin.

Brett tried to engage Devon in friendly banter, but instead of responding, Devon’s demeanor grew even colder, his gaze piercing.

Brett was taken aback by the intensity of the boy’s eyes, especially considering how different he seemed from the jovial child Brett had encountered at the party. Despite sharing the same face, this Devon seemed like an entirely different person.

With a tense silence hanging in the air, Devon repeated his question, demanding to know why Brett had followed him.

“Why’d you follow me?” he asked, his voice sharp and cold.

Brett, taken aback by Devon’s coldness, stumbled over his words before composing himself. “Well... I saw you heading into the forest alone,” he explained, his voice wavering slightly. “I got worried, you know? The woods can be dangerous, especially for a kid like you.”

Devon’s expression remained impassive as he listened, his distrust evident in his piercing gaze. “And why should you care?” he countered, his voice laced with skepticism. “You don’t even know me.”

With that, Devon turned around and walked away from him. However, before he could get away, Brett’s voice was heard again. “You’re Estella’s son, right? That young lady selling medicine in the village?”

Brett’s words hung in the air, and Devon’s back stiffened at the mention of his mother. He didn’t turn around, but his voice held a hint of irritation as he responded, “Yeah, I’m Estella’s son. What’s it to you?”

Brett’s smile widened, undeterred by Devon’s coldness. “Just curious, that’s all,” he replied casually. “Estella was always so kind and sweet. Hard to believe her son turned out so… different.”

Devon’s nostrils flared, his patience wearing thin at Brett’s taunting. “It’s none of your business,” he retorted sharply, his voice laced with hostility. “What do you want, anyway?”

Brett chuckled, seemingly unfazed by Devon’s aggression. “No need to get aggressive, little guy,” he quipped, taking a step closer. “Are you sure you are really Estella’s son?”

Devon’s anger surged like a tidal wave, his eyes flashing a vibrant red as the effects of the medicine wore off. Without hesitation, he turned around and launched himself at Brett, his tiny feet delivering a swift and unexpected kick at Brett’s knees.

Brett’s laughter faltered into a pained grunt as he staggered, his knees buckling beneath him from the unexpected blow. He winced, clutching his knees in agony, his earlier amusement replaced by genuine discomfort.

Brett’s eyes widened in shock as he took in Devon’s cold stare and the fiery red hue of his eyes which were green earlier. The shock of the unexpected sight left him momentarily speechless, his mind struggling to comprehend what he was seeing.

But before Brett could gather his wits, Devon’s chilling voice cut through the air like a sharp blade. “Say that again,” he warned, his tone icy and devoid of any warmth, “and I will end your life.”

The threat hung heavy in the air, leaving Brett momentarily frozen. He had never encountered such formidable presence and power from someone so young, and the realization sent a shiver down his spine.

Before the tense silence could stretch any further, a familiar voice broke through the tension. “Devon!” called Estella from afar, her voice tinged with concern.

The sound of his mother’s voice seemed to snap Devon out of his cold demeanor in an instant.

With a swift shift in expression, Devon’s features softened, his cold façade melting away to reveal the bubbly demeanor his mother knew so well.

Brett watched in bewilderment as Devon’s demeanor transformed before his eyes, from cold and aggressive to a sudden warmth that seemed to radiate from within him. The abrupt shift left Brett utterly baffled, unable to comprehend the depths of Devon’s dual nature.

As Devon turned to leave, Brett couldn’t help but voice his confusion. “Does your mother not know you?” he asked, his tone tinged with a mix of curiosity and bewilderment.

Devon halted in his tracks, his gaze piercing as he turned to face Brett once more. His voice, though still cold and threatening, held an underlying edge of warning. “If my mother learned about this,” he uttered, his words laced with a chilling certainty, “I would not hesitate to kill you. Remember that.”

With that ominous declaration hanging in the air, Devon turned on his heel and strode away, his footsteps echoing softly against the forest floor as he made his way toward the sound of his mother’s voice.

On the other hand, Estella’s heart raced with panic as she called out Devon’s name, her voice echoing through the dense forest. With each passing moment, her worry intensified, fearing the worst for her son. But then, like a beacon of hope cutting through the darkness, she heard his familiar voice calling out to her.

“Mama!” Devon’s voice pierced through the stillness of the forest, filling Estella’s heart with a mixture of relief and joy. She turned toward the sound and watched as Devon emerged from the shadows, running toward her with outstretched arms.

Tears welled up in Estella’s eyes as she knelt to meet him, pulling him into a tight embrace. The warmth of her son’s embrace washed away her fears, replacing them with a profound sense of relief and gratitude.

Estella’s heart swelled with relief as she held Devon close, feeling grateful that he was safe. But concern still lingered in her mind, and she gently lifted his chin to meet her gaze.

“Why did you wander off, Devon?” Estella asked, her voice tinged with worry.

Deovn hung his head, his usual cold demeanor melting away in the presence of his mother’s concern. “I saw a beautiful butterfly,” he lied. “It flew into the forest, and so I followed it.”

Estella’s expression softened as she listened to her son’s explanation “Oh, Devon,” she said softly, brushing a stray lock of hair from his forehead. “You shouldn’t wander off like that. It’s dangerous, and I worry about you.”

Devon nodded solemnly, his eyes reflecting his remorse. “I’m sorry, Mama,” he said earnestly. “I promise I won’t do it again.”

“Alright, then,” Estella replied.

Estella noticed the sign of Devon’s red eyes, a clear indication that the effects of the medicine had worn off. Concerned that someone might see and recognize it, she swiftly pulled a cap from her bag and placed it on Devon’s head, concealing his eyes from view.

“Devon, darling, close your eyes,” Estella instructed gently, her voice tinged with urgency. “I’ll carry you back home.”

Devon complied without hesitation, shutting his eyes tightly as his mother lifted him into her arms.

In the shadows of the forest, a mysterious figure observed Estella and Devon’s departure. As they vanished from sight, the silent observer melted into the darkness, as elusive as a whisper in the wind.

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