
Chapter 3

Two years had passed since Estella opened her shop in the village. She knew she couldn’t rely on Elena for everything - after all, the kind old woman wasn’t getting any younger, and Estella was determined to support her son by herself.

Having lived a life of privilege in a wealthy family, Estella had little experience of ways of earning a living. But she refused to let that hold her back. With her knowledge of medicine and her skill at producing pills and elixirs, she knew she could do something about it to make a living.

As she tended to her shop, carefully arranging her potions and herbs, Estella felt a sense of pride swell within her. She may not know a lot of things, but when it came to her ability to create medicine, she was one of the best in the field.

As Estella prepared to open her shop for another day, memories of her past brushed against her mind like a bitter gust of wind. These skills of hers were so renowned in the Vesper Pack, which was also the reason why the alpha had chosen her to be Carlos’s mate- it all seemed so distant now, yet still etched into the fabric of her being.

She shook her head, banishing the memories from her thoughts. With a deep breath, Estella pushed open the door of her shop, and almost immediately, customers began to flock in, their eager voices and bustling energy filling the air.

For the past two years, Estella had built a reputation in the village as a skilled apothecary, and her shop had become a popular stop for the villagers. She greeted each customer with a warm smile and proceeded with her day.

As Estella stood behind the counter of her shop, arranging vials of potions and jars of herbs, an old woman entered, her weathered face lined with worry.

“What can I do for you today?” Estella asked with a warm smile.

The old woman hesitated for a moment before speaking. “Do you have any medicine for wounded feet?” she inquired, her voice tinged with concern. “My grandson hurt his feet again while hunting.”

Estella’s smile widened at the familiar request. “Ah, your grandson’s injuries seem to be a regular occurrence,” she remarked with a playful chuckle. “Good thing I always keep plenty in stock for you.”

The old woman laughed, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “What can I say? He’s a spirited young man,” she replied with a shrug. “I can’t very well keep him from hunting, can I?”

Estella nodded in understanding, reaching for a porcelain bottle on one of her shelves. She carefully handed it to the old woman, explaining again how to apply for the medicine and how often it should be used.

The old woman listened intently, her gratitude evident in the way she thanked Estella before paying for the medicine.

As the morning sun climbed higher in the sky, Estella found herself swept up in a whirlwind of activity. Customer after customer streamed into her shop.

The midday rush had finally subsided when it was lunchtime, leaving Estella with a moment of quiet in her bustling shop. Just as she began to relax, the door creaked open, and Devon bounced in, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Mama!” he exclaimed, rushing over to hug Estella tightly.

Estella chuckled, ruffling his hair affectionately. “Hey there, darling. What brings you here?”

Devon beamed up at her, his enthusiasm infectious. “I came to bring you lunch!” he announced proudly, gesturing towards Elena who was entering behind him, a basket of food in her arms.

Elena smiled warmly at Estella. “I thought you could use a break,” she said kindly, setting the basket down on a nearby table. “You’ve been working so hard all morning.”

“Thank you, Elena,” she said, her voice sincere. “I appreciate it.”

Elena waved off her thanks with a smile. “It’s the least I can do,” she insisted. “Now, let’s eat before everything gets cold.”

As Estella, Devon, and Elena enjoyed their lunch together, Elena couldn’t help but inquire about Estella’s day.

“Have you had many customers today, dear?” she asked, her gentle voice filled with concern.

Estella nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. “Yes, quite a few,” she replied. “It seems like there’s always someone in need of my services around here.”

Elena chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “Well, I suppose we should be grateful for that,” she remarked. “After all, it keeps you busy and provides you with a steady income.”

Estella nodded in agreement, a wry smile crossing her face. “True,” she admitted. “Sometimes I wonder if I should thank the villagers for getting hurt or sick.”

Elena laughed at the jest, shaking her head fondly. “Oh, Estella, you have such a wicked sense of humor,” she chided gently. “But in all seriousness, we are truly blessed to have you here with us. Without you, the villagers wouldn’t have any access to medicine and would just endure their pain and illness until their death.”

Estella just shrugged and said, “I’m the one who should be thankful to everyone.”

“Even though I’m hiding my identity from them, and they don’t know anything about me except that I have a son, they’ve accepted us with open arms, just like you,” she explained. “You and the villagers had treated us just like everyone else, without asking any questions or prying into our past.”

Estella couldn’t help but contrast her experiences there with the kindness she now received from the villagers.

“In fact,” she began, her voice tinged with reminiscence, “this is the first time I’ve ever experienced such warmth from strangers.”

Estella sighed softly, her gaze distant. “Back home, everyone had their own motives for approaching me. Be it my family or the members of the pack,” she explained. “Everyone wanted something from me- whether it was fame or access to my medicines.”

Estella’s thoughts lingered on her past encounters, leaving her momentarily lost in reflection.

Sensing Estella’s silence, Elena gently shifted the conversation to a lighter topic. “Would you like to join me later this evening at the village chief’s house?”

Estella blinked, drawing her attention back to the present moment. “Why?” she inquired, curious about the sudden invitation.

Elena smiled, “Well, you see, the village chief’s son, Brett Marrock, is returning home,” she explained. “And his father wishes to celebrate his homecoming with the entire village.”

Recognition dawned on Estella’s face as she remembered the young man who had left their village a year ago to venture into the city.

“Brett Marrock,” she repeated thoughtfully. “I remember him. He left quite a mark on the village before he departed.”

Elena nodded, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. “Indeed, he did,” she agreed.

“Did Brett manage to join a pack?” she inquired, her voice tinged with interest.

Elena nodded with a smile. “Yes, indeed,” she confirmed. “He succeeded in joining a formidable pack, although the village chief didn’t mention which pack it was.”

Estella’s brows rose in surprise. “The village chief must be overjoyed,” she remarked.

Elena chuckled softly. “Oh, you have no idea,” she replied. “He’s been boasting about Brett’s achievement to anyone who would listen... So, would you come with me later?”

Estella hesitated before shaking her head. “I don’t think so,” she replied softly.

Surprised, Elena pressed for an explanation. “Why not? It could be a wonderful opportunity for you and Devon to socialize with the villagers,” she suggested.

Estella smiled ruefully. “I appreciate the offer, Elena, but I’m not fond of crowded places,” she admitted. “Besides, I’d rather spend my time creating medicine than attending a party.”

Understanding Estella’s perspective, Elena nodded. “I see,” she said. “But what about Devon? He might enjoy the festivities.”

Estella considered the idea for a moment before nodding. “You’re right,” she agreed. “Devon should go. It’ll be good for him to interact with the other children.”

Devon’s face lit up with delight, and he clapped his hands in excitement after hearing that. “Really? I’m joining the party? That’s fantastic!” he exclaimed, his bubbly personality shining through.

Estella chuckled at her son’s enthusiasm and reached out to ruffle his hair affectionately. “Looks like someone’s excited,” she remarked with a smile.

Devon nodded eagerly, his eyes shining with anticipation. “I can’t wait to go!” he exclaimed.

Estella’s smile widened as she reminded Devon of something important. “Don’t forget to apply your medicine before the night ends, okay?” she said gently.

Devon nodded quickly, his eagerness undiminished. “I won’t forget, Mama!” he assured her.

With everything settled, Estella encouraged Devon to finish his lunch, so they could prepare for the party tonight.


With Devon and Elena off to the village chief’s party, Estella found herself alone in the quiet of their home. Though the night had fallen, sleep eluded her, so she turned to her work to fill the empty hours.

In the dim light of the kitchen, Estella busied herself with the herbs she had gathered from her garden. With practiced hands, she carefully measured and mixed, lost in the rhythm of her craft. Estella found solace in their familiar scents and textures.

Estella carefully ground the dried herbs in the porcelain pot, her movements methodical and precise. She added a few drops of wood oil to the mixture, the scent of pine filling the air as she worked. With each turn of the mortar and pestle, the herbs are transformed into a fine powder, ready to be used in her next batch of medicine.

When Estella was about to pour the powder into the boiling pot, the door of the house suddenly opened.

Estella looked up from her work, surprised by Elena’s sudden entrance and distressed expression. “What’s wrong, Elena?” she asked, setting aside the porcelain pot and wooden pestle.

Elena rushed towards Estella, her voice trembling with worry. “Estella, Devon’s missing,” she exclaimed, her breath coming in short gasps. “I can’t find him anywhere at the party… I’m sorry.”

Estella’s heart skipped a beat at the news. “Missing? How?” she asked, her mind racing with concern. “You left him alone?”

Elena nodded, guilt evident in her eyes. “I only stepped away for a moment to use the bathroom,” she explained. “But when I returned, he was nowhere to be found.”

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