
Chapter 2

As night fell, the cozy warmth of the kitchen enveloped Estella, Elena, and Devon. The clatter of dinner dishes had ceased, and now it was time to tidy up. Estella began clearing the table, gathering plates and utensils with Elena’s help.

But Elena gently intervened, “You’ve done enough, my dear. I can handle the rest. You should go upstairs and give Devon his medicine before he goes to bed.”

Estella paused, a small frown creasing her brow. “But we can finish earlier if I'll help,” she protested softly.

Elena smiled reassuringly. “But Devon spent a lot of energy at the park today, and he’ll likely fall asleep quickly. It’s best to give him his medicine while he’s still awake.

Estella nodded, understanding Elena’s reasoning. “Alright,” she agreed with a gentle smile. “I’ll go check on Devon.”

She made her way to the living room, where she’d find the medicine she needed for Devon. Opening one of the wooden cabinets, Estella retrieved a small bottle and held it in her hands. Upon reaching outside Devon’s room, she knocked softly on the door and then entered.

Estella found Devon already lying in bed, his eyes brightening at the sight of his mother. “Mama,” he greeted warmly, his voice filled with affection.

“Hey there, sweetheart,” she replied, crossing the room to his bedside. “It’s time for your medicine.”

Devon nodded, shifting to make room for his mother beside him.

Estella watched as Devon’s eyes, glowing a bright shade of red, sparkled with intensity like precious rubies. They were the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen, shimmering with a mesmerizing allure.

Yet, beneath their beauty lay a hidden truth, one that Estella dared not reveal. For Devon’s eyes were not just a unique feature-they were a sign of something far more extraordinary, and perhaps, it would lead him to where his father was.


Estella lay back on the bed, her body drained of energy after the long and exhausting labor. She never imagined that bringing a new life into the world could be so physically and emotionally demanding.

But as she held her newborn baby in her arms, all the pain and suffering seemed to fade away. At that moment, as she gazed down at the sleeping bundle wrapped in a clean cloth, tears welled up in her eyes.

It was tears of joy, tears of overwhelming happiness that she thought she would never experience again. Despite the trials and tribulations she had endured, here was a precious gift- a symbol of hope and new beginnings.

Estella cradled the baby close to her chest, feeling the soft rise and fall of its breath against her skin. A sense of wonder filled her heart as she marveled at the tiny fingers and toes, the delicate features that mirrored her own.

Elena stood beside the bed, her eyes alight with warmth and affection as she gazed at the newborn baby boy cradled in Estella’s arms.

“Oh, he’s simply handsome,” Elena exclaimed, her voice filled with joy. “Look at those chubby cheeks and tiny little fingers. He’s adorable.”

Estella smiled, her heart swelling with pride as she looked down at her son. The baby boy was indeed a sight to behold - his chubby cheeks were rosy and round, his button nose perfectly formed, and his lips curled into a tiny, contented smile.

“He’s handsome, isn’t he?” Estella agreed, her voice filled with love. “I can’t believe he’s finally here.”

Estella tenderly traced her fingers over her baby’s smooth, delicate skin, searching for even the slightest hint of herself. But as she looked upon the tiny face before her, she found no trace of her own features, nor any resemblance to Carlos, her ex-fiancee.

Now, she was certain that the man she had slept with at that time was not Carlos. But, after such a revelation, she did not feel any pain or sadness but instead a wave of peace.

It didn’t matter who the father of her baby was. At that moment, as she held her child close, she knew with absolute certainty that he was hers, and hers alone.

As Estella marveled at her baby’s features, she was suddenly jolted from reverie when the baby’s eyes fluttered open. A gasp escaped her lips as she and Elena exchanged shocked glances.

The baby’s eyes were a mesmerizing shade of red - intense, vibrant, and filled with a power that seemed to radiate from within. Estella’s heart raced as she realized the significance of what she was seeing.

In their world, the color of their eyes held great meaning. Blue eyes were a sign of average power, like Elena’s. Green eyes represented the gift of healing and medicine, just like Estella’s own eyes. Yellow symbolized formidable strength, much like Carlos’s.

But red eyes - red eyes were something else entirely. They were the mark of an inborn alpha, a werewolf with the strongest power imaginable. Red-eyed werewolves were incredibly rare, their power unmatched by any other.

Elena’s words echoed in the room, breaking the stunned silence that had settled over Estella and Elena. “No wonder, when I found you at the lake that day, although you were as pale as a corpse, your life force was still so strong. It turns out, it was your son’s doing.”

Estella felt a chill run down her spine at Elena’s words. The realization filled her with a mixture of awe and fear.

Not fear for her son’s abilities, but fear for the man who was his father. She knew that if he knew about her son, he might come looking for him, seeking to claim him for his own. And at that moment, Estella knew that she would be powerless to stop him.

The man she had slept with that night might be no ordinary man. Estella’s heart clenched with fear at the thought of facing him, knowing that she would be no match for his strength.

Estella’s gaze met Elena’s, her expression grave and determined. “Elena,” she began, her voice steady, “no one must know about my son’s eyes.”

Elena understood the weight of Estella’s words. She nodded solemnly, her warm eyes reflecting the seriousness of the situation.

“You have my word, Estella,” Elena replied, her voice soft but resolute. “I will not breathe a word of this to anyone. Your son’s secret is safe with me.”

(End of flashback)


Devon’s voice pierced through Estella’s thoughts, pulling her back to the present moment. With a soft smile, she focused her attention on her son, who was watching her with wide, curious eyes.

Estella reached for the small bottle of blue liquid medicine on the bedside table. She carefully opened the lid and, with a steady hand, poured a single drop onto Devon’s red eyes.

As the liquid touched his eyes, Devon blinked in surprise, his red eyes slowly fading to a soothing shade of green, mirroring Estella’s own eyes. Relief washed over Estella as she watched the transformation take place before her eyes.

With a gentle touch, Estella tucked the blanket around Devon. “Goodnight, my darling,” she whispered, pressing a kiss on his forehead.

As she turned to leave the room, Estella couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her son, peaceful and content in his bed.

Estella descended the stairs, her footsteps light as she rejoined Elena in the living room. 

"Is Devon asleep now?"

Elena’s question about Devon drew a nod from Estella. “Yes, he’s finally asleep,” she replied softly.

“Fortunately, you were able to make that medicine for Devon,” Elena remarked, her voice filled with relief. “Without it, we would have a difficult time hiding his identity from everyone.”

Estella nodded in agreement, her heart heavy with concern. “But it’s not enough,” she admitted, her voice tinged with worry. “The medicine can only hide his eyes for a day, and we’ll have to repeat the process every single day.”

Elena’s reassuring words offered a small measure of comfort. “You have done the best you can,” she reassured Estella. “As long as Devon stays by our side, hiding his eye color won’t be a problem.”

A heavy silence settled between Estella and Elena, the weight of unspoken questions hanging in the air. Elena broke the silence, her voice soft and tentative.

“Has Devon not asked you why we are hiding his eye color?” Elena inquired, her eyes searching Estella’s for an answer. “And why is he not allowed to tell anyone about it?”

Estella shook her head, a troubled expression crossing her face. “No, he hasn’t asked,” she admitted. “But I fear the day he does. I still don’t know how to explain it to him.”

Elena’s gaze softened with understanding. “Devon is a smart child. He will understand,” she said gently. “He will ask questions one day, and you must be prepared to answer them. He may even start asking about his father.”

Estella felt a pang of anxiety at the mention of Devon’s father, whom she did not know. She knew that one day, she would have to face his questions about the man who had fathered him.

“His father… I hope that time will not come,” she answered softly.

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