
Chapter 1

Estella carefully arranged the herbs on the table, making sure each one was in its proper place. She checked and double-checked, wanting everything to be just right before she proceeded to process the herbs.

Suddenly, a familiar voice called out, "Mama!" Estella's heart skipped a beat as she turned to see Devon, her son, running toward her with open arms.

With a bright smile, Estella embraced him tightly, feeling the warmth of his hug enveloping her. "Oh, Devon, my sweet boy! I missed you," she said, her voice filled with love and joy.

Devon grinned up at her, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I missed you too, Mama! I found something really cool in the park today."

Estella's smile widened. "Did you? What did you find, darling?"

"A caterpillar!" Devon exclaimed, bouncing on his toes. "It's so beautiful, Mama!"

Estella chuckled softly, tousling his hair affectionately. "I bet it is. Did you have fun today?"

Devon leaned in close, his words tumbling out in a rush. "Yes! Grandma Elena and I played on the swing and the slides! And then she brought a picnic basket, Mama! There were sandwiches, fruit, and cookies, and everything was so yummy!"

"That sounds like so fun, darling. I'm glad you had a great time."

Devon nodded eagerly, his face still lit up with excitement. "It was the best day ever, Mama! Grandma is the best!"

Estella chuckled softly, a warmth spreading through her chest at her son's happiness. "Yes, she is, sweetheart... By the way, where is your Grandma Elena?"

Before Devon could respond, a familiar figure slowly made her way into view, "Estella, dear!"

Turning towards the entrance, Estella's eyes sparkled with joy as she saw Elena. "Elena!" she greeted as soon as the old woman came close to her.

Estella smiled warmly at Elena. "Thank you for taking Devon to the park today. He had such a splendid time."

Elena waved off Estella's gratitude with a gentle chuckle. "Oh, it was my pleasure, dear. Spending time with Devon brings me such joy."

Estella glanced toward the garden where Devon was happily playing among the flowers, his laughter ringing through the air. She turned back to Elena with a soft smile. "You're right, Elena. Devon is truly a little bundle of joy, especially after everything that had happened four years ago."


Estella's eyelids fluttered open, her body feeling heavy and her mind foggy. As she took in her surroundings, a surge of panic swept over her. 

'Where am I?' 

This room was unfamiliar, nothing like the room she was used to. She tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through her body, reminding her of the ordeal she had endured.

Her mind raced as she struggled to piece together what had happened. The lake... The darkness... The sensation of drowning...

She had been certain that death had claimed her. Yet here she was, lying in this strange room, her body battered but still breathing.

The door creaked open, breaking the silence of the room and jolting Estella from her reverie. She tensed, her senses on high alert as she waited to see who had entered. Her heart raced as she tried to discern if this visitor was a friend or foe.

To her surprise, it was an old woman she had never seen before. The woman's face was lined with age, but the warmth in her eyes put Estella a little at ease.

The old woman's gaze softened as she saw Estella awake, and a gentle smile graced her lips. She approached the bed, her steps slow and deliberate, as if she were afraid of startling Estella.

"How are you feeling?" the old woman asked, her voice soft and soothing.

Estella hesitated, unsure of how to respond. She felt a mix of emotions swirling within her- confusion, fear, and so many other emotions she couldn't name. But above all, she felt a sense of curiosity about this stranger.

"I... I'm not sure," Estella admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "Why am I here? And who are you?"

The old woman smiled gently, her wrinkles deepening with the gesture. "My name is Elena, dear. Elena Zunda. And you're at my home... I found you floating in the lake nearby. Fortunately, you're alive now. When I found you, you were completely lifeless."

As Elena finished speaking, Estella's voice trembled with grief when the memories of why she jumped onto the lake resurfaced. She then spoke up with an aggrieved voice. "But why?" she asked, her words choked with emotion.

"Why did you save me? You should have let me die there. I... I'm all alone in this world! So, you should just have let me die there!"

The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, and Estella's eyes filled with tears as she struggled to contain her sorrow. She felt adrift, lost in a sea of grief and uncertainty.

Elena's heart ached as she looked upon the grieving young woman before her. Without hesitation, she moved forward and enveloped Estella in a warm embrace, offering what comfort she could at that moment of pain.

"You are not alone, my dear. You have the child growing inside you. He fought for the two of you to live. He fought hard so that you can live. Your child is with you, always."

Estella's trembling eased at Elena's words, her breathing slowing as she absorbed the truth of what had transpired. She placed a hand on her flat stomach, feeling a surge of emotion at the thought of the life growing within her. 

Though her baby bump had yet to show, she felt a connection with her unborn child, a bond that transcended words.

Estella's tears flowed freely now, her heart heavy with guilt and remorse. She whispered the word "sorry" over and over again, each repetition a desperate plea for forgiveness.

She had forgotten. Forgotten that she was not alone. Forgotten that she still had her child with her, fighting for her. The realization crashed over her like a tidal wave, filling her with a deep sense of shame.

She had nearly lost him, her precious child, because of her own carelessness. Her reckless actions had endangered them both, and now she could do nothing but beg for forgiveness.

"I'm so sorry, my child," Estella choked out between sobs, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry for what I've done. I promise to be better. I promise to protect you at all costs."

(End of flashback)

Estella's gaze shifted to Elena, her heart filled with gratitude for the woman who had saved her life. 

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "Thank you for saving me that day, Elena."

But Elena shook her head gently, a soft smile playing on her lips. "You should thank your son, not me," she replied. "If not for him, I wouldn't have been able to save your life, no matter what I did. Devon is a very special child, Estella. You know that, right?"

Estella nodded and sighed deeply, "I know... That's why I will do my very best to protect him at all costs. I won't let anything or anyone hurt my son."

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