

Standing outside Moonlight Manor Casino, I felt like a complete stranger. I should head home and forget about being here. It had been months since my last visit. With finals looming, I had to put a pause on my usual routine of studying and working. This place used to be my sanctuary, observing the high rollers and their wins or losses. It always gave me a thrill, wondering if they would cash in their chips and walk away, especially at the roulette table.

Sometimes, I considered gambling to be the most dangerous addiction. I once calculated that at least ninety percent of the big winners never made it out alive. They eagerly collected their chips, dreaming of the riches they would acquire, but within minutes of that roulette wheel spinning, poof! Their hopes and money vanished into thin air.

I remembered a guy who hit a million but lost two. The poor soul looked like he wanted to die. He was a young guy with his newlywed wife, proudly sharing their honeymoon plans and how they would make it an annual tradition with their winnings. However, as he lost, she walked away. She pleaded with him to quit, her eyes filled with greed and desire. He licked his lips, went all in on red, and just like that, it was gone. Yet, he didn't stop there. He dug himself deeper, cashing in more chips until it became painfully clear that he had made a colossal mistake. With her shimmering brown locks and sequined dress, she left him at the table, leaving him crying like a baby. Security escorted him out a few minutes later; no second chances in this establishment.

I had to give credit to this casino; they didn't waste time with problem players. If things went downhill, they kicked you out without hesitation. And here I was, alone and overthinking, a recipe for trouble. Too much damn trouble.

I took out my membership card, deciding it was time to play the wheel—maybe bet on black and red. I was always drawn back to that wheel. Maybe it was the allure of my favorite colors, red and black, or maybe it was the excitement of watching that damn wheel spin.

As I settled into my seat, dressed in plain cream slacks and a matching polo shirt, I couldn't help but wonder why I hadn't made more effort tonight. I had come here halfheartedly, which was so unlike me. Nora's news didn't catch me off guard, but it still hit a nerve. Her and Ethan taking their relationship to the next level made sense. We weren't getting any younger. At twenty-two, she wasn't collecting her retirement check, but at that age, you kind of knew what you wanted.

"Nice of you to join us, Ms. Rivers. It's been a while since we've seen you," a voice called out, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Uh-oh, being recognized just by standing outside was not a good sign. It was proof that I had a problem—a big one. I stared at him, hoping to jog my memory about any previous encounters we might have had. In this casino, I would definitely remember a dealer who stood at six feet, had a dark tan, and possessed those dreamy, almost animalistic eyes. Yes, I would surely remember.

"Thanks," I replied, scrutinizing him, desperately searching my brain for any connection.

He leaned in, his voice dripping with a mix of curiosity and amusement. "You don't remember me, do you?"

I shook my head, my heart pounding in my chest. "Should I?"

A sly smile spread across his face. "We met a couple of months ago. You were here on a lucky streak, winning big."

A flicker of recognition passed through my mind, but the details remained elusive. "I'm sorry, it's all a bit hazy."

He chuckled, leaning back and crossing his arms. "Well, I guess that makes two of us. Don't worry about it, though. It's just good to see you back. I thought you had given up on the excitement of this place."

The conversation took a strange turn. How did he know about my previous visits? And why did he seem so invested in my return? Questions swirled in my mind, but I didn't dare voice them.

"So, go ahead and place your bet. You're making me look bad. All that training for nothing," he said with a smirk.

But who was he? How did he know my name? These questions burned in my mind, desperate to find answers. I stood frozen, caught between the fear of staying and the fear of leaving, knowing that no matter what choice I made, regret would be waiting for me.

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