
Chapter 17 - Suzie

I haven’t been the talk of the school since Stephen became a Gamma in Madonie, but then that was about my brother. Today the gossip was directly about me. Now that I have Kayla, everyone’s whispers about Austin dropping me off and kissing my cheek weren’t going unheard. 

I can’t even count how many times I had to answer the question about if Austin is my mate. I also can’t count how many people I snarled at for calling him Clement or making a face about being his mate. I swear these people will put mine and Kayla’s tolerance to the limits. 

I’m lucky I made it through the day without knocking anyone through a wall. I was never so happy to hear the final bell and get out of there. I was hurrying to get my stuff in my locker when it closed on me. 

“Excuse fucking me, but I was putting shit in there.” I snarled, turning my attention to the offending individual. 

I frowned as I saw Stan, Paul, and a couple of she-wolves at the training last night, including Melody standing there. Just what I don’t want to deal with. 

“Can I help you?” I questioned, folding my arms. 

“We’re just worried about you, Suz.” Paul frowned. 

“Worried about me? What the hell are you talking about?” I furrowed my brow. 

“This nonsense about being with Clement. He’s not the kind of guy you want to be mates with. You should seriously consider rejecting him.” Stan stated. 

‘Kill him!’ Kayla snarled as Stand suggested I reject Austin. 

And you know what, with everyone questioning us being mates and the bullshit I’ve dealt with all day, Stan made the wrong move. He didn’t even see it coming as I drew back my fist and connected with his jaw, sending him flying, denting the lockers behind him. 

“AUSTIN! His name is Austin! And the next person to call him that vile name he hates, I’m sending to the pack hospital. And I swear to the Goddess… if someone even utters the word rejection, I’m sending you to meet her.” I growled, glaring daggers at each person standing there. 

“Austin is MY mate! And not a damn one of you knows him, so shove your judgment up your ass if you have the room with your heads already up there.” I snorted, throwing my bag into the locker before slamming it shut. 

I didn’t wait around for an answer. I am too pissed off to be on a bus. I rushed out of the school and to the trees. As soon as I reached the tree line, I let Kayla come forward. While I regretted ripping my outfit, I needed to blow off some steam. 

I wanted to see Austin, but he said he’d be at work when I got out of school. I certainly can go to his clinic in wolf form. I do not have clothes to change into, and it would draw way too much attention for a wolf to be running around in a city. 

So instead, I ran home where I could find clothes and not draw unwanted attention. Of course, arriving in wolf form drew some curious looks from my parents as Kayla went through the house and straight up to my room before letting me change back. 

“Suzie? Is everything okay?” Mom questioned, knocking on my door. 

I quickly changed into lounge pants and a tee before opening the door. I frowned as mom stepped into the room. 

“Just a long day of stupid people.” I grumbled, starting to brush my hair. 

“Like Stan?” Mom raised an eyebrow. 

“Great, so you already know about that.” I groaned, dropping the brush as I flopped onto my bed. 

“Well, of course, I do. The principal had to call me, and then Stan’s mother was in an uproar. Telling me my daughter is out of control.” Mom rolled her eyes. 

“Want to tell me why you damaged lockers by trying to knock Stan through them?” Mom questioned. 

“All day, I’ve been being asked about Austin and always in disparaging ways. I can’t tell if they truly hate him, which is bullshit cause they don’t know him or are jealous that I found my mate so quickly.” I sighed. 

“Not everyone will like Austin. And not everyone can be happy for others getting something they want, not saying they want Austin, but they want their mates too.” Mom shrugged. 

“Yeah, well, Stan went too far. He called him Clement, which Austin hates that name, but Stan suggested that I should reject Austin because he’s not, and I quote, ‘the kind of guy I want to be with.’ Like Stan knows the kind of guy I want to be with, let alone the kind of guy Austin is.” I grumbled.  

“That little fucking brat. You should have hit Stan harder.” Mom growled. 

Yep, no doubt where I got my temper from. 

“How dare he suggest you reject your mate. This is Bloodmoon. We accept our mates unless there are serious grounds like cheating and abuse. Austin has done neither of those things.” Mom snorted. 

“Exactly! And if Austin fucks up, I’ll handle it. I’ll probably put him in a hospital depending, but I will handle it. I wish people would just but the fuck out.” I groaned. 

“Well, you made a clear stance today. I’ll deal with the school and parents. Stan’s mother can go to hell if she thinks she’s getting an apology. Her son owes you and Austin one for speaking that way.” Mom snorted. 

“Thanks for having my back, mom.” I smiled. 

“Always, sweetheart. Now you should shower and make yourself presentable. Hale called while you were at school. We are to be there for a six o’clock dinner.” Mom smiled, leaving me alone to get ready. 

I put all my worries about my classmates aside and focused on getting ready for dinner tonight. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Hale Shelton. Austin said he was happy about us being mates, but I also know his grandfather won’t be. Fingers crossed that the old dickhead isn’t invited. 

I ended up wearing my black v-neck sweater dress and my knee-high boots leaving only a strip of skin no wider than a credit card between the top of my boots and the bottom of the dress. I hope it’s not too casual for dinner with my father-in-law.  

I didn’t want to do anything too fancy with my hair, so I brushed it out and pulled it into a low-side ponytail. Then some light makeup, and I was ready to go. 

I, however, was not ready for the scene we pulled up to. A car I didn’t know was at the curb, but a somewhat familiar woman was pounding on the door, screaming her lungs out. Kayla was already growling as we got out of the car and could hear Denise shouting more clearly. 


“YOU PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT! OPEN THIS DOOR, YOU COWARD!” She pounded on the door before becoming aware of us standing there when dad cleared his throat. 

“Miss, I don’t know who you are….” Dad started to be polite about it. 

“And we don’t fucking care. You are a nuisance and blocking us from getting to our dinner.” Mom chimed in, not pulling the punches. 

Denise narrowed her gaze at me. I could tell the moment she recognized me. Her eyes went wide, and I saw the rage spark anew in them. 

“YOU!? You’re his arranged bride!? Don’t look so smug, you little bitch. See this.” Denise held her arm up, pointing at a gold bracelet on her wrist. 

Honestly, it looked cheap and tacky as fuck. Like some generic thing, you could buy at the Walmart jewelry counter. 

“He gave me this for my birthday. I’m the one he loves. He’ll never love you. You’re just the person he’s being forced to be with because of his religion.” Denise scoffed. 

Her rage had transferred to me as she started walking with purpose in my direction. Oh, she better not get in my face. I’m in no mood. I’ll kill her. 

Before she could reach me, Austin was standing in front of me. Give the man credit. He can still move quickly with that prosthetic. Also, give him credit because he looks good in a black button-down and dark wash jeans, especially from the back. 

“Back the fuck off, Denise. You don’t get to talk to her like that.” Austin growled. 

‘Damn, he’s hot.’ Kayla practically purred at the aggressive display to defend me. 

“Now, those state troopers….” Austin smirked, pointing to the road.  

I turned my head in time with my parents to see David Bryant and his human partner climbing out of their Oregon State Trooper car. It looks like Austin already had this well in hand. 

“Are going to make you get off my property. And when I file my restraining order tomorrow, you won’t be coming near me again.” Austin sighed. 

“Evening, Austin. Hey Maxton and Edith. Oh, and little Suzie Q. Look at you all grown up. Grew up as pretty as your mom.” David taunted with a wink. 

Austin growled while I rolled my eyes. “Trooper Bryant, perhaps we should focus on work and not that you have a personal connection to the victim.” David’s red-haired partner sighed. 

“Miss, I’m Trooper Shadow, and this is Trooper Bryant. We received a call about an aggressive trespasser. In this case, that would be you. We will need you to come with us if Mister Shelton wishes to press charges.” Trooper Shadow arched an eyebrow at Austin. 

“Oh, by all means, take her away. This is the second time she’s shown up here uninvited and unwelcome. She shouldn’t even know where I live.” Austin shrugged. 

“I’m his girlfriend! Of course, I know where he lives! He’s lying!” Denise protested as David sighed, taking out a set of cuffs. 

“Miss, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights as I have read them to you?” David started reading her rights as she cuffed her. 

I shook my head, sighing as she continued shouting that they had it wrong while David and Trooper Shadow escorted her to the back of their vehicle. 

“Austin! I suggest you handle that restraining order fast. Do not need crazy getting between you and Suzie Q. Trust me.” David stressed the last part before getting in with his partner taking a very pissed-off Denise away. 

“Well, that was not how I wanted tonight to start. Sorry about that, Suzie.” Austin apologized, wrapping me in a hug like I was something precious to him. 

‘And you like it.’ Kayla teased.  

I would argue, but well, I do like it. I like that his instinct was to protect me and now hug me. 

“I didn’t expect her to show up again. I had hoped kicking her out last night and then Grant firing her for hacking his computer to obtain my address illegally would be enough.” Austin sighed. 

“It’s…. It’s okay. Well, it’s shitty, but that’s because she’s a shitty person. But it’s not on you.” I assured him. 

“Well, aren’t you two adorable?” Hale called out with a chuckle. 

“Maxton, Edith. Good to see you. How about everyone getting inside? I’ve got dinner ready.” Hale gestured for us to come inside. 

“Dinner sounds like a good idea.” Dad nodded, taking mom’s hand. 

I smiled a little as Austin kept one arm around me, escorting me inside. Denise has been taken away, and he made it very clear who he wants to be with. Maybe this dinner can go better now.


*eye roll* Stan, you deserved what you got. And ugh, I spoke too soon about Denise. But maybe now she'll be out of their lives as she's hauled away by the cops.

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Comments (7)
goodnovel comment avatar
Denise, girl, no cock is that good. Stop it
goodnovel comment avatar
Lenea Hopkins
I wish Hale would get a second chance mate. He seems so sweet and that Austin has his mate he seems happier. Let's complete that happiness.
goodnovel comment avatar
Arielle M Jackson
I'm love these side character small stories. it great.

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