
Chapter 20 - Austin

I want to begin by saying that it was not with the direct intention of getting laid when I planned tonight. I also want to say that I am taking Suzie somewhere I have never taken someone before. So no repeats.

Now that I’ve said that, my thoughts have fallen in the gutter seeing her dressed up like this. I’m glad dad convinced me to dress up, pointing out I made the reservation at a nice place.

‘We should skip the meal and just eat her.’ Jax suggested.

‘Tempting, so very tempting. But we’ll see where things go. We’ve waited a week. We can and will wait longer if that’s what Suzie needs.’ I sighed.

‘Fair. We don’t want to be on the receiving end of our mate’s fits. We saw how far she made Dillon fly.’ Jax agreed.

“Everything alright over there?” I arched my eyebrow, noticing the nervous way she held her purse.

“Yeah. I’m fine. Don’t worry.” Suzie nodded, smiling as she tried to reassure me.

I’m not buying it. Suzie still seems a little off, but I won’t push. She’ll tell me what’s wrong in her own time.

“So, where are we going?” She asked, shifting the conversation.

“Got a table at Brooklyn Trattoria over in Portland.” I explained.

“Oh, that place is supposed to be good. Mom and dad have gone there on a few date nights.” She nodded.

“Yeah, I’ve heard a few good things about it. My boss Grant had good things to say about it. His wife loves their chicken parm.” I shrugged.

“So, any word about your ex?” Suzie arched an eyebrow.

“Nope. I have my restraining order, and she seems to be following it as I haven’t caught her scent around.” I shrugged.

“That dumb fuck Stan and his merry band of pack morons still hassling you about us?” I countered.

Oh yes, I knew all about those dumb fuckers. It came up the day after the dinner at my house. I dropped her off at school, and Stan glared at me with a few others. When I asked what his problem was, she told me what had happened.

“None. I think me punching Stan so hard he dented the lockers behind him taught him a lesson. And if that wasn’t enough, I am sure my mom verbally ripping them all a new one for trying to interfere in the will of the Goddess was.” Suzie snickered.

“Good. Fuckers need to learn their place.” I snorted.

“Speaking of learning their place. Any news about your grandparents? I know you said you’d talk to Alpha Logan when his schedule allowed.” Suzie probed.

“We had a meeting earlier today. Last minute opening in Alpha Logan’s schedule.” I sighed.

“Well, how did it go?” She questioned.

I know she’s eager to know if my grandfather will be punished. She does not like that old prick, and I don’t blame her. He’s a bastard.

“Well, sat down with Alpha Logan and Luna Aurelia. I told them every detail of what happened at the dinner. I left nothing out.” I began.

“And well, the best I can say is it’s a good thing their younger kid decided to interrupt the meeting. If the little one wasn’t on Luna Aurelia’s lap, they’d both have broken some furniture.” I sighed.

“They were that pissed?” Suzie’s eyebrows raised in surprise.

“Yeah, the Alpha auras were oppressive. Jax was practically whimpering at the intensity, and I was trying to become part of the chair I was in with my neck bare.” I admitted.

It’s not a weakness to submit to an Alpha’s intense aura, let alone to two. The Bloodmoon Alpha and Luna are an intense couple any given day but pissed off, and they are downright terrifying.

“Oh wow. I’ve never really seen Alpha Logan or Luna Aurelia angry. But I can imagine the amount of power they were putting into the air.” Suzie nodded.

“Yeah. Alpha Logan’s eyes turned red, and Luna Aurelia’s were glowing as their wolves tried to come forward. Again lucky the younger heir was there to keep them in control.” I sighed.

“Well, what did they say? What’s going to happen?” Suzie questioned.

“My grandfather was being hauled into the packhouse as I was leaving. My grandmother was not far behind him, confused and upset. I don’t think I’ve seen David and Mikali take more joy in their duties as they force my grandfather to the Alpha office.” I explained.

“Do you know what happened after that?” Suzie prodded.

“Well, I saw the young heir sent out of the office and heard some crashing and growling. I stayed to know the outcome. Grandma looked so sad as she walked out, leaning on David’s arm for support. Alpha Logan was dragging grandfather out by his scruff in the direction of the dungeons.” I sighed.

“Oh, poor Michele. Did she reject him?” She frowned.

“No, she didn’t. I shook my head.

“She couldn’t bring herself to do it. From what Mikali said when he passed her to me to drive home, he warned she may not survive it after so many years as mates.” I sighed.

Suzie’s frown deepened. She doesn’t know my grandmother, but she still is empathetic to her and worries about her health and safety. I appreciate that.

“My grandfather is to spend two weeks in the dungeons. Grandma didn’t speak the whole drive to her house. Just sniffled. Dad is staying with her while grandfather is serving his punishment for mate abuse.” I explained.

“Well, I’m glad Dillon will be held accountable and punished. I’m also glad Hale will get some time with his mother. They will keep each other company.” Suzie nodded.

“Yeah, I honestly think it’s best for them both. Neither should probably be left alone too long, especially grandma. I don’t want her to do anything crazy while temporarily separated from her mate.” I sighed.

“She’ll be okay. Maybe time away from Dillon will open her eyes and give her and her wolf the strength to stand against him.” Suzie smiled, squeezing my thigh.

“Yeah. I can only hope. Thanks for worrying about my grandma.” I smiled.

“Of course, I would worry about her. She’s your grandmother. That makes her my family too.” Suzie smiled, removing her hand as I found a parking spot.

“Well, I still appreciate it. My family has been on our own a lot since mom died. I mean, I think people were kind, though more out of pity at first because dad lost his mate and wolf in one go.” I frowned.

“Then we just sort of got written off. Dad for being wolfless and me for being a dickhead.” I sighed, moving around the jeep to help her out.

“I’m pretty sure your family was the only one that consistently helped and supported us. Like your dad always making sure to get me to school. Or your mom making lunches for me as she’d make for Stephen.” I frowned.

“That is because they care.” Suzie smiled.

“It’s because they were friends with my parents. I can only imagine how they felt about me in those years before I lost my leg.” I shook my head.

“Maybe, but you aren’t that person anymore. And now you’re family.” Suzie sighed, linking her arm with mine as we entered the restaurant.

It was a nice place with soft lighting and warm tone decor. I can certainly see why Maxton and Grant would bring their wives here for dates. It is hitting the mark for being romantic.

“Welcome to Brooklyn Trattoria. Do you have a reservation? If not, the wait for a table for two will be about thirty minutes.” The hostess greeted us with a smile.

“We have a reservation under the name Austin Shelton.” I answered.

“Ah, here we are. Right, this way.” She nodded, taking out two menus before leading us to a booth near the back.

“Oh…” Suzie blinked as we reached the booth.

I’m guessing that the long stem rose in an empty wine bottle and some rose petals on the table surprised her. I smiled, helping her take her jacket off, hanging it up on the hook next to our booth.

“Enjoy your meal.” The hostess smiled, leaving the menus.

“This is nice. No wonder my mom likes it when dad brings her here.” Suzie whispered as she slid into the black leather booth.

“It is a nice place. The rose and petals are a nice touch, if not a bit over the top.” I shrugged, sliding into the booth across from her.

Our waiter arrived rather quickly to get our drink order while looking over the menu.

“I’ll have a northwest mule and a glass of water.” I nodded, leaning to take my ID out to show proof of age.

“Oh, I’ll take a glass of Stroller Pinot Noir Rosé.” Suzie smiled.

“Please don’t listen to her. She’s not twenty-one yet. She spends too much time in Sicily where they let her have wine.” I quickly spoke up, giving her an ‘are you s hitting me’ look.

I do not want her to show this guy her ID. I would rather not have him and the rest of the staff thinking I’m some criminal going on a date with a sixteen-year-old.

“I was only teasing, babe.” Suzie chuckled.

“I’ll have iced tea, please.” She smiled at the waiter.

“Of course. Would you like to order an appetizer?” He questioned, jotting down her drink order.

“Oh, my mom said the bruschetta is delicious here.” Suzie perked up.

“Alright, we’ll start with the bruschetta.” I nodded.

“Excellent. I’ll get that put in and be right back with your drinks.” The waiter nodded, leaving us.

“Did you seriously try to order wine? Are you trying to get me in trouble? The last thing I want to explain to a restaurant staff of humans is to explain why I’m on a date with someone so much younger than me.” I groaned, running a hand over my face.

“I wanted to see what I could get away with. And your expression and reaction were priceless.” Suzie softly giggled.

“You’re twisted. I love that about you, but still pretty fucked up.” I sighed.

“Oh, and what else do you love about me?” Suzie was fishing for compliments or something.

“You’ll have to find out. Can’t simply give it all away.” I smirked as the waiter arrived with our drinks.

“Your appetizer will be out shortly. Have you decided on an entree?” The waiter asked.

“Hmm. I’ll have the saffron seafood linguine.” Suzie smiled, handing over her menu.

“I’ll go with the lasagna. Thank you.” I nodded, giving him my menu.

Our conversation flowed easily while we ate. Suzie updated me on the status of Stephen and Amelia’s pregnancy and how they were just waiting for the pup to decide to make his appearance.

We discussed her plans and hopes for after school. Like most people her age, hell even some my age, she doesn’t know what she wants to do long term. She was adamant she wanted to go to college and get at least an associate's degree before picking her major to go for a bachelor's.

By the time we were eating our desserts of a chocolate mousse and cannolis, the conversation had turned to what plans for our future would hold.

“So the tentative plan is that we will live with your dad?” Suzie asked before licking the spoon clean of chocolate.

Fucking hell, she needs to stop trying to drive me crazy over here.

“Yeah, at the moment. If things change for grandma, he may go live with her to be there for her. Are you okay with that?” I asked, trying to focus on the conversation and not what I’d like her tongue to be doing.

“I think it will be fine. I wouldn’t want dad to live alone in that house full of memories.” Suzie nodded.

“Glad we’re on the same page.” I nodded.

“Speaking of the same pages and being alone at the house. Didn’t you say you’ve got the house to yourself tonight?” Suzie arched her brow, licking chocolate from the corner of her lips.

Okay, she’s doing that on purpose now.

“Yeah. Dad’s staying with grandma, so I’ve got the house to myself.” I nodded, looking to see where this was going.

“That’s good. So there wouldn’t be a problem with us going back there after dinner to see where things go?” She questioned.

‘Oh shit! Is she saying what I think?’ I questioned.

‘I believe she is. Get the damn check. I would rather be home mating and marking our mate than sitting in this restaurant hiding a hardon.’ Jax encouraged.

“I think that sounds like a damn good plan. Let me just pay the check, and we can get out of here.” I agreed, looking for our waiter.

Old me would have flagged the guy down. But I’m not some rude asshole, so I waited for him to check on us to get the check and pay for our meal.

It took a lot of control not to rush out of the restaurant. I didn’t want to come off as too eager, but I couldn’t wait for what was coming next.


At least we know what happened with his grandfather. And ooo sounds like the next chapter is gonna get rated R, lol.

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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Kim Homer Grimm Krupa
I absolutely love the Icubi/Bloodmoon series you got some serious writing chops my lady cant wait to see the rest soooo excited thanks
goodnovel comment avatar
Nan kcl
Lol..waiting for updates
goodnovel comment avatar
What's next ... hmmm?...‍♀️...

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