
Epilogue - Austin Part 1

Reflecting on my life, it’s crazy to think how much it’s changed. I was an insufferable asshole.

Not saying I’m fully reformed. Ask my mate, and she’ll tell you I’m still an asshole at times. But I guess I’m not an insufferable one makes all the difference. One misstep, one wrong choice in battle, and my whole world changed.

My life goals were gone, just like my left leg below my knee. Wolfsbane laced bite from a magic roided-up werewolf is no fucking joke.

That moment changed everything. My dream of joining the military was gone. And at my lowest moment, as the realization that everything I’d been working towards would never happen, the least likely person gave me advice.

Alpha André visited me in the hospital, a man I’ve insulted more times than I wanted to count. He didn’t have to see me, let alone talk to me. But he left me with the advice that the Goddess guides us on our paths. But we all have to put in the work to find our destinies.

He told me to look within and find who I’m supposed to be, who I want to be. And his words resonated with me. They still do, thirteen years later.

He likes taking credit for my change and all the good things that have happened since the war. I’ve tried to argue that I made these choices on my own and that him giving me that advice doesn’t mean he gets credit for the man I am.

He laughs and pats my head like I’m some child he’s placating. It’s frustrating sometimes. Thankfully I don’t see him often. And I know the truth. I put in the work, and I made my own choices.

And now, I’m a Doctor of Rehabilitation Science and recently opened my physical therapy clinic closer to the pack. I still take human clients, but I also see pack members with various mobility issues.

I may not be a warrior in the pack, but I am still part of the pack. I’m still contributing to the pack in a meaningful way. Honestly, if I want to credit an Alpha with any of the changes in my life, it’ll be Alpha Logan.

Without him, a lot of things wouldn’t have happened. I wouldn’t have found Suzanne was my mate. If he hadn’t assigned me to the training of the newly shifted wolves that December, even living nearby, I’d have not crossed paths with her to have scented her.

I know I’d be more likely to slip into that insufferable asshole mentality without Suzanne. After all, a life without love isn’t one worth living. And I love the fuck out of this woman currently snoring like a chainsaw in bed next to me.

She doesn’t typically snore, but she’s nine months pregnant and started snoring the last three months. Her OB said it happens due to the pregnancy weight gain and the elevated hormones.

I like the idea of breathing and getting to see my little girl be born. If I complained about her snoring, I know she might go pregnancy rage mode and punch me through a wall or door. So I’ve not complained that I’ve had to wear earplugs to bed if I wanted to sleep.

And I’m the only one disturbed by her snoring since we moved out of dad’s house after the wedding five years ago. We’d been saving for a home and finally got a place in Kavanah Glen in Mount Hood proper.

It’s a friendly community, and now that we are expecting our daughter, it will make an excellent place to raise her. There are plenty of other pups around to play with, and there’s a community pool and playground, not to mention the pack’s park within walking distance.

When we looked at the house designs being offered by Fowler Construction, Suzanne fell in love with a craftsman-style house. I liked it because it was one story, so there was less stress on my leg with the stairs. And we both loved the master suite.

We both have our walk-in closets, though mine is smaller, not that I care since I don’t have as many clothes as her. It still surprises people that she’s just as girly as any other woman with her general attitude.

In the bathroom, we have a corner soaking tub that is big enough for two. I think it was in that tub our daughter was conceived. I forgot the condom as we celebrated her graduating college.

We also have a shower big enough for two with a built-in seat. Highly recommend it if you like the idea of shower sex but realize your current shower wouldn’t accommodate that.

Beyond that, I share it with Suzanne. The best part of our bedroom is that we have our own set of french doors that lead out to the back porch and yard. The sun comes in at just the right angle each morning as the back of the house faces east.

The only downside to the layout is that the two other bedrooms are on the other side of the house. But I figure werewolf hearing, so we’ll know when our pup cries.

And the first couple of months, we plan to have her in our room in the bassinet my dad and his wife, yep his dating app girlfriend is my stepmom, gave us.

They’ve been doing well. Dillon doesn’t like it. He threw a fit when dad started dating her and exploded when he found out dad would marry her. None of us cared about his opinion.

I could see the sun starting to crest the fence, so I knew it was time to get out of bed and make some breakfast to appease the women of my life. Placing a light kiss on her temple, I quietly got out of bed, putting on my prosthetic before sneaking out to the kitchen.

We wrote off a long night with mild contracts as they were so far apart. Suzanne said they were like Braxton hicks she’d read about. And so, she didn’t want to bother anyone unless the contracts were much closer together.

So I started making her most consistent pregnancy, craving bananas foster waffles with turkey sausage. I know turkey sausage sounds weird, but the smell of bacon is a sure-fire way to get her not to eat something and throw up instead.

My daughter is weird if she doesn’t like bacon. Bacon is excellent and makes everything taste better. But this has meant I needed to eat bacon when not at home. I do my best not to expose Suzanne to things we know will offend her senses.

I was pouring the batter into the waffle iron when I heard a scream from our bedroom. While I’m all for making Suzanne scream, it’s only in good ways. This sounded like she was in pain.

I quickly unplugged the waffle iron and ran to the bedroom. Suzanne was standing with some pale yellow fluid on her thighs and her side of the bed. Either she pissed the bed, like emptied her entire bladder, or…

“AaaaHhh! Fuck don’t just stand there asSHOLE!” Suzanne alternated between calm and screaming while holding her stomach and doing the Lamaze breathing.

“Oh shit, she’s early. Okay. I’ve got this. Let’s get you in the shower first. I’ll throw the bedding in the washer and grab the hospital bag.” I calmly outlined.

‘Yeah, calm. That’s an excellent front you’ve got going.’ Jax taunted.

‘Shut the hell up, Jax!’ Kayla and Suzanne growled at him in the link.

‘Shutting up now.’ Jax quickly conceded at the ire of our mate.

I helped Suzanne into the bathroom so she could shower. I left a long sleeve maternity dress out for her to change into.

I quickly threw clothes on and stripped the bed, tossing stuff into the washer. By the time I grabbed Suzanne’s hospital bag, she was dressed and ready to go. She was still holding her stomach using the Lamaze breathing.

“How far apart are the contractions?” I questioned, guiding her to the garage.

“About…” Suzanne winced, gripping my arm so hard I swear she would break it.

“Four minutes.” She finally answered as I helped her into the car.

“Okay, I’m linking the hospital and your parents.” I assured her as I backed out of our driveway.

‘Grandparents! This is your notice. We are heading to the hospital. Your granddaughter has decided today is her day.’ I called out in the link to Maxton and Edith.

‘Oh! We’re on our way! We’ll call your father.’ Edith assured me, sounding very excited.

I can’t blame her, I guess. While our daughter won’t be her first grandchild, this will be the first one she will be there the day they are born.

‘Doctor Hamilton, Suzanne is in labor. Her water has broken, and contractions are four minutes apart. We are heading to the hospital.’ I called out to her OB, Mikali.

‘She’s two weeks early. Good thing I’m already here for rounds.’ Mikali was quick to respond.


Their little girl didn't want to wait to join the family!

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