
Chapter 2 - Erin

As fed up with life in Massachusetts and mostly how people treated my kids, I wouldn’t have dared to dream of getting a job that would give me the freedom to move and pay me to do it. Yet here I am on the other side of the country while movers unload the truck. 

I still can’t believe this is all real. I’d had so many phone and zoom meetings recently as I looked for a new job, but nothing seemed to stick. Then I got an interview with Kinsley Industrial for a marketing job. 

I was supposed to have three interviews, but the third interview was canceled as the Marketing Director would be out on leave for two weeks. Since they hired me, Mr. Shelton must trust Mrs. LaRose from HR and Mr. Andrews the marketing manager. 

Kinsley is already the best company I’ve worked for, and I haven’t even been in the office yet. They covered all the moving expenses and set us up in this lovely three-bedroom duplex. 

All I had to do was pack and then deal with surviving a cross-country drive with my kids. And while I love my kids, being stuck in a car with them for the three thousand plus mile trek. 

It gave a new meaning to that old game Oregon Trail. Sure no one died or got sick. Unless you count Sage throwing up their strawberry milkshake, delaying us by a couple of hours as I had to clean the car and get a hotel for Sage to clean up. I think my car still has a lingering smell. I need to get it deep cleaned and use a LOT of air freshener. 

I wanted to keep an eye on the movers, but I also knew I shouldn’t take my eyes off my kids. Hearing a scream from one of them, I realized exactly why I shouldn’t leave them unsupervised. 

I ran around to the back of the house to ensure they hadn’t gotten themselves hurt or in trouble. I sighed in relief as I saw them climbing the giant oak tree. River was already halfway up the tree. Sage was on their ass in the snow at the tree’s base. 

“Give me a heart attack, why don’t you? Why are you screaming?” I held my chest, letting out a breath of relief. 

They have a knack for doing things like this. I can still remember when they were younger when they were playing in the woods with some other kids. Sage came running, crying and screaming that something was after them and had River and the others. 

It had me so worked up I called the cops, only to find out it was a prank from some of the kids. I didn’t find it funny, and neither did the cops or the other parents. 

“Why else? I fell on my ass.” Sage rolled their eyes, standing and wiping snow off their pants. 

“I suppose that does make sense. But can you both save the death-defying antics for after we’ve settled in and I’ve gotten more than four hours of sleep?” I bartered. 

“Maybe!” River shouted from the tree top. 

“River! Get down here, now! I want you both to make sure all your things are in your rooms and start unpacking!” I instructed. 

“Ugh… fine.” They groaned in unison. 

I stood watching River climb down. My heart would stop for a moment each time they slipped even a little on a snowy branch. It felt like I didn’t breathe until they were on solid ground. 

It is a miracle I don’t have a head of all gray hair with how often these two do something dangerous. Climbing a snow-covered tree is subdued for them. I don’t think anything will top when they tried to make some ballistic gel to test the effects of their popsicle shivs. That was fun to explain when the case worker showed up for a surprise visit. 

I followed them through the back door into the house. With what I guess was their warrior cry, they ran to the front of the place where their bedrooms were. The movers raised eyebrows as they got out of their ways. I gave them all apologetic smiles while returning to ensure all the furniture was how I wanted it and boxes were in the correct rooms. 

I was given a week to settle in before I was expected to go into the office. Which sounds like plenty of time, right? But it wasn’t just unpacking I had to do. I needed to make sure my kids were set up with all the necessary assistance and that there would be somewhere for them to go during winter break from school while I went to the office. 

My first day in the office was a whirlwind of introductions and starting my onboarding training to learn their computer system and what would be expected of me. The programs available here were head and shoulders above what we had back home. So while I tried to process everything, I was at least assured my kids were okay. 

A month into working for Kinsley, I still haven’t formally met Mr. Shelton. I’ve only seen him in passing, and as the horrible person I am, I stare any time I see him pass through my department to talk to Mr. Andrews. 

What? He’s a very handsome man. I know if I’m attracted to him, he’s the wrong kind of man. Sure on the outside, he seems to be this put-together nice guy. But I seem to always fall for the wrong type, so something dark must be lurking under that nice guy exterior. Just another reason beyond him being my boss not to consider him. 

While making dinner after a long day at the office, I heard giggling in the living room. My kids’ giggling can be sweet, or it could be something to be terrified about. Turning the stove down to a simmer, I walked around the breakfast bar separating the kitchen from the living room. 

I could see River’s spring green hair, and if Sage weren’t wearing their white werewolf headdress, I’d have seen their amethyst hair. As I crept closer, I could hear them whispering. 

“No, mom doesn’t like that. We should choose this.” River groaned. 

Oh, now I’m curious. What are these two devious children doing, and what does it have to do with me? I moved closer to see what they were doing. My eyes went wide when I saw them holding MY phone and filling out a questionnaire. 

“What are you doing?” I demanded. 

They nearly fell off the sofa, startled by my sudden appearance over their shoulders. They turned to give me the most innocent faces they could muster. I wasn’t buying it. 

“We’re just daddy shopping.” River smirked. 

It took a moment for their words to sink in. But once they had, I didn’t even know how I felt about it. 

“Da…daddy shopping? What is this nonsense? What are you filling out? And why are you suddenly interested in having a dad?” I questioned. 

“It’s a dating app, duh.” River rolled their eyes, still filling out the questionnaire. 

“We thought you might have better luck with men since we are in a new place. So we signed you up for Kindred Spirits. Sounds like the place you’d meet a good match.” Sage smiled. 

“And this is more about you than us. We’re cool without a dad. We have you. But we are growing up, and you need companionship plus, how long has it been since you got laid? Since we were born?” River added. 

I was stunned by this whole situation. I wanted to be angry, but it was so sweet of them. They were thinking of me, and I can’t be mad about that. 

“Fine. Any good-looking ones?” I sighed while taking the phone from River. 

“Don’t know. That’s not how it works. You have to have three days of interaction with a match before you unlock their pic.” Sage explained. 

“Well, that’s nonsense.” I frowned. 

“Not if you think about it. This way, you match on common interests and no physical judgments.” River pointed out. 

“And look, you already have a ton of matches.” They smirked, pointing to the match counter that was going up. 

I blinked as it finally stopped at forty. How the hell do I have forty matches? Now I’m worried about what they put into that questionnaire. 

I wrinkled my nose as the messenger box started blowing up. Hesitantly I opened the first one, wrinkling my nose at the lame greeting that included a proposition of sex. I guess it’s a good thing this app doesn’t let you send pics till three days of interaction, or I bet these guys would be bombarding me dick pics. 

“Oh god, this is just as gross as any other app.” I rolled my eyes, deleting and blocking every gross communication. “The only benefit is they can’t send me dick pics. These messages are lame and looking for a hook up with a MILF.” I frowned. 

“You’ve gotta sort through the dicks to find the right dick.” River shrugged, struggling to keep a straight face while Sage had fallen over with laughter, the wolf headdress falling off their head. 

It was annoying to have it buzzing the whole time. I finally got fed up and turned it off. After dinner, I turned it back on and sorted through the messages again. I knew I’d only find the wrong kind of men, even on an app. But one message wasn’t some cheesy pick-up line looking for a hookup.

MountHD: Hello, EMomma? I have no idea what I’m doing on this app. So pardon the awkward greeting.

MountHD? I guess I can’t judge. My kids made my username EMomma. At least his message came off as endearing. He’s unaccustomed to online dating and using dating apps.

EMomma: Hello, MountHD.

EMomma: It’s okay. I’m not sure why I’m on this either.

EMomma: My kids created the account. They think this is how to go ‘daddy’ shopping. *eye roll emoji*

EMomma: Oh crap, I shouldn’t have said that last part. Please ignore it.

I cringed as I realized the implications of what I had just told him.

EMomma: I am not looking for a father figure for my kids. Nor am I looking for a sugar daddy or something weird like that.

I frowned, hoping maybe I’m not coming off as weird as I know I sound. Because, of course, I managed to come off super cringe to the one guy who didn’t start with a line or proposition. 

I furrowed my brow, watching the three dots on the chat, indicating he was typing. A knot forming in my stomach as I probably just became one of the creepy women he’s had to deal with on this app.

Comments (6)
goodnovel comment avatar
Karina Vazquez
Those twins are funny already, watch out for those two, lol
goodnovel comment avatar
Are they wolves or human?
goodnovel comment avatar
Deborah Savoia-Pearl
I just can't tell if they are Weres or human.

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