
Chapter 10 - Erin

All I wanted when I came home from yet another tense day at the office of failing to not think about Hale was to relax. And I honestly thought that was going to happen. I’d changed into comfy clothes, and because I didn’t feel like cooking, I was going to suggest we order something. Then it all got derailed.

I could have gotten things back on track after the kids started asking me about Hale. They are adorable when they get all protective of me. But I can handle myself just fine. I don’t need them getting me in trouble with Hale. He is still my boss, and I need this job.

What fucked my evening, the something I couldn’t come back from or find a way to salvage the evening, was Dane. How the FUCK did he find me? My social media accounts are private, and I don’t have my face or my kids’ faces on my profile pictures or cover photos. That must have required a LOT of digging.

And what was with that strength and crazy shit? He was an asshole and would get drunk and dabble with drugs. But the hell? This isn’t the Dane I knew. Some serious shit happened to him since we parted ways, and I don’t care what they are. All I care about is that he stays far away from my kids.

He must have been on something substantial. I don’t even know what was going on with his eyes, but I swore they were glowing. And the strength he was showing, Dane was never the muscular type of guy. So, he had to be on something. I’m lucky the three of us could force the door closed. It’s going to be hell to explain to my landlord. I’ll probably have to replace the door out of pocket.

“Who was that!?” River demanded after a few moments, pulling out of the tight hug I was giving them and Sage.

I sighed, looking at my kids frowning. They deserve answers. It’s not like I never told them about Dane. But that’s all he was to them, a story. They knew he was real because they existed, but otherwise, he was as good as imaginary and rarely thought of, let alone talked about.

“That was Dane.” I started. “Do you remember me telling you about him long ago?” I questioned as we all got up and went to the living room, hoping Dane wouldn’t return soon.

“Sperm donor. Yeah, we remember.” Sage nodded.

“Yeah, but I don’t remember the stories saying he was like that? What the fuck is wrong with that guy?” River snorted, flopping onto the sofa, totally chill like we didn’t just have a crazy asshole try to break down the door.

“I’m not sure. That’s not how Dane was when I knew him. I mean, he liked to drink and would get high. I don’t want to guess what drug or drugs he was one to beat on our door like that.” I let out a breath as I sat down.

They cocked their head, looking at me curiously. “Why did he even come?” Sage questioned. “He didn’t give a fuck for fifteen almost sixteen years. Why start now?”

“I don’t know. Dane was trying to claim you.” I frowned because I didn’t fully understand it. Why now? Why care now? He had years to reach out, to try and be involved in their lives. So why show up when they are practically grown and want to claim them? What does he want with or from them?

“Well, he can get fucked!” River shouted. “I don’t want a damn thing to do with his ass. And I doubt Sage does either. You’re the only parent we have and need. He’s fifteen years too late for us to give two shits about him.” They snorted.

“He won’t take us. We would fight him every step. He can’t take us from you. Right?” Sage frowned.

“I would never let anyone take you from me. I will never let anyone split us up. I would fight legally and, if necessary, my fists to ensure you stay with me.” I promised. The only way my kids will be taken from me is over my dead body.

Just as I thought things might have settled down and we could focus on anything that wasn’t Dane, a knock at the door startled us all. It wasn’t a heavy knock, but still, I feared the worst. What if he came back with a new tactic to try and get into the house?

I don’t know how I felt when it was Hale at the door. Sure, I felt relieved it wasn’t Dane. Anything would be better than Dane. But my mind and heart were at war on how to react and feel about Hale being here. Again, I made a mental note to talk to my kids about privacy and not using my phone. But that’s later. Right now, I have to decide what to do about Hale.

I can’t believe he came. He was the one that said we needed to be professional, yet he rushed an hour from home to make sure my kids and I were safe. That is not something a boss would do. So, does that mean he cares about me? I mean more than he let out in the office. Now I’m left with the question: do I let him in or make him go.

“You drove all the way here based on what could easily have been a prank from my kids. I can’t just make you turn back around instantly.” I conceded, stepping aside to let him in.

“Thank you.” Hale nodded as he stepped inside. Shit, I haven’t felt this anxious about having a guy over since high school… maybe. But having Hale in my house is turning my stomach into knots.

“Don’t mind the mess.” I tried to explain the mess. I don’t want him judging me on how my house looks. “We haven’t finished unpacking, and well, I have kids.”

“It’s fine, Erin. My son is in his twenties, and if his fiancée hadn’t moved in, I’m sure his bedroom and our living room would be a toxic jungle.” Hale assured me with a smile.

My heart skipped a beat when he used my name. He called me Erin, not Miss Carlisle. I shouldn’t read too much into this. I won’t get my hopes up just because he used my name or drove an hour to ensure I was okay.

“We’ll be in our rooms!” River smirked. Sage had a matching smirk as they looked between Hale and me. I sighed, rolling my eyes as they disappeared down the hall, bedroom doors firmly closing.

“Um… do you want something to drink? I’d offer food, but I didn’t cook, and the plans for ordering got derailed by….” I gestured to the front door.

“I’m good. Why don’t we sit down, and you can explain what happened if you want to?” Hale suggested to my living room with one hand, his other touching my back.

I sucked in a breath. I could feel the warmth of Hale’s touch even through two layers of clothes. But it was gone quickly as if he realized he’d done it or as if touching me burned him. “Sorry…” Hale mumbled.

I need to remember this is a widower, a man who has only ever been with one woman. I don’t know if he’s sorry because he thinks he crossed a line or if that sorry was even to me. For all I know, in his mind, even that slight touch was like a betrayal to his wife.

“Right… um, not much to say.” I shrugged, deciding to ignore the touch and lead the way to my living room.

“The state of your front door would say otherwise. So, what happened? And why send an SOS to me and not call the police? I told your children to call the police.” Hale had the stern boss look as he sat down, well started to before sitting up to move Sage’s arctic wolf headdress before sitting.

“Talk about irony….” Hale muttered as he carefully put the headdress aside. I’m not sure what that means, but whatever.

“I don’t want the police involved. The person that beat on my door is my ex.” I shook my head. The last thing I want or need is the cops. I don’t want any legal system trying to give Dane access to my kids.

“Ex like the father? The worst of the toxic assholes you’ve dated?” Hale quested, arching a brow. Why does he have to be so good-looking? It would be much easier to have this conversation with someone I’m not attracted to.

“That would be him. I don’t know how or why he chose now to find me. But he was on something because the Dane I knew wasn’t like this.” I shook my head, trying to figure out what could have happened to Dane to make him like this. “He’d get drunk and high, but this was different. His whole demeanor was different, and the strength needed to do that damage… he wasn’t the most muscular man when I knew him.”

“I see. Anything out of the ordinary beyond strength? Why did he say he was here?” Hale questioned, not batting an eyelash at Dane’s behavior. He’s calm about all of this. Which I guess is good because him being calm is keeping me calm.

“Um…no. Well, Dane’s eyes appeared to be glowing, but I’m sure that was just my eyes playing tricks on me or something about whatever he was on. As for why… he wanted my kids. Said he came to claim his ‘sons.’” I rolled my eyes at the misgender.

Hale nodded, though I saw him stiffen slightly when I mentioned Dane’s eyes glowing. I wanted to ask what that reaction was about when my doorbell rang. I stiffened, worried it was Dane again. “I’ll answer it.” Hale offered, getting to his feet.

“I’VE GOT IT!” River shouted. Oh crap. Hale and I quickly headed for the door, worried that it could be Dane again. “Hot damn! MOM!? You ordered a stripper?! A bit inappropriate when your boyfriend is here!” River laughed.

I want the earth to swallow me whole. If it doesn’t, I’m going to die of embarrassment. Hale looks as embarrassed as I do as we reach the door to the sound of a deep rich laugh joining River’s. “Well, sorry to disappoint, kiddo. I only strip for my wife.” A drool-worthy state trooper smirked, ruffling River’s hair.

I feel like a cougar even looking at him. I’m probably old enough to be his mother, but I can’t help it. Even with Hale standing next to me, I’m looking at this Trooper, fully understanding why River thought he was a stripper. Dark black hair, ocean blue eyes, multiple ear piercings, tattoos peeking out the collar and down his muscular arms from the sleeve of his uniform. A uniform that fits him VERY well. Are all men in Oregon this hot?

“Boyfriend? Hale… didn’t realize you finally took my old man’s advice and joined the dating pool for the first time.” The Trooper smirked, obviously very familiar with Hale. “Austin didn’t mention I would find you at your girlfriend’s place. Want to fill me in on why I’m here?”

Hale sighed, rubbing his temples. “I forgot to contact my son. When I left, I told him to call David if I didn’t contact him in an hour. I should have given a longer timeframe to account for the drive here.”

“In fairness, Austin didn’t wait that long to call me. Said you took off, and he was worried. I was wrapping up my shift, so I used the tracker on your phone, and here I am. Now you don’t look hurt. The only thing that looks damaged is the front door.” David cocked his brow, waiting for an answer.

“Whoa. Are all men in Oregon hot? I thought it was just Mount Daddy.” Sage giggled, poking their head out from behind me. These children are going to be the death of me.

“River, Sage, why don’t you look up delivery places. We’ll order something for dinner. Let me and Hale talk to Trooper David.” I suggested. I was hoping that the promise of the food of their choice would be enough to get them to leave.

“But we want to stay.” They smirked in unison. Now is not the time for their cuteness. “Plus, we don’t know any good places to order from.” Sage added.

“Um… here…” Hale dug out his phone, opening some app before offering it to Sage. “My son and I have ordered more than our share of take-out. Look through the favorites and order whatever you want. Just make sure you change the address to here, or my son will eat your dinner.” He offered.

“Within reason!” I shouted as I saw the way their eyes lit up at his offer of ordering whatever they wanted. I know my kids; they are bottomless pits when they want to be. I will not have them charge a ton of food to Hale’s card.

“Don’t worry, Miss. Your kids couldn’t order more food than Austin.” Trooper David snickered. “So, what happened here?”

“It’s nothing that needs to be reported. It’s under control, Trooper.” I assured him. I do not want to have this become a police report. I don’t need any reason for Dane to get a toe in the door regarding getting near my kids.

“Are you sure about that, Miss?” Trooper David arched his pierced brow looking from the busted door back to me.

“Yes, everything is under control.” I repeated.

“It’s fine, David. She has it under control.” Hale assured. “Erin, would you mind making sure they aren’t going too overboard with what you are ordering and maybe make sure they got something you’ll eat? I’m just going to walk David to his cruiser.”

“Yeah… I can do that. Sorry for the trouble, Trooper David.” I apologized to David.

I’m not sure what Hale might want to talk to him about. I hope he doesn’t go behind my back and get the police involved. I’ll handle Dane myself.


Well, things are getting interesting. And, of course, our favorite hot werewolf state trooper makes everything more entertaining.

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Comments (14)
goodnovel comment avatar
Jill Carroll Raber
I think Dane is wa to g his kids now because they are coming to the age to shift for the first time. don't know how he found out about them bit can you image those 2 with wolves lol talk about trouble.
goodnovel comment avatar
Karina Vazquez
A stripper, lol. They are going to have to involve the alpha as well if the kids are hybrids
goodnovel comment avatar
Trooper Davis to the rescue!! I love him, like I love the Delaney boys and Silvercloud *sigh*

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