
Chapter 11 - Hale

My brain is trying to keep up and process everything going on. There is a lot to address, and I’m sure I’ve missed a few points I should have handled. Like River calling me Erin’s boyfriend. David’s arrival had me thrown off.

And now David believes I’m romantically involved with Erin. I’d be less concerned if this were any other person in the pack. But this is David. This kid has had a knack for running his mouth since he could talk. Which would be a pain in general, but he is a Luna guard. I do not need gossip about my life being told to our pack leaders.

Because unless he’s going to tell me something supernatural is going on with Erin’s ex, there is no reason to involve Alpha Logan or Luna Aurelia in my business. There I go again. This is Erin’s business. I don’t have any stake in it. I’m her boss, so I should act accordingly. But I don’t think I can.

I exhaled in relief when Erin agreed to check on her kids so I could talk privately with David. If this is supernatural, I don’t need her finding out in whatever shocking delivery David would use. Subtly is not a Bryant trait. They aren’t bull in a china shop level blunt, but they don’t sugarcoat things either.

As soon as she had left, I stepped out of the house, shutting the damaged door behind me. “So? What in the name of the Goddess is her ex? I’m hoping for just a drugged-out human. But that damage doesn’t look human-made.” I sighed as we started walking to his car.

“Well, I’m glad to see wolf or not; you haven’t lost your touch, Chief.” David smirked, leaning on his cruiser. “Congrats, by the way. It’s good to see you finding someone to care about. Miss Jen was a great lady from what I remember of her. Always smiling and wanting everyone to feel safe, loved, and happy. She’d want you to be happy.”

“Focus, David. And don’t call me Chief. I haven’t been that in eighteen years.” I clenched my jaw. I don’t need him to remind me of what I’ve lost right now. I need him to answer my question about Erin’s ex.

“And despite what her child said, we are not involved. She works in my department at Kinsley.” I sighed. “Now, answer my question regarding her ex. I don’t know how much time we will have to speak privately before Erin or one of her children interrupts.”

“So touchy. And sure, whatever you say, you drove all the way here for an employee. What did she text you that her ex was trying to knock down her door? Odd thing for an employee to do. But you live in your land of delusions.” David smirked, patting my shoulder.

I glowered at him. If I still had Jason, I’d be growling. David just laughed. Of course, the little shit laughed.

“Easy, Chief. If looks could kill. Gonna count myself lucky that you don’t have Jason. He’d be looking to snap my neck.” David chuckled. “Now for the ex. Your instinct is right. He isn’t human. So, I get your girlfriend doesn’t want the police involved, and I’m on board with that, but she’s going to have to deal with Alpha getting involved.”

I felt my heart sink. I was hoping it was just a matter of a human high on some strong drug. Knowing Erin’s ex is supernatural means her kids are hybrids of something, which means I have to break the news that the supernatural is real. This is going to go well.

“What is he then? Do you know if Alpha was expecting or approved for anyone to enter the territory? Or maybe Ductus Caleb was expecting someone?” I questioned, folding my arms. Whatever this guy is, he’s a moron if he didn’t get approval to enter the territory from Alpha or, at the least, Ductus Caleb.

“No visitors have been approved to cross into our territory. A werewolf crossing our borders and fucking with a human, especially one that works for Kinsley. Her ex is in for a world of hurt. Alpha won’t care if the guy is trying to claim his hybrid children. Hell, that’s an even better reason for Alpha to kill him.” David scoffed.

Fuck. That’s not what I wanted to hear. “Rogue?” I questioned, trying to assess how dangerous this guy would be. If he’s a rogue, it’ll be easier to handle. It won’t involve another pack and dealing with the red tape and legal shit that comes with killing another pack’s member.

“I wish. It would make this a lot easier. Could track his scent and kill him, and no one bats an eyelash. I bet you were thinking the same thing.” David sighed. “He’s part of a pack that I don’t recognize the scent, so I can only assume he’s not from a pack near us. Where’s your girl from?”

Well, that certainly complicates things. Now we not only have to find the asshole but find his pack to tell his Alpha to come to get him before he gets himself executed. “That does complicate things. Erin’s from Massachusetts, and will you stop calling her that. We are not dating.” I grumbled.

“You want to be, but whatever you say, Chief.” David winked. “You got a name for this ex? I’ll get the Deltas to track his ass down.”

I rolled my eyes and tried to remember if she’d said his name. I can’t check my phone, her kids have it, but I don’t think she said his name in our chats. But then I recalled she mentioned his first name when we were talking inside. “All I have is a first name, Dane.” I wrinkled my nose as I said his name.

“Not a lot to go, one.” David sighed. “Wait, you said your woman… I mean Erin….” He smirked, correcting himself. “Works for Kinsley. The company didn’t happen to set her up with this house?”

“Hm… I think the company did. Is this one of the properties Alpha owns?” I questioned. Following his thinking, I turned and started to look more closely at the property, looking for signs that it was connected to Kinsley. And there it was, a small, almost missable flashing red light above her front door on a camera.

“My eyes aren’t what they used to be. Tell me that the security camera has the Bloodmoon or Silvercloud logo.” I nodded to the front door. A smile spread across David’s lips as he looked at the camera.

“Jackpot. Silvercloud security. That will make it even easier for Silvercloud to track this guy down. I’ll handle finding him. You get the fun part of telling her that her ex is a werewolf and her kids are hybrids. Good luck.” David winked, climbing into his car before I could get a word in.

I had to move away quickly so I didn’t run over as he pulled away. I was mentally cursing him as I made my way back to her house. I paused at the door, looking at the camera. I have faith in our Delta couple. There isn’t a place on the planet someone can hide from them. Dane’s time is running out.

I pushed the door open, furrowing my brow as I heard slightly raised voices. “What did you two do!? He offered to let you order food, not have free range on his phone.” Erin scolded her children as I entered the room.

The troublemakers were laughing on the sofa, devious grins on their lips as their amber eyes lit up, seeing me walking up behind their mother. “Honestly, Mount Hale Daddy should thank us. We just told some skanks he’s already getting his dick wet.” River cackled.

“You two are in so much trouble. When Hale leaves, we will have a long conversation about personal space and privacy. And maybe we should also have a chat about what is appropriate for you to say.” Erin sighed, running a frustrated hand over her face.

“I’ll take my phone back, Erin. I’m sure the damage they did can’t be that bad.” I said, startling her as I took my phone back. “While I’m certain whatever they may have said to matches on the app was highly inappropriate and inaccurate, there are more pressing matters than the invasion of my privacy.”

“Oh… I am sorry about my kids. They don’t always think before they do things. Or rather, they don’t think of the consequences.” Erin apologized, turning to look at me. Her brow furrowed as she probably noticed the solemn look on my face. “What’s going on? You have a somber look. What did your cop friend say?”

I suggested gesturing for her to take a seat. “David is not my friend. His father is, but that’s beside the point. I think it’s best if you sit down. What I’m going to say is shocking and hard to accept.”

“That sounds ominous.” Sage frowned, sitting up as they and River stopped laughing. At least they can sense how serious a matter this is.

I don’t even know how to go about telling them. It’s not like I can prove it either. I don’t have my wolf, so I can’t just shift to prove the existence of werewolves. David left, so I can’t have him do it. That leaves me with one option for confirming that I’m on the level.

I swiped away the angry notifications from the app. I can deal with mad women later; they are far from a priority right now. Instead, I pulled up my texts and opened my chat with Austin.

Hale: Austin, I need you to come to 4031 SE 73rd St Southeast Portland.

Austin: Are you okay? Did David find you?

Hale: I’m fine. Yes, he arrived and just left. I need you to get to the address I gave you quickly. I will explain everything when you arrive. Just know I need you.

Austin: Okay… I’m on my way.

I sighed, pocketing my phone, realizing I had three sets of eyes focused on me. “Right, so I just asked my son to come by. What I’m about to say will require his assistance. But in the meantime, I’ll explain the best I can and answer what I can.”

“Hale? What’s going on? What would you need to explain that requires your son?” Erin questioned, looking even more worried. Great, I didn’t want to cause her more worry, but it seemed unavoidable.

“I’m going to start with a simple question. Do you believe in the supernatural?” I questioned, sitting in one of the chairs so I could face all of them comfortably.

“Like magic?” Erin arched an eyebrow. I’m not sure if she’s skeptical or onboard with the possibilities.

“Vampires? Werewolves? Demons? Witches? Gods? Goddesses?” Sage and River rapid-fired alternated, listing off supernatural beings leaning forward and getting excited. Sage put on the arctic wolf headdress when the mention of werewolves.

“Yes, all of it. Do you believe they exist, or are they simply fiction? I get the feeling the kids are believers or wishful thinkers.” I sighed, focusing on Erin. She seemed to be the one more on the fence about all this.

“I believe all things are possible. But what does that have to do with anything? You’re worrying and confusing me. What’s going on?” Erin questioned.

“Okay, well, that’s a start. Because it’s all real. You’re living in werewolf territory, Bloodmoon to be exact.” I began.

“Is this a joke? I don’t know why you would be joking right now. Because none of this is making any sense.” Erin shook her head.

“Seriously? We’re in werewolf territory?” River questioned, grinning.

“That’s so cool!” Sage exclaimed, bouncing on the sofa and holding the headdress on tighter. “Oh shit, is something like this offensive?” They questioned, holding the hat to their head, frowning.

“Um, no, Sage. I don’t find it offensive.” I assured them. “And I’m not joking, Erin. I wouldn’t joke about my pack. I’m a werewolf, or I was. It’s complicated.” I sighed.

“What does that even mean? You're a werewolf? How can you be a werewolf? How can someone stop being a werewolf?” Erin questioned.

“Um… well, a werewolf is born with a wolf spirit. That wolf spirit awakens when we turn sixteen, and we shift to our wolf form on our first full moon. My wolf, Jason, was white like Sage’s headdress. But when my mate, soulmate, wife, whatever you wish to call her. When she died, Jason died too. Jason died taking all the pain to ensure I would live to raise Austin.” I explained. “As I said, complicated.”

The looks on their faces were so varied. The twins looked like they wanted to hug me but weren’t sure if they should. While Erin, I don’t know what her expression means. But I can guess one feeling, confusion.


And there, it's out there. The twins are hybrid werewolves! Now Hale has to prove this to Erin.

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Comments (12)
goodnovel comment avatar
Shona Jones
Loving how you don’t give too much away about the Delta couple, can’t wait for that story to be released ...
goodnovel comment avatar
This is a lot of crazy information to have to give Erin and the kids, he’s doing pretty good. Especially after all the stress of that asshole showing up
goodnovel comment avatar
Simone Carlisle
I agree! I believe that the goddess works in mysterious ways.

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