
Chapter 19 - Hale

I took my time going room by room to ensure all windows and doors were locked. I saved checking the windows in River and Sage’s rooms for last. Something told me going into either of their rooms wasn’t going to be an easy in-and-out experience. And since I’m dealing with teenagers, I didn’t just walk in. I knocked. Goddess knows how many times after he turned ten, I got screamed at for not knocking by Austin.

“Come in, Daddy Hale.” River taunted me when I knocked at their door.

Her kids will give me a migraine. I can feel it. If anything more serious develops between Erin and me, I fear for our sanities putting her twins with my son and his mate in the same space. It was scary enough to have them and Austin in the same room earlier. Then add Suzie, who is closer to River and Sage’s age, and it’s a new level of headache.

“Just ensuring your windows are locked before I set the alarm.” I explained as I made my way over to their windows. Thankfully they were both already firmly locked. “Make sure you keep the curtains and blinds closed. We don’t want him to be able to figure out what rooms you are in easily.” I added.

“Do you think he’d come through the window for us?” River questioned, brow furrowed. I sighed because I was not looking to cause unnecessary duress.

“I can’t be sure. Dane’s mental state is uncertain, so I want to be prepared for any possibilities.” I explained. “Do you have candles or incense, perhaps?” I asked as an idea started to form.

“Why are you looking for mood lighting in mom’s room? She has plenty of candles in her room.” River taunted. Of course, that is where their mind went. Mine, however, didn’t have romantic inclinations. I wanted to try and ensure their protection the best I could.

“River, I am being serious. Werewolves have heightened senses of smell. And every species and then each person has distinct scents. But you can mask that and sometimes even overwhelm the senses with powerful odors. So I want to light scented candles or incense. Incense would be preferable as it tends to be stronger and have a lingering scent. This will cover yours and Sage’s scents and confuse him.” I explained.

“Oh… that makes a lot of sense. Okay, sure, let me get mine out. Sage has some too, but they don’t have a lighter. Mom doesn’t trust them with fire.” River explained, putting their tablet down to get their incense out of the desk, handing it and a lighter to me.

“Thank you, River. I’ll keep the lighter then.” I nodded, picking the most pungent incense stick. I set it up near the windows to ensure the smell would cover River’s scent if Dane came lurking around the windows.

“Alright, you’re all set. I’ll check on Sage, then set the alarm. With luck, my pack will have captured Dane before morning.” I assured them. “Goodnight, River.”

“Guess we’ll see. Thanks, Hale, and night. Don’t get too rowdy with mom.” River couldn’t let me leave without throwing one more inappropriate comment.

Entering Sage’s room was less of an ordeal. I explained that I would be lighting incense to throw Dane off their scent, So there wasn’t as much back and forth on it as with River. As I was about to leave, I paused, looking back at Sage on their bed. Unlike their twin, Sage doesn’t as easily hide their emotions.

“Everything is going to be okay, Sage. My pack will find and stop him.” I assured them.

“And if they don’t stop him before he comes for us again? No offense, but he’s an unhinged Alpha werewolf, and you’re well a wolfless pencil pusher.” Sage frowned.

“None taken.” I sighed. I mean, it’s hard not to take offense, but I understand they aren’t saying it to be cruel. Their safety and the safety of their family depend on me. And I’m sure a cursory glance at me, I don’t look like much. “However, I am, as you put it, more than a pencil pusher.”

“I may not have my wolf, but as a pack member, I am still expected to attend training. I don’t look it, but I can still fight, even against a werewolf. After all, I have to spar against my packmates. So if he returns, I will fight to protect you, River, and your mother.” I promised. “So trust my pack and me. Goodnight, Sage.”

“I’ll try. Thanks, Hale. For you know, coming here so fast and staying. Night.” Sage nodded as I shut their bedroom door.

That only leaves the windows in Erin’s bedroom. I’ll set the alarm before I go into her room. Yes, I’m delaying going into her room. I agreed to sleep in there with her, but I’m still hesitant about it. I haven’t shared a bed in eighteen years. I sighed, punching in the code to arm the security system, and tried to think of what Jason would say if he were with me.

‘Suck it up, dumbass. You gave your word, and you won’t break that. This isn’t about you. This is about Erin. She’s been given a lot of new and scary information. If your presence can help calm her even a little, you will do it. So push back your hangs and be there for the woman.’

Yeah, that’s what Jason would be telling me. He was also the one that would push me to do things that I was too timid to do myself. He was my courage. When I had Jason, I was bolder in my words and actions.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked at her door, ignoring the giggles of her kids as I went inside. My breath seized in my lungs as I looked at her. Is this what she always wears to bed? Sure it’s not lingerie, but the shorts sat high on her thighs, and the lace detail at the neck of the camisole did nothing to hide her cleavage.

I felt better knowing we are both nervous about this situation. But remembering my internal pep talk and I feigned Jason’s opinion, I pushed down my fears and removed my sweater. I’m still a werewolf, so I’m accustomed to nudity. I’ve been naked many times in front of hundreds in my pack.

Yet standing here without a shirt in sweatpants that feel more like leggings in front of Erin suddenly throws me back to the first night Jen and I were together and saw each other naked without shifting.

I’m not sure what that says or means. I’m as nervous now with Erin staring at me with hunger in her eyes as I did my first night with my mate, and that Shelton or flight moment was back.

“So shall we go to bed, or should I stand here longer while you gawk?” I questioned the Shelton gene kicking in and controlling my words.

Her cheeks turned a bright red, and now I’m worried my Shelton mouth just got me in trouble. Her gaze quickly looked away from me and to the bed. “Um.. sorry. I didn’t mean… we should go to bed. You know, before I say or do something else embarrassing.” Erin suggested gulping as she made her way to the left side of the bed.

“Sounds like a good plan.” I agreed, eager to no longer be in the embarrassing situation. Especially as certain parts of my body, my dick, were reacting noticeably to seeing her in her pajamas. So the sooner I can be covered where she won’t notice, the better. I turned the light off and climbed into the bed with her.

“I left incense burning in Sage and River’s rooms. I’m hoping it will help cover their scents. So that if he comes back, Dane won’t be able to pinpoint where they are in the house.” I said after settling in under the covers. It was random but better than lying in silence and embarrassment.

“Oh, that’s a good idea. Thank you for making sure they are safe. I doubt this was what you signed up for when you first started talking to me on the app.” Erin sighed, rolling to her side to face me.

“I don’t know what I thought I was getting signed up for when it came to that app.” I shrugged, rolling to my side, so we faced each other in her bedroom’s dimness. Even though I’m without a werewolf, I still adjust to the dark better than most humans.

“Hale, if I wasn’t an employee, would you have wanted to date me? Sorry if that’s forward. Well, I can’t help but wonder if things were different. Like if I worked at a different company and there was no crazy werewolf ex-boyfriend.” Erin sighed.

“I’m not one to think of what ifs. I did too much of that in my past.” I sighed, reaching out to brush her hair back behind her ear. “The fact is you have a crazy werewolf ex-boyfriend, and you are my employee.” I started to answer.

“Oh…” Erin nodded, interrupting me as she was getting the wrong idea.

“And I still want to date you. We can figure things out with HR Monday morning. And when we have the issue of your ex resolved, I would like to take you on a real date.” I explained before giving her a soft kiss.

“Oh…” Erin’s tone changed as she realized I hadn’t meant it in a bad way. “I would like that.” She smiled, licking her lips. I have the feeling if we start kissing, it may not stop there. And while that sounds like a good time to the brain in my pants, my heart and actual brain point out I need more time and to be alert if Dane shows up.

“We’ll figure it out. Now, we should sleep.” I smiled, stroking her cheek absently, wanting to touch her even if it’s only a little.

“Right. I hope you don’t mind, but I am a cuddler. If you weren’t here, I’d be cuddling the pillows you use.” Erin sheepishly admitted.

“I think I can handle you cuddling me.” I softly laughed, moving to my back, where I’m more comfortable. Erin quickly took my permission to cuddle, wrapping an arm and a leg over me, yet timidly placed her head on my chest.

I waited till she had settled in and was comfortable before letting my arm wrapped around her. Jen and I would cuddle in our sleep, not exactly like this, which is probably good because I don’t want to have my mind get confused or make comparisons. Erin is entirely different from Jen and should never be compared.

I don’t know how long I laid there absently rubbing her back before I fell asleep. It was a light sleep as I wanted to be ready if Dane did show up. Despite that, I felt like falling asleep with Erin cuddled up to me was easier than falling asleep any night these past eighteen years alone.


Awe cuddles!

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Comments (14)
goodnovel comment avatar
Angie Harris Baumgardner
I was thinking the exact same thing
goodnovel comment avatar
Tina Staab
I ment if it dont work out
goodnovel comment avatar
Tina Staab
I love cuddles send him my way if it work out for them lol

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