
Chapter 20 - Erin

Okay, I’m going to wake up any minute now. There is no way any of this is real. Men like Hale are not real. They are more fairy tales than werewolves. He’s kind and patient with my kids and treats them like anyone else. He doesn’t talk down to them and has never once misgendered them. I don’t think anyone outside of me has ever treated them that way, and even I might baby them a little because they are my babies.

And if his way with my kids isn’t enough to make me believe I’m in a dream, he finds me attractive. I saw how he looked at me when he entered my room. I also saw the subtle movement in his pants. Have I mentioned I like Hale in those sweatpants?

This is another reason this has to be a dream. I’m having some weird fantasy dream about my boss; he’s too hot to be into me. That’s the only explanation. For him being into me, kissing me, and saying he wants to date me. But also for this whole craziness about werewolves. Only my imagination would put me in a fantasy world where werewolves are real.

But if this is a dream, I will make the most of it. I was hesitant about cuddling Hale, but damn, it felt good. He’s so warm. How is it possible for someone to be that warm? He’s like a personal heater, and I can’t get enough. I fit perfectly here, and as much as I wanted to stay awake, to lay here and enjoy Hale rubbing my back was calming, and my eyes wouldn’t stay open. I hope this isn’t a dream.

I’m not sure how long I was asleep, but I woke up to what sounded like elephants stampeding in my bedroom. “MOM!” “HALE!” The overlapping shouts of my kids had me jolting out of Hale’s arms. Shit, I didn’t even get to enjoy waking up in his arms.

Hale quickly sat up, turning on the small lamp on the bedside table. “Slow down. Panic is the worst thing to do. Now tell me, what got you in such a state?” Hale calmly addressed my kids, standing wide-eyed at the end of my bed clutching pillows.

“We heard something outside. It sounded like a large animal.” Sage explained.

“I looked out my window but couldn’t determine what it was but saw fur. It was big.” River nodded. “We think sperm donor came back.”

That answers if everything was a dream before I fell asleep in Hale’s arms. This is my reality. It would be a damn good reality if it weren’t for Dane. I am in bed with a hot guy who listens and genuinely cares about my kids. I’m accustomed to looking for the monsters under the bed and the boogeyman in the closet. “I’ll go look.” I sighed and started to get out of bed.

“Erin, I can handle this. Please stay here with your kids.” Hale suggested as he climbed out of bed. “River, remember what I said. If I confirm it is Dane, you are to call the contact of L Kinsley and tell my Alpha what’s happening. Can you do that?” Hale questioned, offering his phone to River.

“I.. yeah, I can do that.” River nodded, taking the phone.

“Good. Be clear and confident in your words if you make the call.” Hale smiled, patting River’s shoulder. “So stay here with your mother.” He instructed, pulling his sweater back on as he left my room.

Oh, like hell, I’m staying put. I am not a damsel. As much as I love Hale being the white knight, I’ve been saving myself my whole life. I can’t and won’t just let him sideline me. Plus, how will we know if it’s Dane if we don’t see for ourselves? And what if something happens to Hale? I wouldn’t forgive myself.

I quickly got out of bed and threw on a robe as I headed for the door. “Mom? Didn’t Hale say to stay in here?” Sage frowned.

“I know what he said, but protecting you is still my job. Besides, how will we know it’s Dane if we wait here? Wait for Hale to be hurt and shout? I think not.” I snorted, hurrying to follow after Hale.

“Mom makes a good point.” River shrugged, and soon I heard their footfalls behind me.

This could go wrong in so many ways. But I need to know if it is Dane lurking outside and if it is, I need to make sure nothing terrible happens to Hale. I slipped my boots on before heading out the front door. My steps slowed as I heard growling and grunts. Oh no, is it Dane? Is Hale okay?

“Should I call Hale’s Alpha?” River questioned as we started to round the corner of the house.

“You…” My words trailed off as a motion light went on, and I couldn’t believe what I saw.

I had seen Austin shift to his wolf, and I know Dane is a werewolf. So why am I still scared and shocked to see a shabby gray wolf snarling and lunging at Hale? Well, I know why I’m afraid. I’m scared Dane will hurt Hale. He will turn his attention to my kids and me if he hurts Hale.

Dane isn’t taking my kids. I’d die before I let anyone take them from me. Instinctively I took a couple of side steps, stretching my arms out to ensure River and Sage were behind me. “Call Mr. Kinsley.” I whispered, hoping Dane wouldn’t notice us.

But of course, his crazed eyes locked in on me or behind me to the twins. The air in my lungs and blood in my veins froze in fear as Dane snarled and moved to rush at us. Oh, fuck, this is how I’m going to die. My crazy werewolf ex-boyfriend will kill me to get to my kids.

My life flashed before my eyes, and the biggest regret I have is that the only thing Hale and I did in my bed was kiss and cuddle. If I’m going to die, I’d like to have known if we were compatible sexually.

I braced for impact, ready and willing to shield my children, but nothing happened. “I told you to leave them alone!” Hale shouted.

I didn’t think Hale could be sexier. I was wrong because, holy hell, that was hot! I blinked and saw him grabbing Dane’s wolf by the scruff, yanking him back with all his might. Dane’s claws dug into the snow, pulling up the grass underneath as he tried to fight Hale’s hold.

Dane snarled, turning, trying to bite Hale. I wanted to scream, but before Dane’s jaw could connect, Hale slammed his mouth shut, holding Dane’s muzzle in something like a headlock. “I don’t think so. You’re in Bloodmoon territory, Dane. Even those of us without wolves know how to fight a wolf.” Hale grunted as he tried to pull Dane further away from us.

“Erin, get the kids back inside! River, call my Alpha!” Hale instructed, struggling with keeping Dane back. I could be annoyed that he was barking orders at us, but I won’t. He is occupied trying to hold my ex back.

“Um, Hi, Mr. Kinsley, Alpha, sir. This is River. Hale said to call you. Dane is at our house. He’s trying to hold him back, but I don’t know how long.” River nervously spoke to whoever answered his phone call.

“Okay. We can do that.” River nodded, hanging up. “The Alpha said to get inside, preferably the basement, and use security code 1902.” River shrugged, obviously confused by the instruction.

“Shouldn’t we help Hale?” Sage questioned, frowning, eyes locked on Hale fighting Dane’s wolf.

“Do what my Alpha instructed!” Hale shouted. “I’ll be fine! It’s you he wants, so go!” Hale grunted as Dane forced him to the ground, trying to break free of his hold.

I was torn. I want to protect my kids. But I also don’t want anything terrible to happen to Hale. “Get inside and use the code.” I instructed. Before I could think twice about it, I tried to help Hale, pulling at Dane. “Leave him alone, asshole!” I shouted, still trying to get him off Hale only to be sent stumbling back.

“MOM!” Sage shouted as they and River managed to stop me from falling to the ground.

“I told you to get inside.” I frowned. I don’t want them any closer to Dane. It’s not safe for them as he’s deranged.

“We wouldn’t leave you, mom. And we aren’t going to let him hurt Hale Daddy either.” River snorted, letting me go to storm to where Hale and Dane were now rolling in the snow, Hale doing his best to keep Dane from biting him.

“GET OFF HIM FUCK NUGGET!” River shouted, kicking Dane in the side with my hand-me-down teal doc martin boots forcing Dane off Hale.

Dane lumbered to his paws and snarled at River. Based on his posture, he looked ready to attack. The crazed look in his eyes had me second-guessing. Would he do it? Would he attack one of the children he came here for? He wants River and Sage as heirs to secure his hold on his pack. I started to rush forward. Everything felt like it was in slow motion as Dane’s wolf charged my baby.

“RIVER!!!!” I screamed in pure panic, hoping I could get to them in time. I grunted as River suddenly fell back into my arms. I don’t even care that I just landed on my ass. I’m checking to be sure my baby is okay. I can’t begin to describe the relief I felt when I found they were perfectly safe.

“Um… mom…” River pointed in front of us. I blinked, looking where they were pointing, and saw a white wolf snarling, biting Dane. Where did the second wolf come from? Did someone from Hale’s back arrive that fast?


Well shit! Who's the white wolf!?

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Comments (42)
goodnovel comment avatar
Jessica K
IS JASON BACK???!!!!!!!!???!!!!!
goodnovel comment avatar
Tina Staab
please let that be Jason
goodnovel comment avatar
Karina Vazquez
Wait, was his wolf silent like Stephen wolf was for over a year after loosing his fated mate. Ooh that is so this author. I love it.

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