
Chapter 22 - Erin

When I moved to Portland, I thought it couldn’t be worse than home. We’ve been here around a month, and my neighbors are all nice. None of them have misgendered my kids. None of them have gone off the deep end and tried to attack my kids. Everything has been chill. I was so happy living in a chill neighborhood with no drama.

Little did I know I would be the one that brought drama to the neighborhood. Honestly, I may be more shocked that none of my neighbors, especially the one living in the other half of my duplex, have rushed outside. I know I’d want to investigate the sounds of snarls, growls, yelling, and the EARTH shaking.

Yet not a peep. Not even a light flicked on for someone to peer through their blinds. Does Portland not have nosey people? That seems impossible. It is statistically impossible that I moved to the one place in the world where people don’t give into natural curiosity.

Why am I thinking about all this when I have multiple naked people in my yard? Including the CEO and COO of the company that I work for. My crazy ex was hypnotized by a teenager and led away, naked, to I don’t want to know where after trying to kill or kidnap maybe a bit of both my kids. And let’s not forget that my boss and perhaps boyfriend, who told me he didn’t have a wolf, transformed into the most beautiful white wolf I’ve ever seen and saved my baby.

My brain is on overload. I didn’t know what to focus on at first. So I focused on why none of my neighbors had tried to see what was happening. This is why I suggested people get dressed cause I’m just waiting for my neighbors to notice and ask questions I don’t know how to answer.

Of course, my kids take the suggestion as an opportunity to embarrass Hale and me. And okay, I admit it, I looked. You can’t blame me! Who wouldn’t look? He’s NAKED! And wow, I wish the first time I got to see him naked wasn’t both outside and with a bunch of people, including our kids. Not at all how I pictured getting to see Hale in the buff.

Thankfully Austin went to get them all clothes. It didn’t take him long to return dressed in fitness clothes, his prosthetic leg on as he approached with a bag. “Here you go, Alpha, Beta.” Austin nodded, handing clothes to the Kinsley brothers.

“While I prefer you naked, you probably should get dressed. Don’t need the kiddos ogling you.” Austin teased as he handed the girl a set of clothes.

“You’re such a dumbass.” The girl rolled her eyes, intentionally elbowing Austin as she started getting dressed.

“What about me?” Hale questioned, raising an eyebrow at his son, hands still covering the goods.

“What about you? We didn’t bring you clothes, since you know you didn’t have Jason last eighteen years. How the fuck does that work?” Austin questioned, dismissing his father’s concerns about clothes.

“Clement, give your father clothes.” Mister Kinsley, the shorter one that everyone called Alpha, growled.

I saw a flash of anger in Austin’s eyes, but it quickly fizzled into a gulp as he reached into the bag and held out a set of clothes to Hale. “Yes, Alpha. No need to use that name. I was just messing with my dad.”

Hale sighed, taking the clothes quickly and getting dressed. “Can we maybe take the discussion inside? As Erin pointed out, this isn’t a scene she wants to explain to her neighbors.”

“You have Jason back. Take a sniff of the air, and you’ll understand why we aren’t worried about the neighbors.” Mister Kinsley, the taller brother, suggested as he fixed his shirt. I get the feeling athletic wear is not his go-to style. His brother looks far more comfortable in laid-back apparel.

“What does that mean? Hale, what does that mean?” I furrowed my brow, trying to understand.

Hale took a deep breath, closing his eyes. I raised an eyebrow as he clenched his jaw and his fist. I’m not sure what that is about, did something he smelled upset him? There is a lot I don’t understand. I’m not sure I’ll ever understand, but I want to.

“Hale?” I questioned, cautiously reaching out to touch his hand. I jumped, pulling my hand back as it felt like I’d just been electrocuted. It wasn’t static. This was something a lot more intense.

“Interesting.” The taller Kinsley commented.

“You’re fucking with me.” Austin exclaimed.

“Hush, dumbass.” The girl scolded.

“Everyone not named Hale or Erin inside, now.” The shorter Kinsley commanded.

“Wait, does that mean us? But we want to stay here?” Sage questioned, their voice raising to a squeak in concern.

“What’s going on? Why do we have to go inside but mom and Daddy Hale don’t?” River demanded.

“Come on, kids. I’ll explain inside.” Austin encouraged starting to guide my kids away. I frowned, looking for my hand, still tingling, and over my shoulder to where everyone was taking my kids.

“Hale? What’s going on? Why did everyone go inside? Why did touching you shock me? Why shouldn’t I be worried about my neighbors? How did…” I started rambling, the many questions I’ve had just spilling out until his lips cut my words off.

Whoa! Okay, I can work with this. But it seems weird, off. This is very forward for Hale. Sure, he’s kissed me to shut me up, but this feels different. Like I’m not kissing Hale. That electric shock I got from touching his hand was amplified and everywhere as we kissed. I blinked, hearing a growl just before my back hit the side of the house.

“Mine.” Hale growled, pulling back from our kiss. No, not Hale. I mean, yes, it’s Hale, but it wasn’t his blue eyes locked on mine. His eyes were silver and didn’t hold the warm softness of Hale’s eyes but a dangerous edge.

“J..Jason?” I eeped, remembering the majestic ivory wolf and his silver eyes. Is this normal behavior? I don’t know much about werewolves. I thought I did; well, I knew lore which is not entirely accurate.

Hale’s lips spread into a smirk. “That would be my name, mate.”

“Mate?” I squeaked. “Do you mean that in the British way? Like calling me your friend?” I asked because the other option sounded impossible. Hale had a mate, a soulmate, and she died.

Hale… I mean, Jason chuckled. It was deep and probably more manly than any guy’s laugh. And I may need a new pair of panties cause I seem to have soaked mine cause that laughter was hot.

“You know exactly which one. Let’s not play coy. Especially not when I can smell your arousal.” Jason said, proving to be far more blunt than Hale. Jason was like Hale when he was embarrassed and wanted to throw me off guard.

I was going to say something, but Hale’s blue eyes returned with a heavy sigh before I could speak. “You may feel free to ignore Jason. He has always been more forward than me. I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable or confused. A lot has happened, and it’s left us all reeling.” Hale sighed, stepping back just a fraction to give me breathing room.

Well, that was a rollercoaster. I went from a hot make-out session against the side of the house to a calm check-in conversation. Hale and Jason were total opposites living in one body. I don’t know how to wrap my head around it. And while it was hot and I’d happily go back to kissing Hale, he is right. A lot has happened.

“Right. Um… so can you maybe start with why and how Jason is back? You said he died eighteen years ago when your mate died.” I went for the first question. The question that dominoes into all the others.

Hale sighed, rubbing his hand over his face. “That… well, I guess the best way to phrase it is complicated.”

“I’ll explain.” Hale’s voice changed ever so slightly as his eyes went silver.

“Jason. Do you two do that a lot? Switch who speaks and eye colors?” I asked.

“Not often, just when necessary. And as the one that died, I’m the best one to explain how and why I’m back. As people say, it is always better to gear it straight from the horse or, in this case, wolf’s mouth.” Jason smirked.

“Okay. So what happened? Even you admitted you were dead. Is this normal? Do wolves often come back from the dead?” I cocked my head, wanting, needing answers.

“I did die. My spirit moved on to the afterlife, welcomed home by the Goddess to have eternity with Jennifer and her wolf Cheri. While I missed Hale, and we all regretted not being there for Austin and later his wolf Jax, I was happy to be there with my mate.” He sighed.

“But then Hale met you. You walked into his office, and he didn’t understand it. He couldn’t fathom the pull he felt to you on sight. But I felt that pull of my heart and soul that only comes from a mate.” He explained.

Oh wow. Jason felt a pull to me while in werewolf heaven? That’s… I can see why Hale said it was complicated.

“Wolves don’t come back like this. Well, some do, but those are very special wolves. Alpha Logan’s wolf is a reincarnation of the original Bloodmoon Alpha wolf. There is a mated pair in Italy who are reborn every few generations. So it’s possible, but those three are very special. I may be a white wolf, but I never consider myself something special.” He shrugged.

“Okay, but you’re here. Because Hale is attracted to me?” I raised my brow, still trying to understand all of this.

“I’m back because you are something special, something rare, Erin. Humans are rarely mated to our kind. Beta John’s mate Sarael is also one of those rare mates. But just as rare as human mates are second chance mates. Just like it sounds, it is a second chance at having a mate, having someone you are fated to be with. So you are doubly rare….” Jason smiled, cupping my face with both hands.

“I was called before the Goddess and told I would be returning to Hale. You are not only our second chance at love but a human. That his second chance has come, and while under other circumstances she’d have let him love you as the man he is, your children need guidance as they come of age. And Goddess love him, there would be only so much Hale could do, and Austin would be a poor substitute.” He smiled.

“I’m… I’m Hale’s second chance mate? We were fated for each other? And you’re back to help River and Sage through being werewolves? Did I... did I get all that?” I questioned.

“Precisely. The Goddess works in mysterious ways. And one of her favorite ways, it seems, is through our Alpha. It was not a coincidence that you got the job at Kinsley or were not only offered moving expenses but a rental in a neighborhood not only owned by Kinsley but that houses pack members.” Jason smiled.

I blinked, back straightening as he just told me my neighbors are all werewolves. “That’s why no one came outside. They’re part of the pack and were told to stand down? Or just knew their Alpha was here?”

“A bit of both, I assume. There’s a reason everyone has been so kind to you and your children. They must know the twins are hybrids. Alpha Logan probably knew it too when you moved in. Maybe not about your ex, who, by the way, is very lucky Hale took some control back. I’d have killed him rather than caged him.” Jason snorted when he spoke of Dane.

“So… okay. Well, I’m glad Hale stepped in. I don’t want my kids to see anyone die.” I shook my head. “So where does that leave Hale and me? And what was that static when I touched him, and why did he clench his jaw when he took that deep breath?”

“Well, it means the HR issues are moot. There are hidden clauses regarding mates in a company owned by werewolves with many werewolf employees. It means we must keep our hands to ourselves while at the office.” He shrugged. “As for the static and Hale’s reaction. The static is the mate bond, and well, he was able to smell you and recognize what I’d been saying. You’re our mate.”

“Oh… um okay. But wait, Hale smelled me? I’m not sure I’m okay with that part. I can’t smell good. I mean, yes, I took a shower when I got home from the office, but….” I shook my head, my words trailing off as Jason laughed.

“One, you’ll never smell bad to us. Two, you smell like orange blossoms and jasmine.” He said, stepping closer, leaning to smell my neck, sending my heart into overdrive. “It’s nice. We like it. Fuck… we need to get you alone.” He growled against my neck.

“We are alone.” I reminded him. I sucked in a breath because, damn, I am on board with that. I shouldn’t tempt fate like this as I wrap my arms around Hale’s neck.

“Not enough.” Hale sighed. I knew it was Hale because his voice was different as he pulled away enough to look at me. “And while I have nothing against sex outside, January is not a month for outdoor sex. And against your house with our kids and my Alpha and Beta inside probably wouldn’t be best either.”

Shit. Hale made a good point. While the part of me pressed to him was warm, my cold, wet ass reminded me it was cold outside, and I got a soggy butt from landing in the snow.

“You make valid points. So we should go inside then. I kind of need to change for… a couple of reasons. And I’m sure your Alpha and Beta want to talk to you and Jason.” I conceded.

“Yes. We will have time to talk more about being mates and find time to have the alone time we both want.” Hale assured, taking my hand to lead me back inside.


Second chance mate! Glad Jason cleared that all up.

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Comments (25)
goodnovel comment avatar
Kimberley Wooley Clark
I'm so happy with this!!!!
goodnovel comment avatar
Tipa 2.0
No , Logan sent himself to that camp
goodnovel comment avatar
Tina Staab
I am over joyed that Jason is back and that he recognized Erin as his mate will she be a wolf when he marks her

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