
Chapter 21 - Hale

I had hoped that maybe Dane wouldn’t come back. I know it was a foolish hope and not at all logical. I don’t know his personality, but that doesn’t matter; whoever he was when Erin knew him isn’t who he is now. Hell, it might not have been who he was then, either. He would have hidden a lot from Erin. His genuine personality could’ve been one of those things. 

If I use Siegfried as a base of what happens to a wolf’s mind after losing its mate, not only is Dane dangerous, but he’s going to strike the first chance he finds. He went through all this effort to find Erin. To find River and Sage, then there is no way he will walk away because she says so. 

He won’t know I’m here or Erin has any connection to the pack. So coming back at night when everyone would be in bed makes the most sense. He would believe this would make Erin and the twins vulnerable. And he would be right if I wasn’t here. I can only hope I can hold him off if/when he shows up until others from my pack can get here.

I wasn’t there to protect Jen, and it cost me everything. Wolf or not, I am here and will do everything I can to protect Erin and her kids. I will not let the past repeat itself. This is why when the twins came into Erin’s bedroom to say they thought Dane was outside, I quickly went out and told them to stay inside where it was safe.

I could see the paw prints of a werewolf in the snow. How can I tell it’s not some large breed dog? Because a werewolf is much larger than a regular wolf, our pawprints are bigger and leave a deeper impression as our wolf has more muscle mass. Based on the side of his prints, his wolf isn’t of a ranked bloodline. If I had to guess, his parents were mid-rank at best, but most likely, at least one was Omega. 

Based on how he had paced near the windows of the twins’ bedrooms, the incense confused him and overpowered his wolf’s sense of smell. If his sense of smell is still off-kilter from the fragrance, I stand a good chance that he won’t scent me coming as I follow his tracks around the side of the house. 

Rounding the corner cautiously, I spotted him. His wolf is in rough shape. Is this the fate Jason was saved from by letting go to be with Jen? The madness within is certainly reflected as I can see patches where his gray fur started falling out. He may not have smelled me, but as I took a step closer and the snow made that annoying crunch it does sometimes, he certainly heard me.

His ears perked, and he quickly rounded on me with a snarl. There was madness in his amber eyes. It was strange to look into eyes similar to River and Sage. The color may be the same, but nothing else matches. Dane’s eyes didn’t have the light in them like the twins’. Their eyes are bright, full of life and mischief. Dane’s eyes are dull, the life drained from them, and the only spark in them was from this made quest to maintain power. 

“Dane Blackburn, Alpha of the Steelcrest Pack, you are trespassing in Bloodmoon territory. Alpha Logan Kinsley has been notified and is not happy. You will stand down and come quietly to be detained and then sent back to your pack.” I called out calmly, using the same tone of authority I once wielded as Chief of Bloodmoon Patrol. 

For a second, it worked or at least threw him off guard. He shook his head, taking a deep breath. Great, his sense of smell has recovered. And now he has my scent and probably realizes he’s dealing with a wolfless werewolf. Yes, I can even pinpoint when he makes the connection. His posture changed. His eyes regarded me with less concern as he snorted. If he was human, I could easily guess what he’d say—about how a wolfless man like me couldn’t stop him. 

But Dane chose to stay in his wolf form, probably feeling it gives him the best advantage against me. In some ways, it does. But I train just as hard as the rest of my pack. I spar against my packmates in their wolf form, so I’m prepared for this. I can handle this. This should go fine if Erin and the twins stay inside.

As Dane and I fought, he aimed to kill me while I tried to keep him from biting me as I only attempted to subdue him. It is not my place to take his life. He is still an Alpha of another pack. If I were to kill him, it would be trouble for Bloodmoon. Only Alpha Logan can take his life in battle and not cause a problem.

Things were going smoothly until Erin, and the twins came around the corner. The sight of her and what he feels are his rightful heirs sent Dane over the edge, giving his wolf a power boost. Why can’t anyone follow a simple instruction? Oh well, at least now I can have River call for backup. 

If only they’d listened to my Alpha. As they actively ignored his command to go to the basement, I knew I would be the one getting an earful about it later. I’ll deal with it later. Right now, I need to focus on Dane. I can’t let him get to them. I am not losing anyone again. I don’t think I could survive losing someone again, 

I don’t even know where the strength came from as I grabbed Dane and started to drag him away from Erin and her kids. Guess what they say is true; in times of great danger, people can pull forth strength they didn’t think they had. It’s the only rational reason I could find for where this reserve of strength was coming from as Dane and I continued to fight.

I wasn’t going to let myself think or hope on the feeling that maybe, just maybe, Jason was with me. I knew that was impossible. Jason was dead. He was with our mate in the afterlife, having returned to the Goddess. Wolf spirits don’t come back from that. People mistook Stephen’s wolf Conway coming back as a sign a wolf can be resurrected. Conway never died. He was just too weak to come forward. Jason died. He hasn’t been sleeping for eighteen years.

Rolling in the snow, trying to keep Dane from killing me, a whisper of a voice kept saying, ‘Offense, not defense. End it.’ I was more occupied with keeping Dane from killing me and away from Erin’s family to listen to that whisper. I was holding Dane’s muzzle to keep him from biting me. As he managed to get me to my back, I heard someone shout, “GET OFF HIM FUCK NUGGET!” before Dane was kicked off me.

Huffing, catching my breath, I turned my head to see it was River that stepped in. As much as I appreciate it, I wish they hadn’t. Especially as Dane got to his feet and looked ready to attack. My heart stopped, the air in my lungs froze, and time stood still. Erin was screaming River’s name, rushing forward to protect her child. River was bracing for the attack as Dane charged forward.

‘NO! NOT AGAIN!’ That whisper from before shouted. I know that voice. It’s impossible. He can’t be back. But I would never mistake his voice even if I haven’t heard it in all these years. Even if I have spent longer without him than I did with him, I will always know his voice. 

‘JASON!!!!’ My heart leaped at the very idea I was hearing him. That any of this could be real, it must be my imagination. It was wishful thinking that Jason could ever return to me.

But I felt it, I saw it. I saw Jason’s white wolf push past me in my mind. I felt my bones crack and my body reform as I went from human on my back to leaping forward, landing in front of River in Jason’s ivory wolf form. The shockwave of his paws touching the ground sent a ripple through the earth, forcing River back and out of danger. 

‘How…how is this… Jason. You’re back!? How? Why?’ I had so many questions and emotions. I was overloaded with them.

‘Later.’ Jason dismissed me, and his silver eyes focused on Dane’s wolf. 

The shock in his amber eyes was almost comical. It’s about the only emotion that I probably share with Dane. Because no one is more shocked than me to have shifted. Jason snarled, adjusting his posture, ready to attack. As the shock that stopped Dane wore off, he snapped back and rushed straight for us.

Not the most brilliant move. Jason was known for his three hundred-sixty-degree defense. There was no sneaking up on him, and a frontal attack was often the most foolish thing you could do. Dane was going to learn that the hard way. Jason’s fur stood on end, and with a menacing growl, the earth shook, and a barrage of stones launched at Dane. 

In the wind, I could smell reinforcements. Holy shit, I can smell again! Dane whimpered as he crumbled to the ground bleeding from multiple wounds. Jason wasn’t taking any chances. Digging his claws into the ground with a low growl, the earth shook again, this time rising around Dane, creating a stone cage. 

‘D…dad!?’ Austin’s voice in the link drew Jason’s attention from Dane. Turning his head, his silver eyes focused on the man my son has grown into. Or most looking at Jax, the wolf our son awakened who was a blending of him and Jen’s wolf Cheri. Jax looked baffled at the sight of Jason.

Jax wasn’t the only one who came to a sudden stop and was looking with wide eyes. Some of those that arrived are young, too young to have known Jason. But two wolves that would know Jason pushed past the others. Jason quickly bowed his head, presenting his neck in submission when faced with Irving and Jericho. 

‘Alpha. Beta.’ Jason greeted them in the link.

‘Jason… we will discuss this later.’ Alpha Jericho’s deep, gritty voice nodded before looking to Dane’s cage. Without probably a first thought to the mixed company Jericho Shifted, giving control back to Alpha Logan.

“Whoa…” Someone gasped. I’m not sure who it was as it was so quiet that it could have been Erin or her kids. We'll be good if no one comments on Logan’s height. I know most wouldn’t expect Logan to be our Alpha. They are constantly thrown off by his height but quickly learn it is a mistake to underestimate him.

“SHIFT! NOW!” Logan commanded as he gripped one of the stone bars to Dane’s cage. Logan’s blue eyes turned red as the oppressive aura of the Bloodmoon Alpha came out. It wasn’t seeping out. No, Logan was wielding his power like a weapon. 

His command may have been meant for Dane, but his aura's strength affected the rest of us. John, Austin, Suzanne, Iver Kearney, Evan Kearney, and Scott Fowler all shifted to human forms. I was no exception. Jason recognized the command of his Alpha and stepped back, leaving me standing in the cold snow as naked as the rest of them.

In his cage, even as an Alpha, Dane was forced into obeying. Shifting to his human form, on his hands and knees, the pen didn’t allow him to stand. I squinted at him, and only then could I see it. Maybe it was difficult to see River and Sage in him because my vision was clouded by rage. But it was there, leaving no doubt who their father was.

“Dane Blackburn, you have trespassed in my territory. You have harassed a civilian employed by my company. You have attacked one of my pack. And you will suffer the consequences.” Alpha Logan commanded.

“Hale, take the cage down.” He commanded.

I wanted to question if that was a good idea. But I kept silent and nodded. It’s been a long time since I used Jason’s power. I was out of practice, so the pen crumbled instead of lowering as I intended. A chunk hit Dane on the head. I heard five distinct snickers. 

Glancing to the left, I saw my son and his mate trying to hide that they were snickering. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Erin with her children. She held them close to her, and her eyes had mixed emotions. Despite her mixed feelings, she wasn’t weren’t trying to hide as she laughed with her children.

“He did that on purpose!” Dane snarled.

“SILENCE, SCUM!” Logan snarled, eyes flashing red as he glared up at Dane, finally able to stand up. Dane growled, but his slips pressed closed at Alpha Logan’s command. 

“Kearney boys!” Logan commanded. 

“Yes, Alpha.”  Evan and Iver quickly jumped to attention.

“Bind him and get him out of my sight. I’ll deal with him in the morning.” Alpha instructed. “Scott, go with them.” He added.

Iver stepped around Dane, not fazed as he snarled. “Hands behind your back, and don’t move them.” Iver instructed in a calm, hypnotic tone. The Kearney bloodline always had unique telepathic abilities. It appears the boys are no different.

Dane obeyed, his hands moving behind him on automation. “Walk forward behind my brother. Keep your stride short as your feet are shackled.” Iver instructed, his tone unchanging. 

We watched as Evan led the way and Dane followed, shuffling along as if he was truly shackled, his arms behind his back as if he was cuffed. Scott nodded to Alpha Logan as he went to follow them. I assume they parked nearby as running here in wolf would have taken longer. 

“Um… so do you all have clothes? Cause I’m not sure how I will explain a mini nudist party happening in my yard at three in the morning to my neighbors.” Erin spoke up.

“They don’t need to get dressed, mom.” Sage boldly commented while taking shy glances at the Kinsley brothers. 

“Yeah, mom. Stop complaining. Daddy Hale is naked.” River hissed, nudging Erin with a smirk, making her look my way. 

She quickly looked away, turning red. That’s one way of ensuring we were both embarrassed as I quickly covered myself to the laughter of my son and his mate. Suzie at least stopped laughing when I glared at them. My son didn’t care. 

“Austin, knock it off. Go get our clothes.” John commanded. “My brother and I do have a public image to maintain.” 

“Yes, Beta John.” Austin dutifully bowed his head, turning on his heel to head to collect clothes. I hope he brought me some.


In my mind this song is on loop this whole chapter: My boyfriend's back and you're gonna be in trouble (Hey-la-day-la my boyfriend's back) You see him comin' better cut out on the double (Hey-la-day-la my boyfriend's back) You been spreading lies that I was untrue (Hey-la-day-la my boyfriend's back) So look out now 'cause he's comin' after you He's been gone for such a long time (Hey-la-day-la my boyfriend's back) Now he's back and things'll be fine (Hey-la-day-la my boyfriend's back) You're gonna be sorry you were ever born (Hey-la-day-la my boyfriend's back) 'Cause he's kinda big and he's awful strong (Hey-la-day-la my boyfriend's back)

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Comments (37)
goodnovel comment avatar
Queen Harley
Omg see now u got the song stuck in my head really
goodnovel comment avatar
Maybe Jason was in a coma like state after losing his mate and needed time or a reason to live.
goodnovel comment avatar
Samantha White Riley
I'm so excited! As soon as I read White Wolf, my smile lit up my room! I'm so happy for Hale!!!!

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