
Chapter 14 - Erin

When I took this job, I thought moving to Oregon would be a great new start for us. I researched the fuck out of Portland and was so happy to see it was a quirky and accepting place. It looked like a place that accepted what most would call weird or abnormal.

I didn’t think it was to this extent! Werewolves! My children are werewolves! My boss is a werewolf! My coworkers are werewolves! The owners of my company are… you guessed it, WEREWOLVES! But it’s not just that. They are the Alpha and Beta! Whatever the fuck that means in the werewolf community.

Alpha would be the leader, and Beta would be second in the group based on the old standard of how wolf packs were previously defined. Of course, those terms have gone the way of the dodo as scientists have studied further and felt the previously described hierarchy isn’t accurate.

This is just a lot to take in, and while it may seem minor in the grand scheme of life, the fact that people at work heard Hale telling me we can’t be more than professional irks me. I mean, great, I’m not paranoid. But I would prefer being paranoid than right in this case. Now I know people in our office have been gossiping about us.

Maybe I was focusing on that more than the revelations about supernatural beings exist, my ex being one of them, and my children being hybrids who may or may not end up with wolf spirits. Can you blame me? I think freaking out and letting my mind go down the rabbit hole of possibilities of people at my new office knowing I had even a passing unprofessional relationship with my boss feels easier to handle.

I know I was going into a tangent of what-ifs, focusing on my professional reputation rather than all the what-ifs my life faces. What-ifs like a crazy werewolf ex that wants to claim my children and what all this will mean and change for River and Sage. When I get into a tangent, it either has to run its course, or someone hits me. Usually, one of my kids will shake me.

That didn’t happen this time. No one shook me or tried to smack me back out of my rant. And my rant certainly didn’t run its course. No, my rant got derailed. My train of thought crashed in an explosion as I felt Hale’s warm hands on my face and even warmer lips pressed to mine.


Hale Shelton is kissing me!!?? Is this happening? I thought he said to be professional only. Kissing me is the least professional thing that’s happened tonight. Driving all the way here based on an SOS from my kids wasn’t professional. And neither was having his son strip in my living room to prove werewolves were real.

How am I supposed to react to this? Should I pull back? I don’t want to, but should I? Wait, why am I even questioning this!? He started it. He initiated this kiss so I could kiss back. This might be the only chance I’ll ever have to say I kissed Hale Shelton.

If this was the only chance I’m getting at kissing this handsome, patient, and kind man, I’m going all in. My lips moved against his, snaking my arms around his neck to bring him closer, not wanting this to end. My heart felt like it was beating at the rate of a hummingbird’s wing.

I moaned, the panic of him pulling away fading as he took it a step further, deepening the kiss with a groan of his own. One of his hands slid from my face, holding the back of my neck, gently angling my head to suit his desires. His tongue caressed my lips, making me gasp at the teasing, giving him what he wanted… entrance. For someone who’s not done this in a long time, he’s good.

I swear I heard him growl, but I’m sure it wasn’t that he doesn’t have a wolf, as my tongue eagerly greeted his. Wow, he is good at this. Everything melted away. My worries about office gossip, the looming fear that my ex is still out there, even that my kids and his son are in the living room and could probably see us if they bothered to look. Hell, even the bitter cold of Oregon in January faded away. All that remained was us and this kiss.

It was amazing. Euphoric even. At least while it lasted, I should have known it wouldn’t last. The sound of howls, applause, and laughter from the house burst our blissful bubble. Startled by the noise of our kids finding us, we quickly pull apart. Perhaps too fast as we both slip in the snow, falling on our asses.

“SMOOTH, DAD! I didn’t realize you could suddenly be so uncoordinated.” Austin chuckled. “I’m more graceful and have only one leg!”

I tried to hide in Hale’s coat, knowing my face was as bright red as a tomato. Knowing my kids, I am NEVER living this moment down. Cause it wasn’t bad enough, they caught us, but now my ass is wet from landing in the snow. Just what I need, a soggy bottom.

“Thanks, Austin. I greatly appreciate your words of wisdom and impeccable timing.” Hale groaned, getting to his feet first. “I shall remember it the next time you and Suzie leave your bedroom door open or think my living room is a private space.” Hale rolled his eyes before extending a hand to me.

“I would apologize for my son, but that would mean there is an excuse for his behavior.” He sighed.

“I could say the same. My kids were just as involved in startling us.” I sighed, grasping his hand.

Now I know my weight. The scale loves displaying it on that bright blue digital screen whenever I step on it. I can’t blame the scale, but I don’t blame myself. I eat healthily and exercise, but I’ve never been a skinny woman, and I gave birth to twins. A woman’s body after carrying even one child changes, and I carried two.

So with that being said, I was prepared to do most of the work in getting to my feet. I blinked in surprise at how little effort on my part was necessary as Hale pulled me to my feet like I was as light as a feather.

I gasped as the momentum pulled me flush against Hale, looking up at him with wide eyes. I suppose even without a wolf, he is still a werewolf, which means he’s stronger than the average man. I was still blushing as his eyes darted to my lips. For a moment, I once again forgot we weren’t alone.

“If you two are done making googly eyes at each other, bring your wet asses inside. Austin had something he needed to tell his dad!” Sage rolled their eyes.

“Her ass isn’t what you’re supposed to make wet, Daddy Hale.” River snickered as they followed Sage back into the house.

Hale furrowed his brow, stepping away and putting distance between us. “What’s happened, Austin?” He questioned his son.

“Let’s talk about it inside. Not something to discuss outside.” Austin nodded his head to the patio, gesturing us to follow as he went inside.

“That doesn’t sound ominous at all.” I muttered, following Hale inside. I sighed, looking at my breakfast bar covered in food: sushi, buffalo chicken pizza, steak fajitas, and a box of strawberry glazed donuts. I cringed just imagining how much all this cost Hale.

“That’s a very eclectic spread of food.” Hale commented as he took in the sight of the feast he paid for. “Okay, food order aside. Austin, what happened?” His attention turned to his son.

“I got a pack link from Alpha Logan. While Delta Jonathan and his mate track down her ex, he wants her, and the hybrid minors watched.” Austin started to explain.

“Watched? Like they plan to have someone stake out my house?” I questioned. “I do not feel comfortable with that. I don’t want some stranger watching my house or thinking we need a babysitter.” I scoffed as I removed Hale’s jacket.

“We should trust Alpha’s orders. He only wishes to ensure the safety of your family. And it shouldn’t take long for our Delta couple to find Dane. They are geniuses. Delta Jonathan had already graduated from MIT by the time he went through his first shift.” Hale assured.

Okay, so that is fucking impressive. A sixteen-year-old graduating from MIT is nuts. So sure, they might find Dane quickly, but I’m not too fond of the idea of someone watching us. I don’t need strangers chilling outside my house, waiting for Dane to appear again. What happens if he does? I have a werewolf fight on my front lawn?

“No need to jump to conclusions and get all testy, Miss Erin. Alpha wasn’t suggesting a stranger come to watch your house. No one will be sitting in a car outside, and I doubt the selected individual will consider it babysitting. I think he’s going to like his assignment.” Austin smirked.

Hale’s brow furrowed. “Who exactly did Alpha say would be sent to protect them? And if they won’t be outside, he expects her to let this person into her home?”

“What happened to trust your Alpha’s opinion?” I questioned, folding my arms.

“Wow. Dad, were you always this dense, and I just never noticed? Kids, is your mom usually this oblivious?” Austin chuckled as he sat down to tie his boots.

“She has her moments.” Sage shrugged.

“That’s enough. Just get to your point. Who is supposed to be coming here that isn’t supposedly a stranger?” I huffed.

“Dad.” Austin stated as of that would somehow make sense.

Hale furrowed his brow for a moment before his eyes widened, realization hitting him. “Wait, Alpha wants me to stay and watch for her ex? Wouldn’t it make more sense to have someone with a wolf here?” Hale questioned.

“Check your phone if you don’t believe me. But Alpha was specific. You are to remain here until Dane is captured. So enjoy each other’s company. Try not to gross the kids out by getting handsy in common rooms. I’m going to go pick up my mate and enjoy our movie and then fucking her in every common room at the house since you won’t be home.” Austin chuckled, waving as he made a quick exit.

I stood there stunned. By their Alpha’s order, Hale is staying at my place? I’m not sure about this. Especially if Hale would only remain because of the command, I would like him to stay, to have him here to watch for Dane instead of someone else. But I would rather it be his own choice.

“You don’t have to stay, Hale. I wouldn’t want you to feel obligated because your Alpha said so.” I sighed, shaking my head.

“Are you gonna flake on us?” River arched their brow.

“But mom is right. Don’t stay just because someone ordered you to. Not hurting our mom’s feelings.” Sage frowned.

“As long as you are okay with me crashing on your sofa, I will stay not simply because Alpha Logan commands it. I have no wolf, so obedience to an Alpha command doesn’t work on me. Despite not having a wolf if a fight becomes necessary, I would still rather be the one here with you.” Hale answered.

“Do you wish for me to stay, Erin?” He arched a brow at me.

“Oh, she wants you to stay… in her bed.” River snickered.

I rolled my eyes, shooting them a glare before answering. “If someone needs to be here to watch for Dane, to protect us, I feel far more comfortable with it being you.”

“Then I’ll stay.” Hale smiled.

“Not with your wet ass pants. And if we don’t get to hang around in our birthday suits, you gotta wear clothes too.” River proclaimed.

“River, go get a pair of your sweats. They should fit him as a temporary solution while I throw clothes in the dryer.” I instructed.

“He’s way bigger than me. You want to see him in tight sweats. Just admit the truth.” River rolled their eyes but did get up.

“River…” I groaned, running a hand over my face as they laughed, heading for their room.

River isn’t wrong. A part of me is eager to see him in a pair of sweats that may show off more than his jeans do. My first thought, however, was to give Hale dry clothes that weren’t super feminine. The only sweats I have wouldn’t be tall enough for him but also have a glittery red heart on the ass.


Oh, this is gonna be fun.

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Comments (16)
goodnovel comment avatar
Sherry Sookwah
These kids are hilarious ...
goodnovel comment avatar
Benita Giacherio
what about Monday when the kids are at school and Hale is not around? I assume they will be sending someone else to help.
goodnovel comment avatar
Benita Giacherio
i had guessed/hoped his mate would be Persephone... makes sense.

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