
Chapter 17 - Hale

I don’t do well in uncomfortable or embarrassing situations. I usually react in one of two ways in those situations. More often than not, I retreat and avoid the problem letting the embarrassment fade before either acting like it didn’t happen or addressing it. The other, which occurs less often, I show my Shelton genes aren’t as weak as my father believes.

That means I will speak up and speak more bluntly. Sometimes when I do that, it makes things worse because often, my blunt words come off as me being an asshole. The rare times I’ve reacted more like a Shelton, I’ve gotten punched. Thankfully that wasn’t the case with Erin. I think I embarrassed her by catching her off guard. But she handled it with grace moving forward despite her embarrassment.

Talking like this wasn’t easy. It was easier to talk to Erin when it was in the app. It felt less overwhelming, less like I was an exposed nerve. It’s never easy to talk about Jen and how I still feel about her. So add having to speak not only about that but about how I’m starting to feel about Erin directly to Erin. It’s a lot, and more than once, I wanted to bolt or at least shut up, but that wouldn’t get me anywhere good.

If I’d shut down like my anxiety wanted me to, I wouldn’t have Erin in my lap kissing me. And this is far better than the outcomes I would have considered. Of course, the nagging voices in my head reminded me I was kissing someone who isn’t Jen and that we were in a shared room where her kids could easily intrude.

I pushed those worries to the far reaches of my mind. I prefer to focus on what or who is right in front of me. Erin should be the first and only thought in my mind. This kiss was different from the one outside. Not just because she initiated, but there is more contact between us, and I like it. I like holding her in my lap and exploring her curves as we kiss.

It has been a long time since I’ve done this. I may be out of practice, but that means I will take my time to enjoy this and learn as much as I can about what Erin likes. Too bad that wasn’t going to happen. The moment was ruined by my phone. I’m still unsure if having a phone buzzing is a better or worse interruption than when I had the pack link, and someone could intrude into my mind.

Regrettably, the kiss had to end as I took Delta Jonathan’s call. Wolf or not, it’s still ingrained into me that I need to be attentive and serious when speaking to any ranked member of the pack. Even if I wanted to ask why he and his mate couldn’t have waited a bit longer. But from what I understand, mostly about his mate, cock blocking is something of a talent.

“Yes, Delta.” I formally greeted. It doesn’t matter that Delta Jonathan is the same age as my son, he was hand selected by Alpha Logan to be our Delta, and I would never disrespect him just because he’s young.

“Hope I’m not interrupting you and your new girlfriend.” Jonathan snickered. I maintained my composure, making a mental note to send an apology to Phil and Pat when I beat their son for gossiping.

“Now, I’m sure you’re as eager to get back to her as I am to get back to code with my mate. No, that’s not a euphemism… well, maybe a little… or a lot. I digress. Persephone, stop distracting me while I’m on the phone, or I’ll make you talk to him and see how you like it.” Jonathan rambled.

Goddess, help me. Please give me the patience to deal with my Delta couple and not lose composure with them. Especially with Erin still in my lap, looking at me, concerned.

“Fine, I bet I can tell him what he needs to know no matter what you’re doing and not be distracted.” Delta Persephone boasted as I heard the phone changing hands.

“Hale, hey. So …. Fuck… You aren’t going to… win. Now then. We got the name… Silvercloud… on the guy. We dug… of fuck… up everything we could from birth to today.” Persephone’s voice kept changing pitch, and I did not want to know what her mate was doing to her. I suppose she shouldn’t have challenged him.

“Understood. Send me the intel, and I’ll review it. If he reappears, I will report immediately.” I nodded, ready to get off the phone. I don’t want to hear what they are doing. I hope they don’t pull stunts like this when reporting to Alpha Logan or Beta John.

“Sending now. Bye… oh fuck me….” Was the last words I heard as the phone clattered to the ground. After that, I didn’t want to discuss the sounds I heard. “Thank you.” I sighed. I hung up to not listen to more of them fucking, putting it aside just before it started buzzing. At least she sent the data before getting lost in the mate bond.

Pushing the urge to shudder away, I explained to Erin what the call was about and that I would be receiving the information on her ex. The moment we’d shared a moment ago was ruined. Erin silently nodded as she moved off my lap to sit next to me. So kind of my Delta couple to ruin a moment between us while still having a moment of their own.

“So what’s it say? I’m ready. I want to know the things Dane never told me. I want to know why he tracked us down and thinks he can take my kids.” Erin straightened her shoulders as if bracing herself for whatever news was about to hit her.

“Alright. Let’s see what they sent over.” I sighed, picking my phone up and opening the encrypted email attachment. “Do you want to call the kids in? Or wait until you’ve processed everything to discuss it with them?” I offered.

“River! Sage! Come in here!” Erin shouted, calling for her children. “As much as I want to protect them, they have the right to know it all without being filtered through me.” She sighed, leaning her head on my shoulder.

“You two done already? That was speedy.” River taunted as they and Sage entered the living room. I wasn’t going to respond. Better not to encourage the behavior.

“Please take a seat. I received a full background report on Dane from my pack’s Delta couple. Your mother feels you should hear this information first hand rather than filtered through her.” I explained, gesturing for them to sit.

“Okay. So what dirt did you dig up on the sperm donor?” River questioned

“What does he want with us?” Sage questioned, taking a seat with their twin.

I sighed while opening the document. “Let’s see. Dane Jordan Blackburn, age forty-six, was born and raised a rogue. He was in and out of foster homes after his mother was killed. All the human social services documentation indicates aggressive nature and inability to focus, labeled a runaway. Fairy standard background for a rogue.” I shrugged.

“What’s a rogue? And what do you mean by standard?” River questioned.

“I knew he was an orphan and lived in foster care as a kid.” Erin frowned.

“A rogue is a wolf without a pack. Werewolves are pack animals. We weren’t meant to be on our own. Sometimes rogues will come together as a makeshift pack, but it is never the same as a true pack. And living on their own like that puts them at greater risk. Especially if they cross into pack territory. Most packs don’t take kindle to rogues as they become aggressive, attack, and even kill needlessly as their wolf’s mind is warped from being without a pack.” I explained.

As a Chief in the pack’s patrol department, I saw many raped and murdered rogue she-wolves because of Siegfried and his followers. “And tragically, female rogues, especially if living alone or with a pup, often die either because they trespassed or because a male rogue kills them. Please don’t ask me to explain how bad that can be for the female.” I frowned.

“What else does it say about him? You said he was born a rogue, but does that mean his mother and father were born rogues?” Erin questioned.

“There’s no documentation about his father. When her father learned she was pregnant, his mother was kicked out of the Steelcrest Pak, a pack on Prince Edward Island. I’m guessing his father wasn’t her mate.” I explained.

“That’s a reason to kick someone out of a pack?” Sage arched a brow.

“Not in most cases. Some packs are more old school, and it would seem Steelcrest is one of those types. Having children that aren’t born from your mate is frowned upon. Some see it as an insult to the Goddess. Here in Bloodmoon, we believe the Goddess always has a plan. So even a child born outside of a fated mate bond was meant to be.” I explained.

“Like us? People would look down on mom and us like they did sperm donor’s mom?” River questioned.

“Unfortunately, there will always be hateful people in this world, River. So I won’t promise no one ever would or will. But I can promise on the whole my pack wouldn’t. Our Alpha doesn’t take kindly to such mindsets.” I assured them.

“Now, let’s see what else they dug up on Dane. Knowing his past is helpful but let’s see more recent events.” I nodded, moving forward.

“Oh…” I frowned as I read forward in the report.

“What is it? What does it say, Hale?” Erin questioned, trying to peer at my phone.

“Well, I know why he ghosted you before you could tell him you were pregnant. He stumbled across his mate.” I began.

“But if he found his mate, why’s he looking for us now? What happened? Why care about us so suddenly?” Sage questioned.

“His mate was the only child to the Steelcrest Pack Alpha. Which by old school standards made him the new Alpha.” I sighed.

“So we’re what Alpha heirs?” River furrowed their brow trying to understand.

“Well, technically, yes. But you and Sage hold no blood claim to the Steelcrest Pack. Dane, however, doesn’t care about that. He and his mate never had children or at least none that survived more than a year. His mate passed recently in childbirth, and the pup didn’t survive either. Which makes Dane more dangerous than anticipated.” I frowned.

“Oh, that poor woman.” Erin frowned. Of course, she felt empathy for the woman. As a mother, she probably imagines how she’d feel if she lost her kids. I can understand that feeling. I’ve feared I lost Austin twice in my life. And both times, the Goddess spared him tragically. The first time to spare him meant taking Jen.

“What do you mean this makes him more dangerous? Shouldn’t he be without a wolf like you if he lost his mate?” Sage questioned.

“Sage.” Erin scolded them with a stern look.

“It’s okay, Erin. I understand the question, and there is no ill intention.” I assured, placing my hand on her knee. “Sage, losing a mate affects us all differently. Typically we die with our mate. By all accounts, I shouldn’t be here, but my wolf took all the pain from me so I could live for Austin’s sake.” I explained.

“Others, it could take days or weeks for them to die from the loss. And in those cases, they lose their minds, turning almost feral, clinging to something to keep them going. We had a rogue Alpha that gave us trouble for a long time. Eight years ago, my Luna killed his mate in battle. He survived and slipped deeper into madness. Revenge kept him alive until he too fell to my Luna.” I tried to explain.

“So sperm donor is unhinged because he lost his mate and hasn’t died from it because of us?” River’s face squished up in confusion and disbelief.

“From what my Deltas found, he left Steelcrest telling the other ranked wolves he would return with his heirs no matter what. I’m not sure if he clings to life for you or more to the idea of keeping his hold over the pack that had once shunned his pregnant mother. But either way, he is dangerous in this mindset.” I sighed.

“I urge you all not to panic, though. My pack is searching for Dane right now. And when he is found, he will be taken into custody and forced to return to Steelcrest or face the consequences of trespassing into our territory.” I assured, squeezing Erin’s leg as I felt her starting to shake.

“No one is taking you from your mother. No one is going to hurt you or your mother. I promise.” I probably shouldn’t make such promises, but damn it, I’m not letting either of those outcomes happen.


Well, now we know more about Dane. A rogue turned Alpha to the same pack that had shunned his mother. And now he's losing his mind after losing his mate.

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Comments (5)
goodnovel comment avatar
I feel bad for Dane and for his life misfortunes
goodnovel comment avatar
Chelsey Link
Persephone is a, blood moon delta now hell yeah
goodnovel comment avatar
I’m also waiting for the story on how André and Darren get their biological children and Zoe’s mates… Waiting for the rest of the incubi stories. Hoping that André makes (preferably inappropriate) appearances in all

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