
Chapter 15 - Hale

It’s a good thing I’m excellent at compartmentalizing things. I can evaluate and stress over what happened with Erin in the yard later. I don’t have the time to mentally face the fact that I kissed someone who isn’t Jen. Jen was the only woman I ever kissed. She was my first and was supposed to be the last and only. But again, I can overthink and mentally kick myself over that later.

Right now, my focus is the safety of Erin and her children. I can’t begin to fathom why Alpha Logan would appoint me as their guard. Someone with a wolf would be a much better choice. Erin and the kids wouldn’t even have to know they were here, just having them stay in wolf form in the wooded area by the house. At least then, if Dane shows up, they would truly be protected.

I have no idea what Dane’s gift, if any, is. If he shifts, I have no wolf to fight back with. Yes, I still do my training. Losing my wolf wasn’t a good enough reason for Alpha Logan to let me out of pack training. I’ve still had to train to fight against a wolf while having none.

At first, it annoyed me that I was still being forced to go through the training as if nothing about me had changed. It was frustrating to get my ass kicked because my opponent would shift. I learned ways to counter a wolf in a fight, but these were my packmates. I knew them, so I knew how they moved.

And when Luna Aurelia’s human friend Alex joined the training, I stopped even considering my participation as some chore. Even though I’m sure Alex’s involvement in the training is more for Alpha’s amusement as Alex still gets his ass kicked, yet always shows up for training. That is a very determined human. And if he could do that, what right did I, someone born a werewolf, have to complain?

None of that, however, makes me feel that the decision to place me as their guard was founded on logic. Unless there is another packmate lurking outside as a precaution. I’m betting there is. It isn’t like Alpha Logan to leave anything to chance. With that thought in mind, I was a little more comfortable staying.

Until I was reminded my pants were wet from falling in the snow and I had no change of clothes. I’m resigned to borrowing sweats from River. I'm a man in his forties wearing sweats owned by a teenager who’s less than half his size in muscle mass. They are among the scrawniest werewolves I’ve met. Well, that’s if they end up with wolves.

“This way, Daddy Hale.” River snickered, waving a hand for me to follow.

I felt my jaw twitch. Having heard them call that since I arrived is getting on my nerves. I am not their daddy, and the way they say that word is very inappropriate. I should say something, but I have the feeling if I comment, they will double down, and it can and will get worse.

With a sigh, I followed River to their room. It was a typical teen bedroom, meaning a mess. I was hesitant even to follow River past the doorway. Based on what I see in their room, they are into skateboarding, music, and computers. It was like a little window into the type of person River is.

“These are big on me, so they may fit you. I can’t say how snug, but mom will like them if they fit tighter.” River snickered, throwing a pair of gray sweatpants at me.

“Is that your defense mechanism?” I questioned, neatly folding the pants over my arm.

River frowned, looking at me confused. “Is what a defense mechanism?”

“This behavior. The shock value innuendo, double entendres, and just inappropriate comments. I don’t wish to sound offensive, River. I want to understand. My son will bluntly say things, but he does so for that shock value and to deflect from a subject or his true feelings.” I explained my question leaning in the doorway.

For all I know, this is how River is, and there's no deeper meaning. And that’s fine, but I want to know. I want to know more about these kids. Whether anything beyond that kiss happens, these two are hybrids and may one day awaken their wolves.

And if that happens, they could join this pack if that’s what they wanted. So, they would continue to be in my life. So, I want to know River and Sage as individuals and ensure they know I am someone they could speak with.

River looked lost in contemplation for a while as we stood in silence. “I dunno. I like messing with people. But you haven’t reacted. This is the first time you’ve said something, and we’ve been saying shit since you got here.”

“I see. There doesn’t have to be a deeper meaning than that. But it is something to think about. To ask yourself. Because you will be an adult soon, depending on your birthday. As in the werewolf community, we are considered adults when we awaken our wolves.” I nodded.

“Um…right. Sure.” River nodded. I must have caught them off guard with the question and the serious tone of our conversation.

“Either way, I’m sure you and Sage will turn out just fine.” I smiled. “Thank you for the loan of pants. I’m going to go change in the bathroom. Go finish your dinner before the hot items get cold and the cold items get warm.” I suggested as I went to the bathroom across the hall.

I frowned as I slipped on the sweatpants. This was a terrible idea. The best thing I can say is that River is on the taller side, so they aren’t high waters. But they also do not leave much to the imagination, fitting more like leggings than sweatpants. I wish Austin hadn’t rushed off. I know he has spare clothes in his jeep that would fit me. I’m going to blame him for the predicament I find myself in.

“Hale? Um, are you okay in there? If you were hungry, you should probably come out before my kids eat everything they ordered on your card.” Erin called out through the door as she lightly knocked. “Also, I wanted to get your pants in the dryer, so you don’t have to spend too long in River’s sweats.”

“Right. Of course, thank you.” I sighed and opened the door, holding my pants in front of me.

I hadn’t felt this uncomfortable since I was fifteen, and some older boys decided they should haze the upcoming shifters by taking our clothes from the locker room and making us walk naked to collect them from the flagpole. It wasn’t so embarrassing walking through the school naked.

It was Jennifer seeing me with both hands over my crotch. I had to choose what to cover, so my ass was left exposed. She was giggling with a friend, watching me specifically. Not a self-esteem booster until she whistled as I got past her, and she saw my exposed ass.

I felt like that as I had to hand the pants to Erin, taking away my cover. She was trying to maintain eye contact. She succeeded long enough to take my pants and say, “Thanks, I’ll get these into the dry.” But once she had the pants and I was essentially exposed, sure I was wearing clothes, but these sweatpants outlined everything.

There wasn’t any giggling as her eyes went to my crotch. The only way to describe her expression, the way her eyes darkened, and how she briefly licked her lips was desire. There was a distinct flash of desire on Erin’s face when she looked at me. But she quickly recovered, looking back at my face.

“I’ll put these in the dryer….” She was flustered as she quickly turned to head to the basement, where I assume their laundry is.

As she hurried away, I noticed she’d changed as well. My brow furrowed at the sight of a sparkly red heart over her ass on the lounge pants she had changed into. I’m not sure if the clothing choice was intentional, but it drew my attention as I watched her until she was out of sight. I shook my head, reminding myself I was here for a reason. I’m supposed to protect them from Dane, not see if we could pick up where we left off in the yard.

I returned to the main living space to be greeted with snickers and smiles from River and Sage. “Are you hungry? We left some food.” Sage offered, holding up a pizza box with one meager slice.

“I’m okay. I ate at home.” I had eaten before I received their hate texts that ended with an SOS. “So go ahead and eat your fill. If you and your mother have eaten, that’s what matters.” I waved off the offer politely as I sat down on the sofa.

“Suit yourself.” Sage shrugged before stuffing the slice of pizza into their mouth.

“What happens now? Like if the sperm donor comes back, what will happen? What happens to us now that we know we are hybrids?” River questioned, coming to sit next to me as they munched on a donut.

“If Dan makes another attempt, it will be up to me to stop him. I may not have my wolf, but I am still a trained member of the Bloodmoon pack. I would ask that one of you or your mother use my phone to contact Alpha Logan with my phone.” I explained, taking my phone out to bring up the contacts to show them.

“He is listed as LK on my phone.” I outlined. “I didn’t want to use titles as it could confuse a human if they looked at my phone and saw a contact called Alpha. If you cannot reach Alpha Logan, message Beta John who is in my contacts at JK, one of them will respond, and the nearest pack member to us will be sent to help me subdue Dane until they arrive.”

“What happens after they arrive?” Sage questioned, taking up the spot on the other side of me.

“At that point, Dane will be taken to the pack’s dungeon for his indiscretions to be judged. Werewolves take trespassing in pack lands very seriously. We do not tolerate the harassment of civilians in our territory, even more so when minors are involved. The fact you two are hybrids adds another layer to that violation.” I explained.

“What does that mean? Why would my children being hybrids make things worse?” Erin questioned as she entered the room, apparently having heard part of the conversation.

“Given you and Dane aren’t mates, tradition dictates any children born outside of a mated pair will by default reside with their mother and be given the choice of what pack they join upon awakening their wolf.” I outlined.

“So based on werewolf law, Dane has no legal claim to my kids? He can’t take them away without facing the wrath of your Alpha?” Erin arched her brow.

“Wait, so if we have wolves, we can join your pack? How does that work? Is there some initiation? Or do you and mom have to hook up for us to join?” The twins alternated their questions, making me think I was being given a hearing test as they spoke from different sides of me.

River’s voice is much deeper. It almost reminds me of Alpha Logan’s voice, while Sage has a lighter voice more akin to their mother’s in pitch. I at least knew who was talking without looking as they had very different voices.

“Dane has no legal claim by werewolf laws. And if he attempts to take them, he will learn why no one messes with the Bloodmoon Alpha.” I assured Erin before addressing her children.

“Yes, River. If you awaken your wolves, you may choose to become part of Bloodmoon. The process is simple, Sage. You would take a blood oath to Alpha Logan. River, there is no need for your mother to be involved with anyone in the pack, myself included.” I answered them.

“What do you mean by blood oath? Do we have to cut our hands and vow on our blood?” River questioned.

“You would be brought before Alpha Logan and drink from a cup containing some of his blood and pledge loyalty to him and the pack. After you drink, it will connect you to the pack, opening the telepathic link to all members.” I explained.

“That’s so cool. I can’t wait till April.” Sage grinned. Well, that answers how long it will be before we know if they are wolves. I wouldn’t want to trouble Beta Sarael with having her check beforehand.

“I want a wolf so I can shift like Austin did and join Bloodmoon and use telepathy to talk to people.” River grinned. At least they were still excited about being werewolves and expressing interest in joining the pack should they be.

“Okay, I think that’s enough questions for Hale now. Why don’t you two do whatever you do in your rooms? I’ll clean up the mess from your dinner.” Erin suggested.

“Mom just wants alone time with Daddy Hale.” Sage rolled their eyes.

“Probably. Just don’t screw on the sofa. We sit here and don’t need to use a black light to know what cushions, if any, are safe.” River snickered, getting to their feet.

I shook my head as the twins left; it was just Erin and me alone in her living room. All those reasons I had to not think about that kiss were gone and addressed. Leaving just that thought, that memory of her lips on mine and of how eagerly she kissed back. Yeah, not good memories to focus on when wearing sweatpants that are already snug.


There will be no new chapters on Saturday, July 9th, and Tuesday, July 12th. I will be on vacation from Thursday, July 7th thru Monday, July 11th with my family. New chapters will return Thursday, July 14th, and be back on track for the regular posting schedule. As a reminder for Love After 40, my posting schedule for new chapters is Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

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Comments (9)
goodnovel comment avatar
Awe, thank you! The Genius Delta will be released after The Hunted Hunter has been completed.
goodnovel comment avatar
Sean Graves
just to let you know you are one of my favorite authors on here !!!!! please need to know when is the summer book coming out "the genius delta" ?
goodnovel comment avatar
Kim Homer Grimm Krupa
Great read and great nooo phenomenal feedback with info on scheduled updates totally love love love this story thanks

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