
Chapter 13 - Hale

I could tell Erin was unsettled by all this. The question is, why is she unsettled? Is it the whole supernatural being real? It can’t be easy for a human to accept something they thought was a myth to be real. I could understand that.

I suppose there are other reasons to be unsettled, especially with my son standing in her living room in his underwear. Nudity is not something humans are as causal about as werewolves. But if either of her twins has a wolf spirit, she’ll have to get accustomed to it as they will be nude every time they shift back. And given their excitement about all of this, they will often be shifting.

I should feel more concerned with my son standing in her living room in his boxers. But I’m not. Austin is only doing what I asked, proving that werewolves are real. Beyond that, he has a mate.

If I still had my wolf, I’d have done it myself. I probably would have been more embarrassed than Austin. I may have been raised that nudity is normal but getting naked in front of an employee truly crosses HR lines.

“Who knew learning could be this fun.” River snickered as Austin shucked the last of his clothes, leaving him in just a pair of boxers.

“Whoa, you have a fake leg. What happened to the real one? Or were you born that way?” Sage questioned, looking at Austin’s prosthetic in fascination. “How does that affect shifting to your wolf? Is your wolf also missing a leg?”

“I lost it in battle several years ago. And because I’m missing a leg, so is my wolf.” Austin sighed, removing his prosthetic. “Alright, stay back while I shift and do not touch Jax. Only my mate gets to touch him.” Austin held up a finger in warning, mainly pointing at the twins, his eyes flashing the silver of Jax for a moment.

I didn’t watch my son shift. I was watching the Carlisle family and their reactions. The twins were enraptured as my son’s bones cracked and twisted, his human body morphing until he went from standing on one leg to three paws. Unlike the average wolf, a werewolf is naturally more enormous. Jax is intermediate in size for our pack.

As the shift was complete, Jax shook out his fur, silver eyes looking at me. From what I know about Jax’s personality, he’s a rational version of my son but just as blunt. I’m sure he’d have much to say if I could still use the link.

Jax is the perfect blending of Jason and Jen’s wolf Cheri. Jax has Jason’s silver eyes and Cheri’s silver coat. The first time Austin shifted, I saw how much Jax looked like Cheri and Jason. I had to excuse myself from the event. I couldn’t break down in front of everyone. Least of all, in front of my father.

“HOLY SHIT!! THAT WAS SO COOL!” River and Sage overlapped in their excited reactions to seeing Jax. “Does it hurt? Can you run on three legs? How do you communicate like that?” Their questions once again started up.

My attention turned to Erin, whose eyes were wide in disbelief. “It’s…it’s true. Werewolves…are real.” She gasped, staring at Jax.

“Jax won’t be able to answer you. At least not yet. Werewolves can communicate through a telepathic link. When we are as young as eight, we can start to develop a link to our family members. And when we come of age and gain our wolves, we can connect to any member of our pack.” I explained.

“And Jax is as able-bodied as any wolf. As for if the transformation hurts. Yes, immensely at first. But the pain is dulled when you shift if you are with family or your mate. And the more you shift, the less it hurts.” I answered their questions.

“Are you alright, Erin? I know all this is very shocking. Do you have questions? Concerns? I’ll answer any you have.” I offered, turning my attention to the quietest person in the room.

“I… I need some air.” Erin jumped to her feet and hurried out the patio doors, slipping her feet into a pair of boots as she went out into the snow.

I thought of following her but didn’t want to leave her kids here with Jax. Plus, she said she needed air. That’s just another way she needs to be alone. Me intruding would only cause trouble, I’m sure. While I resolved to let her have her space, I felt something nudging my knee.

I blinked, realizing it was Jax nudging me with his snout. “It’s fine, Jax. This is a lot for any person to accept. If she needs space to process, we should let her.” I assured, rubbing between his ears.

“Um, dude, we get you’ve been riding the pine when it comes to the ladies. But you’re being a dumb fuck. Go follow our mom.” River waved their hands at me, shooing me away.

“Yeah, you’ve fucked up enough. Fix it. Mom doesn’t want to be alone.” Sage rolled their eyes. “And we aren’t babies. We will be fine on our own.”

I started to get up as the doorbell chimed. I looked from the front door to the patio where Erin had walked further into the yard, arms wrapped around herself to stay warm. I don’t want one of her kids to answer the door if it’s her ex again, but it should be the food delivery.

“Dad, go follow her. I’ll answer the door. After I put pants on.” Austin offered as he shifted back.

“Whoa! Nice schlong. Is Daddy Hale that big too? And if you get to be naked in the living room, we can too.” River’s focus changed in the bat of an eye.

“No running around the house naked.” I used my dad voice. “Austin, put your clothes on and answer the door. It should be the food delivery. But if it’s her ex again… well, you know what to do about him.” I instructed.

Austin grinned as he put his prosthetic on before shimming into his jeans. “Oh, I know exactly what to do about him. You two stay put just in case it is him.” Austin added, pointing at the twins as he headed for the front door.

Trusting that Austin could handle whatever was at the door, I grabbed my coat and followed Erin into the yard. “Do you make it a habit of going out into the cold, leaving your children with strangers?” I questioned, slipping my fleece-lined winter jacket over her shoulders.

“Hale… you didn’t need to follow me. I just needed to clear my head, and it’s not like you’re a total stranger. I trust you wouldn’t hurt my kids. And if your son is half the man you are, he wouldn’t hurt them either.” Erin sighed.

“Of course, I wouldn’t hurt them. And while Austin doesn’t have my patience, he wouldn’t either. If anything, I should be worried that I left the three of them alone. Goddess, help me what trouble they could cause.” I frowned, glancing at the house.

River and Sage waved through the patio doors before their attention eagerly turned to Austin entering the living room with multiple bags of food. How much did they order? And from how many places? I dread looking at the bill. At least they are fine; it was just the delivery person at the door.

I was concerned about who was at the door, so I turned back to Erin, fiddling with my jacket. I thought she would take the coat off for a moment, but instead, she slid her arms into the sleeves, pulling it tighter to her body. “Thank you. I shouldn’t be so surprised and moved by such a simple gesture.” She frowned.

“You’re welcome. And you’re right; you shouldn’t be surprised by me giving you my jacket. Any man who wouldn’t think to give you their jacket isn’t one you want in your life.” I shrugged, glancing back to the house to see Austin overseeing her kids, dividing out the feast of delivery food.

“I may, as River so eloquently put it, have been riding the pine regarding women, but I haven’t forgotten that sometimes small gestures can count the most.” I sighed.

“Not surprised they would say something like that. But I’m not a woman you are pursuing romantically.” Erin chuckled softly.

“Remember you said it yourself. Things should only be professional between us. I’ll excuse tonight since it was special circumstances. So don’t worry. I’m not foolish enough to think any of this means things have changed. Monday morning, you will still be my boss Mr. Shelton, and I’ll be Miss. Carlisle, just another employee.” She sighed, turning to face me.

Oh, that hurt. Erin’s not wrong, but still, that hurts to hear. It hurt more than it should. Which should be a sign I’m on the wrong path. “I suppose that was deserved. I wanted to apologize for how I behaved that day. Especially that I spoke my peace, making a unilateral decision for both of us without letting you speak before walking away. It was wrong of me. I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, it was a total dick move. I felt like several people there that day knew everything that was said. And I’ve felt like people have been whispering about me the rest of the week. I’m probably paranoid, but I don’t like how that felt.” Erin frowned.

I grimaced as she explained how she felt like our conversation was overheard. “Why are you making that face? Did you get that feeling too? Or just that you realize how big of an ass you’ve been?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Um, the latter, yes. And I’m sorry, I’m not used to being an ass. That sort of behavior is more something my father and sometimes my son utilize. I’m more laid back and passive like my mother.” I sighed. “But I grimaced because you’re not paranoid.”

“What do you mean? Have people been talking about us at the office? Oh god, I don’t need to be labeled as some tramp or pathetic given you so coldly shut down anything happening between us.” Erin groaned, running her hands over her face.

“I didn’t even think we were talking that loud. Crap. I just started this job, and I’m the center of gossip. The stupid new girl who had a crush on her department director.” She groaned.

“We weren’t talking loudly. A human wouldn’t have overheard us.” I started to explain. Her hands lowered as she looked up at me. Her face was pale, yet her cheeks remained red from the cold.

“You mean… we work with a lot of werewolves? How many werewolves work for Kinsley? How many are in our department? Please tell me Mr. Andrews isn’t a werewolf. I would have to resign if my direct supervisor knew I am attracted to you.” Erin started questioning. This answers why her kids go down a rabbit hole of questions.

“Yes, we work with many werewolves. After all, the Kinsley brothers are werewolves. They are our Alpha and Beta, to be exact. So their company employs around a thousand pack members. And no Andrews is as human as you are, though you have the advantage of knowing there are more than just humans in the world.” I answered.

“Wait, so a thousand Kinsley employees are werewolves. And some of them overheard us. Oh fuck. That might be worse. I’m not probably the tramp or the foolish human who got shot down by one of their own.” Erin shook her head.

“I highly doubt….” I tried rationalizing, but she kept rambling like I wasn’t talking.

“How am I going to show my face at work again? I liked it better than I just thought I was paranoid.” Erin started to ramble, her mind going to all sorts of outcomes.

Trying to talk to her and use reason wasn’t going to work. She had gone down a rabbit hole. She needs something to shock her, and I will certainly not smack her back to reality. I don’t think shaking her will go over well. Besides, outside of a fight, I’m not the violent type. That leaves one final option, which may go over as well as the alternatives.

Here goes nothing. Cupping Erin’s face with both hands, I pressed my lips to hers as she paused in her rant.


No hating that you have to wait till Tuesday to get more! You should know by now I'm the Queen of tease and cliffhangers :)

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Comments (18)
goodnovel comment avatar
Time to mount hale daddy
goodnovel comment avatar
Trinity Sanders
What a way to shut her up ROFL!!!
goodnovel comment avatar
Karina Vazquez
Yeah, a kiss will shut her up

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